Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney: Difference between revisions

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* [[Springtime for Hitler]]: {{spoiler|Alita Tiala}} tried to {{spoiler|get her [[Meal Ticket|(ahem)]] beloved Wocky guilty of a murder she commited - by hiring a rookie attorney. His name? [[Spanner in the Works|Apollo Justice.]]}}
** {{spoiler|As if she didn't make it obvious enough by writing the attorney request on [[Fridge Brilliance|"hit request" stationary.]]}}
* [[Tech Marches On]]: In 4-4, the murder victim is poisoned by {{spoiler|licking the back of a stamp. Modern stamps are self-adhesive and don't need to be licked before use}}.
** Though the victim ''was'' a bit of a recluse, and {{spoiler|he was almost out of stamps, implying that it's been a while since he got any. He probably buys a few years' worth at once to avoid going out as much as possible, and may not realize that new ones "shouldn't" have to be licked. Plus, the stamp is a fairly old one given how it has Thalassa on it, so it may have been made early enough that it's lickable.}}
** {{spoiler|It's given by Krisoph about seven years prior to the events that transpire.}}
* [[The Tell]]: When a witness is nervous while testifying they'll perform some sort of habitual action that you have to zoom in on.
* [[Took a Level in Badass]]: Phoenix himself, in the seven years between this game and ''Trials and Tribulations''. He goes from "object first, then think" to an infuriating (could anyone be less helpful?!), manipulative (AJ case 1) near-genius who {{spoiler|is responsible for getting Kristoph implicated in the murder of Drew Misham by implementing a court system which wouldn't allow him to get away scot-free due to his careful elimination of the evidence}}.