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** Not quite, it's still the rule of 'funny', as he would have kept with his original premise, and made Belarus a hot-tempered Tsundere who was [[wikipedia:Belarus–Russia relations|constantly nagging.]]
** While on the subject of real life canon and [[Hot-Blooded]] Tsundres, why is England a tsundere in the series? Because in real life Great Britain is essentially the world's ''biggest'' tsundere towards the United States! Seriously, Britain has been our allies, then our enemies, then our allies again and so on and so forth. Makes perfect sense when you think about it.
** The second case occurred with the "Rainy Day" strip. I already found it cute due to the [[Together Umbrella]] scenario with Greece and Japan (and yes, I'm a [[Yaoi Fangirl]] who ships these two hard), but it wasn't until I read a certain LJ post that I realized that Japan is also wearing a raincoat in the same strip. Which means that he didn't ''have'' to share Greece's umbrella but did anyway, even though he almost certainly knows what the act signifies in his own culture. The [[Ship Tease]] in that strip just got a whole lot more [[Squee|squeeworthy]]. --Solandra.
* At first, I was a little curious as to how [[Canada, Eh?|Canada]] and [[Hot-Blooded|Cuba]] were friends, despite being separated by the United States. Then I read about how from the 18th century, Canada and Cuba were trading with each other and have kept a cordial relationship with each other since, Canada even protesting against the United States about the [[wikipedia:Helms-Burton Act|Helms-Burton Act]]. It is also noteworthy to point out that Canada's former Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau and Cuba's former Prime Minister Fidel Castro were good friends, up to Trudeau's death.
* [[Tsundere|Romano's]] constant insults towards other nations' [[Foreign Queasine|foods]] (Germany and potatoes; Switzerland and cheese) is often [[Up to Eleven|turned up to eleven]] in fanfics by making Romano basically insult anyone who doesn't exclusively love [[Trademark Favorite Food|tomatoes]] and pasta. When I learned about the term [ polentone], food-based insults officially became [[Fanon|canon]], and there was much rejoicing.
* I had been a bit disappointed with how [[Romantic Runner-Up|Canada]] was portrayed as the [[Butt Monkey]], with nobody ever noticing him or if they do, they just think he's America. His constant companion Kumajirou always wonders who he is. [[Psychopathic Manchild|Russia]] even sat on him for a whole meeting with realizing he was there and his best friend Cuba keeps thinking he's America whenever he sees him! But Hidekaz Himaruya gave us a cute little wink during the strip when Canada and America got into an argument and Canada burst into a ''three hour'' [["The Reason You Suck" Speech|rant about why America sucked]], promptly leaving America in tears. This alone showed that Canada was one of the few people, if not the only person, in the world who could do that to America, overpowering and dominating America for once when most of the other countries couldn't.
** In order to give someone a [["The Reason You Suck" Speech]], you have to know them very well. And who could know America better than his own brother?- [[Tropers/Animenutcase|Animenutcase]]
** This is real life, too. If you look up the other wiki page for US - Canada relationship, it mentions the two having one of the most stable and mutually beneficial international relationships in the world. Heck, I could probably go on a rant with all the information I've gotten on how much they share. Heck, go watch the video "Tom Brokaw Explains Canada to Americans"; it's a great reflection on the relations between the two. -Ashley
* In the dub, Poland is less of a Valley Girl than a gangster / gayngster, saying things like "yo, bro-ski". At first I was disappointed at the masculinity. Then: Oh my goodness. Could it be a subtle reference to Polish ghettos?!
* [[Tropers/Juice Box Hero|This troper]] was reading some of Himaruya's old notes. One of them said that Sweden was 100% gay, but "only acts that way around Finland." At first I thought it was some weird form of [[Getting Crap Past the Radar]]. Then on the LJ fan community for the Nordic characters, I learned about the (Finnish) stereotype of all Swedish men being gay. Himaruya, you sneaky bastard.
** Another Nordic-related instance of [[Fridge Brilliance]] came when reading Iceland's character profile. It said he tried to be cool and level-headed, but was [[Hot-Blooded]] and had a volatile temper on the outside. Sounds like a typical awkward teenager... until you remember that Iceland is made up of ''volcanoes.''
* Me again; some time ago, I read from the Hetalia Wikia that the beta version of the Drama CD revealed that Turkey was in love with Ancient Greece but had to kill her. I don't know if this is really true or not and it's not official in any case, but got to thinking about the implications of this, and realized how something like this would explain a LOT about Greece and Turkey's relations. Obviously, Greece would be hostile towards Turkey because of him being the one who killed her mother, but what would be Turkey's possible reasons for being hostile towards Greece in return? How about the fact that Greece looks a lot like his mother, which means that Turkey would be reminded of his dead love every time he looked at him? And that if Greece isn't his son, it means that he's essentially proof that Ancient Greece loved someone other than him and that he now [[Unbalanced by Rival's Kid|has to take care of his rival's son]]? In other words, it gives ''both'' Greece and Turkey serious, completely understandable reasons for hating each other while keeping both of them sympathetic at the same time.
