• Author Phobia: Lovecraft's life-long fear of cold temperatures is part of what makes this story so effective.
  • Name's the Same: The Elder Things are alternately referred to as "Old Ones" which could create some confusion as the same term was used to refer to beings associated with Yog-Sothoth and C'thulhu.
  • Science Marches On: The past seventy-five years have shown many advancements in Antarctic exploration, revealing a continent wholly unlike what is described in this book.
    • Some of the terminology, such as "Comanchian", was already obsolete. So was the initial idea (edited out of the final product) that Antarctica was actually two continents.
    • There was also the very concept of interplanetary travel; they were said to "fly through the aether on leathery wings", with aether being the old concept of what existed beyond the upper atmosphere. Apparently, the concept of a near-complete vacuum was either not prevalent at Lovecraft's time, or he just thought that aether was more poetic.