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Unfortunately, this can also be [[Truth in Television]], as recent school shooting tragedies such as [[Columbine]] have proven—otherwise, schools wouldn't have metal detectors and X-ray scanners, and teachers wouldn't be issued kevlar vests. Of course, the real-life portion of this is [[Older Than They Think]]; the [[Columbine]] incident in 1999 was simply one of a handful of shootings that earned national attention. In his book ''Brain Droppings'', [[George Carlin]] refers to schoolyard deaths back in his childhood.
{{SeeCompare also|with [[Guns in Church}}]].
== Anime &and Manga ==
== Anime & Manga ==
* ''[[Higurashi no Naku Koro ni]]'':
** In the last episode of the first season, {{spoiler|Ryuugu Rena brings a large billhook to school and rigs up an improvised explosive device for the purpose of holding the entire student body hostage. She did this to force the cooperation of the police, because they weren't taking her seriously when she tried telling them about an alien conspiracy to massacre the entire town.}}