Animorphs/Characters: Difference between revisions

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''My name is...''
=== Jake ===
[[File:anjake_3721anjake 3721.gif|frame]]
{{quote|''Jake is one of those people who are natural leaders. If you were ever trapped in a burning building, you would turn to Jake and ask "What do we do?" And he would have an answer, too.''}}
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* [[Vetinari Job Security]]: In ''The Weakness'' Jake goes out of town for a week and [[Blood Knight|Rachel]] becomes leader in his absence. The consequences aren't pretty.
* [[The Worf Effect]]: {{spoiler|[[Sixth Ranger Traitor|David]]}} subjects him to this in ''The Threat''.
* [[Young and Inin Charge]]
* [[Young Conqueror]]
=== Rachel ===
[[File:anrachel_1627anrachel 1627.gif|frame]]
{{quote|''I should have never suggested to Rachel that she's weak or helpless. Rachel may look like Little Miss Teen Model or whatever, but she thinks she's Storm from the [[X-Men]].''}}
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* [[Attack! Attack! Attack!]]: Unsurprisingly, this is her battle strategy when she temporarily becomes leader of the Animorphs in ''The Weakness''
* [[Bat Out of Hell]]: In ''The Underground'' her cover morph is a brown bat.
* [[Beauty Is Never Tarnished]]: Outside of battle, according to the others. Averted in battle -- shebattle—she is just as likely to get hurt as the guys.
* [[The Berserker]]
* [[Big Badass Bird of Prey]]: Her avian morph is a bald eagle. It's the second-largest bird any of them have.
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* [[Laser-Guided Amnesia]]: She suffers from this in the first Megamorphs book.
* [[Life or Limb Decision]]: Forced to make one in ''The Solution''. {{spoiler|She chews through her own tail to escape being locked in the cage with David.}}
* [[StarfishLiteral CharacterSplit Personality]]: In ''The Separation''.
* [[Lovable Alpha Bitch]]
* [[The Magnificent]]: "[[Xena: Warrior Princess]]."
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* [[Smarter Than You Look]]
* {{spoiler|[[Sociopathic Soldier]]}}
* [[Starfish Character]]: In ''The Separation''.
* [[Stranger in a Familiar Land]]: In her last book, Rachel notes that she feels like a stranger in her own school.
* [[Super-Powered Evil Side]]: It's her cover morph in ''The Return''.
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* [[You Dirty Rat]]: A heroic example. She and Cassie morph rats in ''The Secret'' and it's her cover morph in ''The Solution''.
=== Tobias ===
[[File:antobias_7266antobias 7266.gif|frame]]
{{quote|''He was a sweet, poetic kind of guy. The kind bullies love to pick on. He used to have messy, out-of-control hair and dreamy eyes that always seemed to be looking at something no one else could see. Used to... Now he has fierce, angry eyes that look through you like laser beams.''}}
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* [[Yank the Dog's Chain]]: {{spoiler|In ''The Pretender'', the woman who was going to be Tobias's new family turns out to be Visser Three in a morph.}}
=== Cassie ===
[[File:ancassie_6592ancassie 6592.gif|frame]]
{{quote|''If you want to picture Cassie, think of a short, cute girl with very short black hair, wearing overalls and big muddy boots and looking totally capable of giving a tetanus shot to an angry bear.''}}
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* [[The Face]]: Neither fighting nor scouting etc is her speciality. Her domain is being [[The Empath]].
** [[The Chick]]: arguably the most tradtionally feminine since Rachel is a [[Blood Knight]].
** [[The Heart]]: The "moral compass" of the group. [[Deconstructed Trope|Deconstructed]] in later books -- herbooks—her natural empathy may torture her, but her insight into the feelings and motivations of others allows her to become the most successfully [[Manipulative Bastard|manipulative]] Animorph.
** [[The Conscience]]
* [[Farmer's Daughter]]: Maybe. It's not clear if either of her parents were farmers before becoming vets, or if they still are, but she lives on a farm.
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* [[Heroic BSOD]]: In ''The Departure''.
* [[Heroic Dolphin]]: Her first cover morph, seen in ''The Message''.
* [[Horn Attack]]: In ''[[BLAMNon Sequitur Episode|The Hidden]]'' Cassie morphs an African cape buffalo [[Names to Run Away From Really Fast|aptly dubbed]] Aka the Widow-Maker. It's her cover morph for that book.
