Anime and Manga/Useful Notes: Difference between revisions

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* '''Holidays''': Most Japanese celebrate Christmas but as a secular holiday (and they don't get off work or school!). There are also two Valentines Days, Valentines day on February 14th, where girls give boy chocolate, and White Day on March 14th, where boys give girls gifts in return. Additionally there is Golden Week, which kids get off of school for, and is essentially a festival for children.
* '''Schools''': In Japan, many schools hold classes 6 days a week (Monday through Saturday), and [[Cram School]], or extra study sessions after school and weekends, are widespread. (This is why it seems like [[School Uniforms Are the New Black]] in so many works.) The school year also ends and begins in the spring, in April, meaning the one-month summer vacation splits up the school year, and kids usually have summer homework.
* '''More School''': Another big thing is that where in America at least, middle school is two years (or three, counting sixth grade) and high school is four years, in Japan, Middle school and High school are both three years, Middle school including grades 7, 8 and 9, and high school including 10, 11 and 12. Kids also have to take an exam to graduate from Middle School and attend a High School. Better high schools have more difficult entry exams, just like the better universities do.
* '''Festivals''': Japanese hold a lot of local streettemple festivals, where people often dress up in traditiontraditional garb (“kimonos”“kimono” in cooler months or the simpler “yukata” in warmer months). Activities there include trying to catch a goldfish with a paper scoop. While there are a number of nationally respected festival days, many festivals are often based on local customs or history, so you can expect an anime or manga to invent some kind of festival for whenever they want one.
* '''Entertainment''': You can expect to see a lot of people going to [[Karaoke Box|karaoke places]] and singing badly for fun in rooms one can rent with friends. Video games parlors are also popular in shonens where delinquents show up to skip school. If anyone has a day off or wants to go somewhere on a group trip, you can expect a [[Hot Springs Episode]] or a [[Beach Episode]] to pop up.
* '''Folklore''': The Japanese have an extensive folklore tradition and many are what youone might call superstitious. Even in completely mundane works, expect characters to believe in ghosts, kappaskappa (river spirits), shrine gods or spirits, and fortune-telling. In fact, in shojo manga, love horoscopes, charms or potions are pretty much omnipresent.
There's more of course, but these are some common things you'll run into. If you want to better inform yourself you can head on over to the [[Japan]] page, and stuff your brain to your hearts content.