** But it doesn't stop there; consider how it's shown that Turkey doesn't like seeing Greece with Japan at all. Now consider how Turkey's resentment might not be simply that his crush likes his hated rival better than him, but that when he finally allowed himself to fall in love again after the terrible events with Ancient Greece, her son, the living reminder of the fact that his previous love loved someone else more than him, is the reason for his current love ''also'' loving someone else more than him. [[Love Hurts|Damn.]] It would also explain Japan's aversion to choosing one of them over the other in spite of the obvious bias (other than his [[Japanese Politeness]], of course); he must have heard both sides of the story and recognized that each one of them is not the bastard the other one believes he is (why else would he be friends with them, if they weren't both good at heart?) - but also that the deep and very emotionally-seated reasons behind their hostility means that it would take a miracle for them to realize that themselves - and that if he ''does'' choose Greece, it would be like twisting the knife further for Turkey. ''Damn.'' It makes so much sense that it's not even funny. --Solandra.
* For a long time I assumed that the reason there are two Italies was just because Italy was the main character and so Himaruya wanted to be able to focus on more aspects of Italian history. But originally, the series was a retelling of World War Two. And in 1943, half of Italy ended up under the allies, while the other half was occupied by Germany. Of course Himaruya created two Italies; how else could he have portrayed that? Of course, he abandoned the actual story long before it reached 1943, but Romano had already been created by then, so he stayed on in the cast. -- [[User:Arla Grey]]
** Actually, no. Historically there were two Italies, which united in 1861. That's why there are two Italies. -godzilla30000
*** But there's no reason for Romano, apparently the less important, to appear. Yes, it could be surmised he existed, but many other countries should also have more than one tan - and probably do. Why would both Italies continue to show up consistently in post-unification strips? Especially since Romano appeared in the chapters, when Himaruya wasn't planning to branch out into general history. - [[Arla Grey]]
**** Fangirl Reason: Because that would mean killing him, and that would be sad. [[Department of Redundancy Department|Reasonable]] Reason:It's pretty much an exact parallel with the U.S. and its North/South divisions, it's one country but the line is still there and the people still identify by Northerners and Southerners, they consider themselves a separate people. It's also similar to Berlin: they still divide themselves by West and East even though the wall is no longer there. Now, why the U.S. doesn't have two doesn't make any sense to me, but maybe the south was like North Korea and was avoided due to controversy. -nekoconecto
***** Well, Italy and Berlin were reunited peacefully, no? America WON A WAR. It is entirely possible that a confederate America existed at some point and just no longer does. (Maybe America was forced to terminate him?)
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* The episode where Japan-cat tries to convince the other cats not to ban trading in canned tuna. At first, I thought of it as just a cute cat-centric strip. Then I thought about it: sea-living life form... banned as food due to endangerment... Japan protesting this... {{spoiler|holy crap, is this a whaling metaphor?}}
** Well, Japan is in a similar situation as whaling in regards to tuna fishing, so I've always assumed that the nekotalia episode was pretty much literal.
* This troper had always wondered why Poland seemed to have an obsession with ponies (at least, that’s what the fandom has now made him out to look like), and where that idea came from, until I learned that it could’ve maybe have stemmed from the fact that during the 1939 German invasion of Poland, the Polish forces fought the German Tanks with CAVALRY (and actually managed to put up a really good fight against the German forces). Himaruya must have translated that one fact into his comics as Poland buying a new pony (or several new ponies, according to the Funimation Dub) in response to England’s question about his war preparations. My theory is that from there, the fandom just decided to illustrate Poland as being pony-obsessed. - [[Chinese Drama Troper]]
** Sadly, Polish cavalry attacking German tanks was a part of German war propaganda - it was their way of saying: "Ha Ha! They still fight with clubs and rocks!". Poland's obsession with ponies, propably comes from [[wikipedia:Polish hussars|the Polish Hussars]], the elite cavalry of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. They were considered nearly unbeatable, and for Poland, they are a source of memories of that brief period when the whole Europe was afraid of him.
* So, this could totally be a [[Captain Obvious]] thing, but bear with me, it only really hit me today. Anyway, we all know that Germany and Prussia drink pretty much nothing but beer, and England is a big believer in going to the pub. Could also be stereotyping without any deeper meaning, but it could be a brilliant little poke at the relationship between Germany, Prussia, and England. The name "England" actually comes from "Angle Land" since the Angles, Saxons, and Jutes invaded England not long after the fall of Rome. The Angles and Co. were Germanic tribes. England is Germany and Prussia's cousin, so that's why all three of em are serious about their drinking!
