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* Magneto had long been established as a Jewish [[Well-Intentioned Extremist]], but when Marvel decided to move him back into full-out villainy in the early 90's, they were worried about accusations of Antisemitism. So they presented the [[Retcon]] that he was really a Gypsy, delivering the [[Family-Unfriendly Aesop]] that [[Roma|Gypsies]] are [[Acceptable Targets]]. When people realized what a bad idea this was a few years later, Marvel established that Magneto's Gypsy identity was false, returning him to his Jewish roots.
* Magneto had long been established as a Jewish [[Well-Intentioned Extremist]], but when Marvel decided to move him back into full-out villainy in the early 90's, they were worried about accusations of Antisemitism. So they presented the [[Retcon]] that he was really a Gypsy, delivering the [[Family-Unfriendly Aesop]] that [[Roma|Gypsies]] are [[Acceptable Targets]]. When people realized what a bad idea this was a few years later, Marvel established that Magneto's Gypsy identity was false, returning him to his Jewish roots.
** Speaking of Magneto, the [[Retcon]] of the ''Planet X'' storyline counts too. [[Grant Morrison]] sees Mags as a [[Draco in Leather Pants]] and so when writing him, took [[Ron the Death Eater]] [[Up to Eleven]] to show him as he "truly" was in Morrison's eyes, and ended with him (intended as) [[Killed Off for Real]]. Needless to say, that didn't last very long. The retcon was exceptionally sloppy (two authors who didn't know what the other was doing ''each'' wrote the story of who Xorn-Magneto "really" was) but hey, Magneto's back to being the Magneto we know and that's what it was to accomplish.
** Speaking of Magneto, the [[Retcon]] of the ''Planet X'' storyline counts too. [[Grant Morrison]] sees Mags as a [[Draco in Leather Pants]] and so when writing him, took [[Ron the Death Eater]] [[Up to Eleven]] to show him as he "truly" was in Morrison's eyes, and ended with him (intended as) [[Killed Off for Real]]. Needless to say, that didn't last very long. The retcon was exceptionally sloppy (two authors who didn't know what the other was doing ''each'' wrote the story of who Xorn-Magneto "really" was) but hey, Magneto's back to being the Magneto we know and that's what it was to accomplish.
* Current [[Supergirl]], Kara Zor-El, was reintroduced with a shockingly bad origin: Zor-El was evil and sent Kara to Earth to ''kill baby Kal-El''. Fans hated it. Author after author has stepped up to try a saving throw (no, wait, she was sent back to babysit him, no, wait, Zor-El wanted her to kill him after all but she didn't want to but got brainwashed, no, wait, she was sent back to fight off ghosts from the Phantom Zone, and so on, and so forth). Supergirl #35 [[Hand Wave|hand waved]] off all of the previous origins as dementia caused by Kryptonite poisoning and gave her back the classic [[Silver Age]] [[Origin Story]], and Supergirl #34 had her finally take a [[Secret Identity]] ( {{spoiler|Linda Lang. Cute, DC Comics, very cute}}), so things seem to be looking up. Finally.
* [[Supergirl]] before the New 52: Kara Zor-El was reintroduced with a shockingly bad origin: Zor-El was evil and sent Kara to Earth to ''kill baby Kal-El''. Fans hated it. Author after author has stepped up to try a saving throw (no, wait, she was sent back to babysit him, no, wait, Zor-El wanted her to kill him after all but she didn't want to but got brainwashed, no, wait, she was sent back to fight off ghosts from the Phantom Zone, and so on, and so forth). Supergirl #35 [[Hand Wave|hand waved]] off all of the previous origins as dementia caused by Kryptonite poisoning and gave her back the classic [[Silver Age]] [[Origin Story]], and Supergirl #34 had her finally take a [[Secret Identity]] ( {{spoiler|Linda Lang. Cute, DC Comics, very cute}}).
* There's a bit of a Saving Throw War going on between people at Marvel who like [[Squirrel Girl]] and those who don't: Originally, Squirrel Girl beat Dr. Doom by herself. A later comic indicated [[Actually a Doombot|it was a Doombot]]. Another later comic revealed that it was not a Doombot. Then, Squirrel Girl beats Thanos ([[Take Our Word for It|offscreen]]) and the Watcher himself is there verifying that it is not a "robot, clone, or simulacrum" and is indeed the real Thanos. Later on, Thanos reveals he can make really ''good'' clones that even fool the Watcher. But according to [[Word of God]], that really ''really'' was the real Thanos. And to make things goofier, ''everything'' about the Thanos fight was written by [[Dan Slott]]. An even later [[Deadpool]] comic has her borrow a time machine from Doom, and announces its own canon.
* There's a bit of a Saving Throw War going on between people at Marvel who like [[Squirrel Girl]] and those who don't: Originally, Squirrel Girl beat Dr. Doom by herself. A later comic indicated [[Actually a Doombot|it was a Doombot]]. Another later comic revealed that it was not a Doombot. Then, Squirrel Girl beats Thanos ([[Take Our Word for It|offscreen]]) and the Watcher himself is there verifying that it is not a "robot, clone, or simulacrum" and is indeed the real Thanos. Later on, Thanos reveals he can make really ''good'' clones that even fool the Watcher. But according to [[Word of God]], that really ''really'' was the real Thanos. And to make things goofier, ''everything'' about the Thanos fight was written by [[Dan Slott]]. An even later [[Deadpool]] comic has her borrow a time machine from Doom, and announces its own canon.
* The JLA arc featuring the [[Milestone Comics|Milestone characters]] and the female Dr. Light, started off with a monologue by the character used by [[Dwayne McDuffie]] to address [ recent conflicting appearances] in other titles and attempt to fix the continuity problems that resulted from them.
* The JLA arc featuring the [[Milestone Comics|Milestone characters]] and the female Dr. Light, started off with a monologue by the character used by [[Dwayne McDuffie]] to address [ recent conflicting appearances] in other titles and attempt to fix the continuity problems that resulted from them.