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* One of the reasons powerful people used to like resplendent clothes in the past even more then now was just for the heck of it of course(and in principle there is nothing wrong with that though in the wrong context it is rubbing it in a little to much to the less lucky). Another reason was of course to advertise their importance. A third reason though was that one of the best ways to keep your treasure from being pilfered in your absence was to wear it. Of course then you have to worry about it being pilfered while you wear it. But if you are that rich either you were already trained to fight or have a trustworthy enforcer with you.
* The B-52 bomber. Originally intended to deliver nuclear weapons it has of course fortunately not been used for that purpose. However it has remained in service for decades because its tremendous payload and endurance allows it to be a surprisingly good area-effect tactical bomber. That is it essentially fires an airborne artillery barrage. In later times miniaturisation and advancements in computers have allowed greater subtlety, for the payload is more useful then ever when each round is a smart weapon.
* [ Parahawking]: paragliding with trained birds of prey "in an effort to advance the interaction between man and bird, and to provide a unique opportunity to interact with birds of prey in their own environment". As in, the falconer flies on a paraglider, while the bird scouts ahead for thermals. This pastime was invented by Scott Mason — somewhat surprisingly, in 2001, after the niche was before everyone's eyes for decades (less surprisingly, in Nepal).
[[Category:Rule of Cool]]