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[[File:Death Note Santa.jpg|link=VG Cats|frame|''Rule #1: The poor child who is listed as "naughty" in Santa's [[Death Note|Notebook]] [[Disproportionate Retribution|shall die]].'']]
{{quote|''From his beard to his boots, he was covered with ammo,''
''Like a big fat drunk disgruntled Yuletide Rambo,''
''And he smiled as he said with a twinkle in his eye''
''"Merry Christmas to all - '''now you're all gonna die!'''"''|"The Night Santa Went Crazy," [["Weird Al" Yankovic|Weird Al Yankovic]]}}
|"The Night Santa Went Crazy," [["Weird Al" Yankovic]]}}
You can't spell "Santa" without "Satan".
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Sometimes, the [[Anthropomorphic Personification]] of a beloved holiday just can't take the stress anymore. This may simply lead to shameful behavior, or it might end in a full-blown violent rampage. Alternately, there may be an [[Saving Christmas|impostor bringing shame to the red suit]]. Or maybe an ordinary [[Mall Santa]] is just a [[Jerkass]]. Either way, we have a Bad [[Santa Claus]] on our hands.
Such a villain either [[The Grinch| despises the concept of Christmas altogether]], or tries to pervert it. For children brought up with the 'commercialized' form of Christmas, Santa Claus can be seen as something of a symbol of divine judgment as well as a jolly child-friendly icon, making the Bad Santa almost like a combination between the [[Knight Templar]] and the [[Monster Clown]]. It isn't uncommon for the Bad Santa to herald his appearance with a twisted form of the 'naughty or nice' list - usually with severe penalties for whoever is on the 'naughty' list.
More mundane works might feature crooks in Santa costumes around Christmas as it isn't suspicious yet disguises their identity well.
An extreme form of [[Paranoia Fuel]]. Named after the movie of the same name. UsuallyIf this is the real deal, it's a case of [[Adaptational Villainy]]. If it ''isn't'', it usually ends up fighting the real deal, [[Badass Santa]]!
== Anime and Manga ==
== [[Anime]] and [[Manga ]] ==
* In ''[[Majokko Tsukune-chan]]'', Santa is first bombed, then sniped by Devil Santa, who wants to deliver the presents himself. Santa is then reincarnated as [[Humongous Mecha|Mecha Santa]], who proceeds to battle Devil Santa.
* In ''[[Hayate the Combat Butler]]'', Hayate's work ethic is represented by an obnoxious, sarcastic Santa Claus.
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* The horror manga ''[[Presents]]'' portrays Santa Claus as being able to see how the future will be affected by giving what a child most wants on Christmas. The scenarios we see all involve the children growing up to be criminals, horribly negligent gold-diggers, or (in one case) {{spoiler|instigators for nuclear holocaust.}} Santa responds to these cases by gruesomely killing the then-totally innocent children with their own presents to prevent those futures from happening. Unlike some other examples here, this Santa is sometimes doubtful if he did the right thing. It does nothing to lessen the horror.
* In ''[[The Big O]]'' there is an episode with a crazed man in a Santa suit that unleashes a giant, evil Christmas tree on the city.
* In ''[[Jungle wa Itsumo Hale Nochi Haré+Guu]]'' Guu goes her way to portray Santa like this to the jungle kids who only remember bits of the Santa's mythos. Her portrayal includes [[Friday the 13th (film)|Jason Voorhees]]-hockey mask and a coffin instead of a sleigh, among other things.
* Dr. Hell becomes [[The Grinch]] in a Christmas-themed episode of ''[[Mazinger Z]]'', unleashing the [[Robeast]] Satan Claus P10, who resembled an evil Santa riding a jet-propelled sleigh, using a whip that fired missiles.
== Comic Books ==
== [[Comic Books ]] ==
* The first volume of Alan Moore's ''[[Top Ten]]'' features a "Santa" who turns out to be a delusional class two psychokinetic - kidnapped reindeer from the zoo and everything.
* A [ Christmas issue] of ''[[The Avengers (Comic Book)|The Avengers]]'' had a disturbed, possibly [[Mad Scientist]] with a childhood Christmas fixation attempting to create a robotic Santa Claus to make the myth into reality. But she used an Ultron robot as the basis, and as all [[Marvel Comics]] fans know, Ultron is one of those genocidal kill-all-humans robots. [[Hilarity Ensues]].
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* In fact, Batman has fought crooks dressed as Santa several times.
* ''Batman Black & White'', "A Slaying Song Tonight": A hitman plans to get near his target by taking the place of a [[Mall Santa]] hired to put in an appearance for the target's daughter. Batman figures it out in the nick of time and stops the hitman just before he reaches the house—then puts the costume on and does the Santa appearance himself.
