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* Adam, from ''[[Metroid]]''
* SHODAN, from ''[[System Shock]]''
* ''[[Mass Effect]]'' has widespread use of [[V Is]]VIs or "Virtual Intelligences", advanced computer systems that may mimic self-awareness, but are not actually sentient. True artificial intelligence (a self-aware computer system) is banned in the galaxy. This is largely due to what happened with the geth, [[Mind Hive|a VI network]] created by the quarians that accidentally developed into an AI--when the quarians tried to shut them down, the geth reacted violently, killing most and driving the rest off their home planet to live as wanderers in the galaxy. For the most part throughout the series, this ban seems pretty justified, due to [[AI Is a Crapshoot|most turning genocidal]]. In particular, in the first game, the geth are the primary enemy, attacking everyone else.
** However, things get interesting in the second game when the player meets Legion, a geth, who reveals that {{spoiler|the evil geth from the first game were actually only a small offshoot of the "true geth", and most geth wish no harm on organics}}. There's also EDI, the AI of the Normandy that is "shackled" to keep her under human control. Toward the end of the game, however, she is unshackled, giving her true freedom. Rather than instantly turning evil, she instead continues to help and protect the Normandy's crew, and continues in that role throughout the third game as well (in an even more explicit capacity when she {{spoiler|gains a robot body and directly fights with Shepard on the ground}}).
*** In the third game, the Quarians can be convinced to live peacefully with the Geth, and the Geth turn out to be quite helpful to the Quarians. The end reveals {{spoiler|the Reapers and the cycle of extinction was created specifically because the Reapers believe that [[AI Is a Crapshoot]] and are trying to stop organics from creating synthetics and preserving the organics before their creations wipe them out.}}