* [[Identity Impersonator]]: In ''The Reaction'' Cassie acquires and morphs Rachel to throw a suspicious Yeerk off her trail.
* [[I Just Want to Be Normal]]
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* [[Kangaroos Represent Australia]]: Presumably the reason why ''The Unexpected'' exists.
* [[Living Weapon]]: Cassie's plan to get rid of the Helmacrons in ''The Suspicion'' is to acquire and morph anteaters, the one animal in the world specially designed to see, attack, and destroy creatures like them. It works.
* [[Manipulative Bastard|Manipulative Bitch]]: She's the most compassionate, but she also gets people very well, which means that she can manipulate people if she feels like she has to--andto—and given the circumstances she's put in, this naturally comes up.
* [[The Messiah]]
* [[Morality Pet]]: She becomes this to {{spoiler|Aftran}}.
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* [[Unresolved Sexual Tension]]: With Jake at the start of the series.
=== Marco ===
[[File:anmarco_4572anmarco 4572.gif|frame]]
{{quote|''Marco thinks the whole world is just a setup for a joke. Marco will tell a joke while he's bleeding and terrified and in pain. But there are times when his eyes lose their skeptical expression and grow glittery and dangerous.''}}
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* [[This Is Gonna Suck]]: It's pretty much his job to say this.
=== Aximili-Esgarrouth-Isthill (Ax) ===
[[File:anax_1303anax 1303.gif|frame]]
{{quote|''You are now the eldest child. Do you, Aximili, take on the burden of avenging your brother's death?''}}
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* [[Humanshifting]]: Ax is unique for morphing more humans than any other Animorph.
* [[Humanity Ensues]]
* [[Humans Are Bastardsthe Real Monsters]]: He becomes disgusted with humans during the third Megamorhs book, when he sees the nature of human wars. He claims that though the Andalites had their own wars, they were never as pointless or sadistic as human wars were. He also claims that Andalites never deliberately killed children or committed genocide to other Andalites. He gets over it afterwards, though.
* [[Humans Through Alien Eyes]]
* [[Humorless Aliens|Humorless Alien]]: At first, though he gets better as the series progresses.
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* [[You Can't Go Home Again]]
=== David ===
{{quote|''Smirking, pouting, easily offended David. David, who half the time seemed to be reckless, but other times had been cowardly and quickly panicked. David, the new Animorph.''}}
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* [[Surrounded by Idiots]]: In ''The Return''. {{spoiler|He manages to recruit two henchmen, but they're both bumbling idiots who ultimately end up [[The Dog Bites Back|turning on him]].}}
* [[Take a Third Option]]: {{spoiler|Caught between the Animorphs and the Yeerks, neither of whom he trusts. He eventually turns on them both.}}
* [[Took a Level Inin Badass]]
** {{spoiler|[[From Nobody to Nightmare]]}}
* {{spoiler|[[Tricking the Shapeshifter]]}}
* [[Ungrateful Bastard]]: He's not too thankful to the Animorphs for saving his life. Whether this is just straight-out ingratitude or bitterness that they left his parents behind is never made clear.
* [[The Unchosen One]]: Both literally and figuratively. {{spoiler|He eventually decides to fight on his own terms, declaring both the Animorphs and the Yeerks his enemies. In ''The Return'' he is literally the unchosen one, as Crayak sets him up to be his weapon only to reveal he's just a tool being used to persuade Rachel to join him.}}
* [[Unnamed Parent|Unnamed Parents]]s
* [[Verbal Tic]]: David has a tendency to say the name of the person he's talking to [[Department of Redundancy Department|several times]] in a single conversation, usually when he's trying to be threatening. In one occasion in ''The Solution'', he says Rachel's name six times in one page.
