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* ''[[The Office]]'': Dwight Schrute may well be the only middle-management example of the trope. Although he's very proud of his title, "Assistant [[Insistent Terminology|to the]] Regional Manager," his supposed authority is wielded over people who barely respect him enough to acknowledge that he's the same species they are. In one episode Michael admits that it isn't even a real position, he just made it up one day to keep Dwight quiet; Dwight takes this very hard.
* This trope is played straight at the beginning of the second season of ''[[Dan for Mayor]]''. Dan got elected to be mayor of Wessex on a fluke and everyone in the city government is trying their hardest to make sure that he has no real authority. When he figures this out, he tries to become relevant and [[Hilarity Ensues]].
* King Uther in the first few episodes of ''[[Merlin (TV series)|Merlin]]'' season 4. He's still king in name, but Arthur and (to a lesser extent) Agravaine (as [[The Mole]]) are calling the shots since Uther is broken and half mad.
== [[Music]] ==