Anime and Manga/Useful Notes: Difference between revisions

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== [[Manga]] ==
Well, you can't really talk about Anime without talking about Manga first. We won't go into [http://en.[ of manga|all that history]], but suffice to say, that Manga originated in response to the Japanese being introduced to American [[Comics]] and Cartoons (especially Disney) after [[World War II]]. The Japanese applied their stylized artistic influence to the general medium and format and came up with the Manga, essentially a Japanese Graphic Novel. Manga are differentiated from Comics in that:
* They are generally owned by the creator (not the comic book company) and as such are pretty linear and have a clear beginning, middle and end. You don't have random other authors creating their own alternative universes alongside the original.
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== [[Japanese Language]] ==
This isn't the place for a huge lesson on Japanese language, check out [http://en.[ language|The Other Wiki]] for that, but there are some things simple things to mention that will crop up in relation to Japanese language in Anime and Manga. For instance, Japanese has '''three''' writing systems, Kanji, Katakana and Hiragana, which have different purposes. Kanji in particular represent ideas which can be grouped together to form a word or concept. These Kanji don't always have a set pronunciation, or can pronounced pretty much however someone wants to say they are despite established norms, so you can get people in Anime and Manga having to explain to others essentially how to [[Spell My Name With an "S"|spell]] or [[It Is Pronounced Tro PAY|pronounce]] their names a lot. Knowing Japanese is not at all necessary to enjoy anime, but knowing some (even just how to read hiragana and katakana) can be a benefit, since many anime works which are produced in Japan are never translated into English, and those that are often suffer from inferior quality to the original. This is the reason behind the ongoing [[Subbing Versus Dubbing]] flamewar, which never seems to end.
== Japanese Culture ==