Anti-Climactic Unmasking: Difference between revisions

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Please note, however, that this doesn't mean that the mask is ''useless''. All it would take is enough people getting a good look at his face (such as in print, on television, or--worse yet--on the internet) and the hero's identity is blown for good. The mask helps keep the face beneath it obscure enough to keep him [[Hidden in Plain Sight]].
Do not confuse with [[They Look Just Like Everyone Else]], when the villain has no alter ego and is simply too plain to distinguish from ordinary people, or [[The Un -Reveal]], when taking away one mask simply reveals another. This can overlap with [[Stranger Behind the Mask]], if the audience has never seen the unmasked party before. But this trope, emphasizes that it's a stranger to the in-universe ''characters''.
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== [[Video Games]] ==
* Much like the page quote above, [[The Joker]] defies this trope in ''[[Batman: Arkham City (Video Game)|Batman Arkham City]]'' when Harley Quinn tries to remove [[Batman]]'s mask.
== [[Western Animation]] ==
* In the ''[[Justice League (Animation)|Justice League]]'' cartoon, [[Lex Luthor]] has [[Freaky Friday Flip|swapped bodies]] with [[The Flash]]. As he's being chased through the Watchtower by the rest of the League, he stops in a bathroom and muses that at the very least, he has the opportunity to learn Flash's secret identity. He looks in the mirror and takes off his mask, looks annoyed for a moment, then comments that he has no idea who the heck he is.
* In ''[[Spider-Man the Animated Series (Animation)|Spider-Man the Animated Series]]'', Peter is suffering from [[Power Incontinence]] and is facing off against the Insidious Six. Because he lacks his powers and is facing off against six super-powered foes, he is quickly beaten and unmasked before Kingpin and dissatisfied members of his criminal empire like Silvermane... only for Doctor Octopus to declare that Peter Parker could not be Spider-Man (due to his seeming lack of powers). This pisses off Silvermane and he mocks Kingpin for supposedly kidnapping an old woman and forcing her desperate nephew to play along.
* In ''[[Batman: theThe Animated Series (Animation)|Batman the Animated Series]]'' Batman's unmasking of Bane reveals, not Venom-twisted monstrosity, but simply vaguely handsome, boyish face with nothing really remarkable about it.
* [[Defied]] in ''[[Batman the Brave And The Bold (Animation)|Batman the Brave And The Bold]]'' (see page quote)--[[The Joker]] doesn't ''want'' to unmask Batman because it's Batman he's obsessed with. Finding the person under the hood would just ruin the fun.