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* This troper was learning about essential minerals and stuff in biology know that water faucet that Russia always carries around? Symptoms of lead poisoning include: irritability, lack of or late mental development, delirium or hallucinations (remember when he escaped from reality while building the canal?)and behavioural problems. Wow. No wonder he's a [[Ax Crazy|Psychopathic]] [[Psychopathic Manchild|ManCHILD]].
** Except we see Russia get the pipe- he steals it from Germany's house, and he's already plenty [[Psychopathic Manchild|crazy]] then.
** Original poster here. Russia has one of the world's major lead deposits. I'm suggesting that's what the pipe symbolisessymbolizes.
* OK, so, America's glasses signify Texas. But, um... Texas was its own country at one time. Logically, Texas had a nation-tan, or at least could have. Texas wasn't a separate country for long, maybe there wasn't enough time for one to develop. But Hawaii, which had been its own country with its own culture and ruling family/government... Um, what happened to Hawaii's nation-tan? Is he/she like Prussia, just kind of hanging around, or is America carrying around some accessory that is all that's left of Hawaii? (This troper hopes like hell it's the former.)
** Country-biology is a weird thing in general, Corsica is Italy's nipple but belongs to France. Try to get your head around that.
** OP here. Somehow it being France who owns Corsica when it's Italy's nipple is vaguely fitting. Seeing as it's France. But even so, Corsica is part of Italy's landmass. We haven't really found out what, precisely, happens to conquered countries that become assimilated - we know the ancients died but not precisely when/how. I'm kind of thinking now that Hawaii might well have gone the way of Ancient Greece and Egypt.
*** This troper always thought that France's ownership involves a drunken night and a nipple piercing. The ring itself has the French flag on it.
** I'm thinking that the country of Texas became the personifactionpersonification of the state; same for Hawaii. America's glasses represent Texas being part of his nation, but Texas and the other states have their own personifications like Japan's prefectures do.
** It Got Worse. The United States didn't officially form, even during the Revolutionary War- it only 'formed' when the states ratified the Constitution. Meaning, if Texas/Hawaii had nation-tans- there's likely also as many as 13 other nation-tans that had to disappear into America- and only proof of a couple of them even existing at all.
* Though it was only really shown once, and in a rather vague manner, there was the partitioning of Poland. At that point, it was in the anime and it was really just Lithuania's separation with him. Along with that example was Feliks' mention of himself being a phoenix in his Marukaite Chikyuu, but aside that, nothing. According to history, the country of Poland no longer existed for over a hundred years. Though Prussia still exists without a country (arguably, having one as East Germany), Rome, Germania and possibly Holy Roman Empire died with it. Knowing this... What happened to Poland during that time?
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** Rome's a bit ditzy himself though...He seems to have the same type of relationship with Germania as his younger grandson has with Germany, he has an eye for pretty girls, and he has a [[Attention Deficit Ooh Shiny|short attention span]]: when he starts to give a lecture on ''his own history'', he zones out and Germany has to finish up for him. Those are all traits he shares with Veneziano. Rome's a [[Bunny Ears Lawyer]], not a hypercompetent warrior, so it seems his [[Parental Favoritism]] towards North Italy was a case of "birds of a feather": North Italy is a talented painter, trader, cook and, debatably, diplomat -- no country ''really'' has much of an axe to grind with him, he's just an easy target. He's just not a fighter. Romano's a bit trickier, since the story focuses on all his negative points, not his talents, but he's hinted at as being [[Closer to Earth]] with a knack for agriculture. Maybe his grumpy nature serves a purpose -- he's weak, but as he's so bad-tempered, no other country wants to deal with him unless they have to, and he's suspicious enough that he won't blindly agree to treaties that put him at a disadvantage. Perhaps their talents changed as Italy's (the actual nation) focus shifted away from being a military power, or perhaps because they represent a smaller area, they're naturally weaker. It's hard to tell, since if they ''are'' biologically related, that means the question of "who the hell were their parents?!" comes into play.
** This troper also remembers a strip that seemed to imply that Romano has more work ethic than his little brother.
*** Also raises the questions; if they did not in fact have parents, why did he call himself their grandfather and not their father? If they ''did'' have parents, what happened to them? Kind of scary thought; it's theorisedtheorized that nations were once humans. Does that mean Rome may have had human kids? And they remained human, allowing them to grow old and die while watching both their father ''and'' their children stay the same?
*** Perhaps he simply prefers the be called their grandfather because he's so much older than them? They could have been born/appeared when Rome at least appeared later in his years.
** On a related note: Rome taught Veneziano to sing, paint and trade...but not to ''fight''? Had Rome grown so sick of Empire that he actually told his grandson to ''avoid'' conflict (explaining Chibitalia's reaction to Holy Rome's dreams of empire)? That would explain a lot...