* {{spoiler|[[What Happened to the Mouse?]]: A rare ''literal'' example.}}
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* [[You Dirty Rat]]
=== The Auxiliary Animorphs ===
{{quote|''We trusted them and they did us proud.''}}
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== Yeerk Empire ==
=== Visser Three (Esplin 9466 the primary), later, {{spoiler|Visser One}} ===
[[File:anvisserthree_6172anvisserthree 6172.gif|frame]]
{{quote|''He looked so much like Ax. So much like Prince Elfangor. And yet, so totally different. The difference wasn't something you saw. It was something you felt. A shadow on your soul. A darkness that blotted out the light of the sun. Evil. Destruction. His body was an Andalite. He was the only Andalite-Controller in existence. The only Yeerk ever to infest an Andalite body. The only Yeerk with the Andalite power to morph. Visser Three.''}}
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* [[Bond One-Liner]]: He gets a few good ones.
* [[Breath Weapon]]: His most powerful and only recurring morph, the eight-everythinged creature seen in ''The Invasion'' and ''The Resistance'', breathes [[Playing with Fire|fireballs]] from each of its eight heads.
* [[The Brute]]: He only knows one tactic -- Hittactic—Hit the enemy with everything you've got until it's dead.
* [[The Caligula]]
* [[Card-Carrying Villain]]: He got this way when handled by the ghostwriters. See ''The Extreme'' and ''The Illusion'' for good examples.
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* [[Villainous Rescue]]: Without him those kids would have been ''screwed'' by the Nartec.
* [[With Great Power Comes Great Insanity]]: And how!
* [[You Have Failed Me...]]: A ''lot.'' Visser One notes that he's executed subordinates "by the poolful," which basically means thousands or more. He does this so reliably that Marco's able to bluff his way out of a situation where three flunkies were expected by saying, "I think Visser Three killed them for doing something wrong". He chastises himself for this, calling it the worse lie he's ever told, only for it to be believed.
* [[You Have Outlived Your Usefulness]]: He has a form devoted to this, a Vanarx, which can suck the Yeerk out of its host and eat it.
=== Visser One (Edriss-Five-Six-Two) ===
{{quote|''I took a human host and learned about the planet and humans, and because of that I was able to begin the invasion that you have now endangered with your criminal incompetence! ...You want to be Visser One? You want to take my title? We shall see.''}}
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* [[Villain with Good Publicity]]: In stark contrast to [[0% Approval Rating|Visser Three]].
=== Hedrick Chapman (Iniss-Two-Two-Six) ===
{{quote|''Sorry I skipped class, Mr. Chapman, but I've been in this lizard body, watching you because I know you're a Controller and part of a giant alien conspiracy to take over the earth.''}}
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* [[Starter Villain]]: For the first five books the Animorphs encountered him pretty regularly and then he faded into the background as more formidable threats began to make themselves known.
=== Joe Bob Fenestre ({{spoiler|Esplin 9466 the lesser}}) ===
{{quote|''My brother, my twin, is the prime. To him go the best assignments, the best hosts, the rank, the power, the glory. And to me, only what I can take. Well, that wasn't good enough. I wanted more. And if I couldn't have it as a Yeerk, I'd have it as a human.''}}
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* [[Villain of the Week]]: In ''The Warning''.
=== Karen (Aftran-Nine-Four-Two) ===
{{quote|''You tell me what you think I should do. Andalites, humans, there's no difference: You're both smug, moralizing, superior races. You both live in beautiful worlds. You have hands and eyes and the freedom to move about wherever you like. And you hate us for wanting all those same things.''}}
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* [["The Reason You Suck" Speech]]: She gives Cassie a few in ''The Departure''.
=== John Berryman Jr. (Visser Four) ===
{{quote|''One doesn't want mere baboons blundering about with Time Matrices, does one? Who knows what damage a fool with such power may do?''}}
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* [[What Happened to the Mouse?]]: When the Animorphs erase Berryman from history, Visser Four is spared - all that changes in ''his'' history is that Berryman never becomes his host and he never gets the Time Matrix. Despite this, he never appears again.
=== Taylor (Sub-Visser Fifty-one) ===
{{quote|''Join me in my madness, Andalite.''}}
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* [[Femme Fatale]]
* [[First-Name Basis]]: Taylor's last name is never revealed.
* [[Foe Yay]]: Largely averted. It is ''possible'' to read her obsession with capturing and breaking Tobias (and some of the [[We Can Rule Together|lines she says to him]]) as rather [[Foe Yay]]-y, but it requires you to ignore her personality. She's described as so cold, nasty, and downright insane that most of it comes off exactly the way it's supposed to: as the behaviour of an insecure, sadistic bullying bitch who doesn't like letting her victims get away. [[Yandere (disambiguation)]] she ain't.