* ''[[The Tick (animation)|The Tick]]'' brought us Multiple Santa - an evil Santa impersonator who can clone himself, parodying the way children react to hearing news that Santa Claus is making personal appearances in many different places all at once throughout December.
** It was made into a [[Christmas Episode]] of the cartoon show. His ability to clone himself comes from electricity, leading the Tick to believe he killed him when he first gains his power. Worse, he keeps believing he's the real Santa until the actual Santa Claus (complete with elves) shows up. This has the side effect of restoring Arthur's faith on Christmas. At the end, since the Tick can't bring himself to fight even a villain who resembles Santa, he shakes him, which causes all his copies to disappear. Giving the Santas noogies makes them disappear.
* ''[[Lobo]]'s Paramilitary Christmas Special'' featured Lobo being hired by the Easter Bunny to whack Santa Claus, and a [[Badass Santa]] getting into a machete fight with the alien bounty hunter.
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* The ''[[Hitman (Comic Book)|Hitman]] Christmas Special'' involves the titular Hitman hunting down a radioactive murderer in a Santa suit on Christmas eve in Gotham, all with surreal narration meant to resemble "Twas the Night Before Christmas."
{{quote|'''Narrator''': 'Word', said his homie; 'I've got my nine. Now let's go bust a cap in that nuclear swine.'}}
* ''[ Santa The Barbarian]''.{{Dead link}} You will be unsurprised to hear that Rob Liefeld was the man responsible.
* In ''[[Hack Slash|Hack/Slash: Entry Wound]]'', one of the holiday-themed villains Cassie mentions she and Vlad had recently disposed of was "Rudolph" - a creepy-looking Santa-esque man with [[Black Eyes of Evil]].
* [[Marvel Comics|The Rhino]] once tried to go straight by taking a job as a department-store Santa, but one too many bratty kids sent him over the edge and he went on a rampage. It took the [[The Incredible Hulk|Grey Hulk]] and one crying little girl to stop him.
* The swedish comic ''Herman Hedning'' have perhaps one of the sickest subversions of this trope. In a christmas edition featuring a parody of ''[[A Christmas Carol]]'' with Herman as Scrooge. In the end, Santa Claus gives him what he wished for. A giant meatgrinder that grinds in a truly sadistic fashion. [[Karmic Death|Santa then proceds to throw Herman in it giving everyone what they had been wishing for the last several years]] all while sporting the best murder face in the series.
{{quote|'''Santa''': "Marry christmas everyone! '''Ho ho ho'''".}}
== [[Fan FanfictionWorks]] ==
* The ''[[ToA Aru MajutsuCertain noMagical Index]]'' fic ''[ A Certain Crazy Christmas Special]'' by [http Franchise] has an insane magician who impersonates Santa and has powerful Christmas-related magic. He goes on a rampage through town, wrecks stuff, steals presents and other belongings, and kidnaps several of the show's pretty girls. Naturally, Touma and Accelerator rescue the girls and defeat him.
== Film ==
== [[Film ]] ==
* ''[[Bad Santa (film)|Bad Santa]]'' stars Billy Bob Thornton as a [[Child-Hater|child-hating]] [[Mall Santa]] who robs the stores afterwards. [[Heel Face Turn|He gets better though.]] [[Jerk with a Heart of Gold|Somewhat.]]
* ''[[Jacob's Ladder]]'': A street Santa robs an injured Jacob Singer of his wallet. Jacob vows revenge.
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* ''[[Silent Night, Deadly Night]]'' and at least some of its sequels feature an [[Ax Crazy]] serial killer dressed as Santa Claus.
* ''[[Trading Places]]'' has Winthorpe, at his wits' end due to being the victim of a cruel prank, show up as a drunken Santa with a gun.
* ''[[The Santa Clause (film series)|The Santa Clause]]'' parodies this trope with a line from Scott Calvin regarding an advertising campaign with Santa in a life size "total tank" model.
{{quote|'''Scott:''' Well, kids, I hope you've been good this year, because it looks like Santa just took out the Pearson Home. INCOMING!!!}}
* ''[[The Santa Clause (film series)|The Santa Clause]] 2'' features a Toy Santa designed to fill in for the real one while he goes off to find a Mrs. Claus. While Santa's absent, Toy Santa takes over the North Pole, turns it into a fascist state, locks up all the elves, and goes off to give everyone coal.
** And in the third film of the series, Jack Frost manages to take over the role and enslave the elves.
* And, lest we forget, there's the demented ''[[Santa Claus (film)|Santa Claus]]'' movie featured in the episode of "[[Mystery Science Theater 3000]]" which gave the [[Nightmare Fuel]] trope its name...
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** The 1994 remake retained the "drunk" Santa who also got fired for mooning the audience and losing his pants on the job. The movie later showed a bar of drunk Santas off shift, and the original Kole's Santa took the place in the plot of the psychologist as an antagonist.
