Apocalypse How/Class 0: Difference between revisions

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== [[Anime]] and [[Manga]] ==
* The shockwaves created by the {{spoiler|titular character}} in ''[[Akira]]''. One takes out the center of Tokyo. {{spoiler|Then it happens again. In the entire series, it happens 2.5 times.}}
* In the third arc of ''[[Bio-Meat: Nectar]]'', 90% of Japan's population has been eaten alive by the titular creature and there are only two populated cities left. {{spoiler|But by the end of the series, the only city left is Osaka.}}
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== Comicbooks[[Comic Books]] ==
* An issue of ''[[The Authority]]'' features a swarm of alien creatures that are launched at Earth. They can't fly, though, so their landing in Japan is "just blind luck".
* In Marvel Comics (mostly ''[[X-Men]]'' and other mutant-related titles) the island nation of Genosha was destroyed during a series of events following the ''Decimation'' storyline, and is, as of the 2020 ''Empyre'' limited series, dead as a nation, lying in ruins and populated only by squatters, mostly with villainous motives.
== Films -- Live-Action ==
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== [[Literature]] ==
* ''[[The Third World War]]'' might be a Level 0, as Birmingham and Minsk are destroyed by nuclear weapons.
* The cometary impact at the end of ''Newton's Cannon'' did this to a major chunk of Europe.
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== [[Live-Action TV]] ==
* In an alternate timeline in ''[[Doctor Who]]'''s "Turn Left" where the Doctor dies in the early 21st century, a nuclear storm drive ship called ''Titanic'' hits London, wiping out the entire city and locking out any immigration to and from the UK. The ship itself easily had the potential to be on the scale of Class 5 or 6, so it's assumed that the disaster was actually mostly averted. Later, over 50 million Americans are forcibly turned into creatures made of fat called Adipose, killing the humans they were made from.
* In two unrelated [[Bad Future|bad futures]] of ''[[Heroes (TV series)|Heroes]]'', a man with nuclear-based superpowers destroys an entire city (New York City and Costa Verde, California, respectively). Another future shows Tokyo being destroyed in a flash of light.
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== [[Music]] ==
* The song Aenima by [[Tool]] (as well as the Bill Hicks routine the song is based on) describes the entirety of California sinking into the Pacific Ocean, creating the Arizona Bay.
* The [[Billy Joel]] song "Miami 2017 (Seen The Lights Go Out On Broadway)" is about [[Noodle Incident|an unspecified disaster]] that wipes out New York City and the surrounding areas, but "life went on beyond the Palisades" and most people have moved to Florida, and [[The Mafia]] is thriving in Mexico.
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== [[Tabletop Games]] ==
* Damien Richter's activities and a brief orbital bombardment with hypervelocity mass drivers destroyed much of the capital planet of Avalon in ''[[Tech Infantry]]''. And the first [[Bug War|Bug Invasion]] wipes out Rio de Janeiro and the surrounding area of Brazil two centuries before that.
* The main weapon batteries of any ''[[Warhammer 40,000]]'' cruiser can, in the words of [[Ciaphas Cain]], '''[[The Hero|HERO OF THE IMPERIUM!]]''', "level continents." They frequently ''do.'' 40K doesn't even need weapons to accomplish this - the debris from a naval engagement can cause catastrophic damage all on its own. Think about it, the average cruiser in that setting is several kilometers long, several hundred meters wide and tall, and weighs in at millions upon millions of tons of armoured hull. If one of these ships breaks up in orbit, even the fragments will be million-ton steel meteors... If it goes down in one piece, the planet below gets nailed by a METEOR THE SIZE OF MOUNT EVEREST! And that's not even mentioning the even larger heavy cruisers, battlecruisers, grand cruisers and vastly larger battleships.
* Killing off darklords in the [[Ravenloft]] setting has been known to cause entire domains to disappear, their native populations included.
** In the 5th Edition version, both Darkon and Falkovnia are undergoing this, the former because its Darklord, Azalin, is missing, the latter due to a [[Zombie Apocalypse]] created by the darklord's foolish obsession. The guide book does suggest ways they might be saved.
* In the ''[[Greyhawk]]'' setting, this probably describes the Rain of Colorless Fire, a disaster that destroyed the Suel Empire millennia ago. Not many Oeridians currently alive know what happened, but most assume the Suel did it to themselves when attempting to do something ''very'' evil.
* In ''[[Eberron]]'', a similar magical disaster called the Day of Mourning destroyed the the nation of Cyre. Like much in the setting, the reason is left purposely unknown to suit whatever campaign the [[Game Master]] is running.
== Videogames[[Video Games]] ==
* In the [[Improbable Island]], [[The Verse|world]], the EMP war was an interesting cross-level. with the exeption of people with pacemakers, nobody died, yet technology was pretty much knocked back 50 years since nobody actually knew how to make silicon computers anymore.
* ''[[Final Fantasy VII]]'', with the {{spoiler|destruction of Midgar at the end of the game}}. The [[Gainax Ending|ambiguous ending]] left some gamers thinking that a Level 3a scenario occurred, but ''Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children'' [[Jossed|corrected this]].
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== Webcomics[[Web Comics]] ==
* In ''[[Freak Angels]]'' at first it's assumed that the flooding was global but is later revealed that {{spoiler|only Britain was affected}}
== [[Western Animation]] ==
* In the series ''[[Generator Rex]]'', millions die worldwide after The Nanite Event. And thanks to the nature of the nanites, it could escalate all the way up to a Class 4 - maybe even Class 6 - at any moment.
* One happened offscreen and in the past in the original ''[[My Little Pony]]''. The kingdom of Grundleland was wiped out the last time the Smooze was unleashed, leaving only a tiny handful of survivors.
== [[Real Life]] ==
* The Spanish Flu epidemic of 1918.
** Wasn't exactly regional though, as it spread around the world including ''the arctic.'' In addition to the death rate, the infection rate crippled communities.