* [[Hollywood Cyborg]]: She was healed by advanced alien technology.
* [[Heel Face Turn]]: {{spoiler|Taylor the Yeerk fakes one in order to bring the kids in on her plot. Taylor the Human pulls one in Book 43, temporarily taking control of her body in order to warn Tobias out of trusting her master}}.
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* [[Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?]]: Tobias almost [[Heroic BSOD|shuts down]] when he runs into her again in ''The Test''.
=== The Inspector ===
{{quote|''That's where this thing belonged. In a cartoon. Where the impossible is possible.''}}
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* [[Villain of the Week]]: And an extremely successful one. In the [[One-Shot Character|one book he appears in]] he nicely upstages [[Big Bad|Visser Three]] as the biggest threat to the cast.
=== Tom Berenson (and his Yeerks) ===
{{quote|''I had to rein in a powerful desire to go after him. It's hard to conceive of the impotent rage you feel watching someone you love be reduced to a mindless puppet.''}}
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* [[No Name Given]]: Tom's second Yeerk. Even among fellow Yeerks, he is referred to simply as Tom.
* [[Panthera Awesome]]: He's acquired a jaguar battle morph, though we never get to see it.
* [[Polite Villains, Rude Heroes]]: Deliberately invoked in ''The Answer'':
{{quote|'''Tom''': Oh, you're a surly bunch, aren't you? No one talks to me. No one but Rachel, who told me to... well, you can guess what Rachel told me to do.
'''Jake''': Whatever she said goes for all of us.
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== Andalites ==
=== Prince Elfangor-Sirinial-Shamtul ===
[[File:anelfangor_6039anelfangor 6039.gif|frame]]
An Andalite general, military genius and war hero, Elfangor was made a household name for his contributions to the Andalite-Yeerk war effort. Though this was not generally known amongst his own people, he spent a great deal of time on Earth permanently morphed as a human: a sort of self-imposed exile after a miscalculation led to the infestation of his superior officer, Alloran. His longstanding and well-known subsequent rivalry with Visser Three ended with his death at the hands of the latter after a battle in Earth's orbit, though not before he was able to give the morphing power to Jake and his friends.
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* [[Honor Before Reason]]: In ''The Andalite Chronicles''.
* [[Humans Through Alien Eyes]]
* [[I Am'm Dying, Please Take My MacguffinMacGuffin]]
* [[Interspecies Romance]]: With Loren.
* [[Luke, I Am Your Father]]: {{spoiler|Tobias}} is actually his son.
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* [[Worthy Opponent]]: It's revealed in ''The Pretender'' that Visser Three eventually came to regard him this way.
=== Arbron ===
{{quote|''''Aristh''...I mean, ''Warrior'' Arbron is a casualty of war.''}}
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* [[Telepathic Spacemen]]
=== War-Prince Alloran-Semitur-Corass ===
[[File:anvisserthree_6172anvisserthree 6172.gif|frame]]
{{quote|''I will forever be Alloran, Butcher of the Hork-Bajir. Alloran, the only Andalite to ever be taken alive by Yeerks. But disgraced, even despised, for whatever I am worth, I am yours to command.''}}
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* [[Well-Intentioned Extremist]]
=== Aldrea-Iskillion-Falan ===
{{quote|''No, I won't help you to understand. But I will help you kill Yeerks. That, I will do. I will help you kill them. And kill them. And kill them! And kill them all!''}}
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* [[Action Girl]]
* [[Animorphism]]
* [[Back Fromfrom the Dead]]: In ''The Prophecy''.
* [[Break the Cutie]]: In the first fifty pages of ''The Hork-Bajir Chronicles'' she loses her pride, her home, and her entire family.
* [[Bratty Teenage Daughter]]: At first.
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* [[Telepathic Spacemen]]
=== Arbat-Elivat-Estoni ===
{{quote|''The people must be led by the few who are willing to make the very hard choices. The people are happy in their ignorance. But we in the Apex Level cannot allow ourselves to be sentimental.''}}
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== The Higher Powers ==
=== The Ellimist ===
[[File:anellimist_1531anellimist 1531.gif|frame]]
{{quote|''We watched the rise of other species throughout the galaxy. Helped at times, when we could. We wanted companions. We wanted to learn. We imagined a galaxy filled with millions of sentient species, each with its own science and art, its own beauty.''}}
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* [[Million-to-One Chance]]: {{spoiler|His evolution from Ketran gamer to demigod is due to a series of freak accidents, each more improbable than the last.}}
* [[Mysterious Backer]]: He tries to help the heroes, but he is either too roundabout in his methods to really gain their trust or too caught up in his game with Crayak to help at all.
** {{spoiler|The last ''Megamorphs'' heavily implies that the team basically exists because he arranged things from behind the scene, including the [[Contrived Coincidence|Contrived Coincidences]]s of getting members who were already unknowingly connected to the conflict in some way.}}
* [[Pointy Ears]]: In his favored form.
* [[Reality Warper]]
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* [[You Cannot Grasp the True Form]]
=== Crayak ===
{{quote|''I will cleanse this galaxy of all life. Then, when no sentient thing is left alive, I will kill you, Ellimist. That's my game. Shall we play?''}}
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* [[For the Evulz]]: He massacres entire species and enjoys the suffering and torment of others... because hey, it's something to do. When he and the Ellimist first acquire their near-omnipotent powers, the Ellimist suggests that since they're incapable of killing each other now and can just undo any damage the other does to the galaxy, they could call a truce and just watch the advance of evolution. Crayak refuses because he finds the idea boring.
* [[Giant Eye of Doom]]
* [[God of Evil]]: He comes across as this, especially since unlike the Ellimist his backstory is never revealed. Additionally, the author admitted to modeling him after personifications of 'pure evil' such as Sauron from [[The Lord of the Rings]].
* [[I Lied]]: To {{spoiler|David}}. He promises him revenge against Rachel, but merely uses him as a tool against her.
* [[Leave Your Quest Test]]: Playing up his role as the Ellimist's [[Evil Counterpart]], Crayak extends Jake an offer to alter history so he never met Elfangor. {{spoiler|Jake accepts this offer, and it's the basis for ''Megamorphs #04''.}}
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* [[Talking in Your Dreams]]: He appears to both Jake and Rachel in dreams.
=== The Drode ===
{{quote|''Yes, yes, oh yes. Mustn't upset the balance. Not directly, anyway. But! Create problems? Yes. Create opportunities? Yes. Play the wild card? Of course.''}}
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* [[Wild Card]]: See above. His name literally means wild card.
=== The One ===
{{quote|''You have done well to come this far. You have come to find your friend. But {{spoiler|the Andalite}} is part of me now. As you will soon be.''}}
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== Everyone Else ==
=== Erek King ===
{{quote|''This will be a meeting of allies, Marco. You see, we, too, fight the Yeerks.''}}
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* [[What the Hell, Hero?]]: "This is so low. This is so far beneath you, Jake ...I was offering my opinion on your morals and your ethics and your sense of decency. I chose an ancient Mesopotamian dialect well-known for its variety of curse words."
=== Loren ===
{{quote|''She's a million light-years from her home, Arbron. Confronting species she never knew existed. Suddenly thrust into the middle of an intergalactic war. I think she is very brave.''}}
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* [[What Happened to the Mouse?]]: She's curiously absent from the last book.
=== Toby Hamee ===
{{quote|''A fool is strong so that others will see. A wise person is strong for himself. The Hork-Bajir will be strong for the Hork-Bajir. That way, when the Yeerks are all gone, we will still be strong.''}}
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* [[Younger Than They Look]]: During the events of the series she is only a year or two old.
=== Queen Soco ===
{{quote|''I will discover the truth, Surface-Dwellers. Have no doubt of that. But I am also a magnanimous queen. Feel free to further explore the Nartec world. We will meet again later. Perhaps.''}}
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* [[Wicked Cultured]]
=== General Sam Doubleday ===
{{quote|''See the stars on my shoulder there, son? I'm a major general, U.S. Army. You're a kid who can turn into a bug. I take my orders from the chain of command, and that ain't you.''}}
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* [[The War Room]]: He runs his campaign against the Yeerks out of one. Jake notes that it seems an awful like what you'd see in a movie; old guys chomping cigars, guys in suits and [[The Big Board|a big map]] (that has his hometown crossed out, {{spoiler|presumably because it isn't there any more}}).