* The [[Exploitation Film]] ''[[The Sinful Dwarf]]'' features a drug dealer who goes by the name Santa Claus. He uses a toy store as a front for his illegal operations.
* The Dutch movie ''SINT'', released in 2010, contains a bad version of Sinterklaas (Saint Nicholas, on which Santa is based). When it's full moon on ''Pakjesavond'' (translated ''Presents Eve'' on 5 Decembre, the night when the kids get their presents), Sinterklaas comes. Not to deliver presents, but to kill you. (Apparently it's not Sinterklaas, but Saint Niklas, a zombie. But they look EXACTLY''exactly'' the same, so it counts).
** Commercial posters have caused controversy, as they seem to scare kids. The RCC (''Reclame Code Comissie'', a Dutch organisation that decides if commercials are allowed to be shown in public) has decided that the posters can stay were they are. [ But they are still creepy.]
* ''Kazuo Umezu's Horror Theater: Present'' is a live-action Asian take on this concept, being neatly summed up by one review as "''Silent Night, Deadly Night''... [[Recycled in Space|IN JAPAN!]]".
== [[Literature ]] ==
* ''[[How the Grinch Stole Christmas! (novel)|How the Grinch Stole Christmas]]'': While not evil in the way of some of these examples, the Grinch started out as an ill-intentioned Santa-impersonator.
* Definitely not evil, but Death in the [[Discworld]] book ''[[Discworld/Hogfather|Hogfather]]'' makes a pretty creepy stand-in for that universe's [[You Mean "Xmas"|Santa equivalent]], who was already kind of creepy to begin with (he has tusks, his sleigh is pulled by fierce, gigantic wild boars, and he hands out blood-stained bones to bad kids).
{{quote|'''Parent''': You can't give her that! It's not safe!
'''Death''': {{smallcaps|It's a sword. They're not ''meant'' to be safe.}}
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'''Mall Owner''': What if she cuts herself?
'''Death''': {{smallcaps|That will be an important lesson.}} }}
* The children's book ''Santa's Twin'' by [[Dean Koontz]] details the attempts of two girls to rescue Santa from his sadistic and mischievous twin brother Bob Claus and stop Bob's plot to ruin Christmas by handing out nasty presents. It was followed up by ''Robot Santa'', which has Bob trying to make up for the trouble he caused last Christmas by building a robotic Santa Claus... who, unfortunately, [[AIA.I. Is a Crapshoot|quickly goes haywire]].
* While explaining the concept of summoning fairies and trapping them in magic circles in the ''[[The Dresden Files|Dresden Files]]'' novel ''Storm Front'', Harry Dresden makes a throwaway remark about not being suicidal enough to try summoning and entrapping Santa Claus that way: "nobody has stones that big." Given some of the things that people ''have'' tried and/or succeeded in summoning and entrapping in magic circles, this says something about the kindly old elf. There's probably a third list just for being that naughty.
** Subverted, when it's later revealed that while Santa Claus is another face of Odin, and while Odin can be... unpleasant at times, [ he's explicitly ''not'' so when he's being Santa Claus.
* The books ''Father Christmas'' and ''Father Christmas Takes a Holiday'' by [[Raymond Briggs]] has a --... well --... ''disgruntled'' Santa who's understandably fed up with having to do so much work just to deliver presents. [[Catch Phrase]]: "Blooming Christmas!"
** Later made into a TV animation with the voice of [[Mel Smith]].
* In Orson Scott Card's [[Ender's Game|Enderverse]] novella ''War of Gifts'', a fundamentalist preacher gives a sermon denouncing the commercialization of Christmas in which he declares that "SANTA is really SATAN!"
* In F. Paul Wilson's [[Repairman Jack]] novel ''Legacies'', Jack dresses up as Santa and beats up a thief that stole toys from a children's hospital. He then tied the thief to the front of the truck containing the toys, put antlers on him, and drove him through traffic. After the police found the abandoned truck in front of the hospital with the thief still tied to it, the only thing the thief could tell them was "Santa did it!"
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While I'm fast asleep, he might come and grab me! }}
* [[Tom Holt]]'s ''Grailblazers'', features Klaus and Radulf, actually [[Norse Mythology|Odin and Sleipnir]]. Both have become extremely vengeful, having been cursed to spend eternity providing gifts nobody wants.
* [[Charles Stross]]'s Laundry short story [ "Overtime"] turns Santa into an [[Eldritch Abomination]], nicknamed by the snarky protagonist as "The Filler of Stockings, the Bringer of Gifts." The reason why a Cthuloid nasty is serving as Santa? {{spoiler|The stars are starting to come right, which means people can reach out to the Great Old Ones by belief alone. And a billion children across the world will go to bed believing Santa will come down the chimney... and ''something else'' answers.}}
* Satirist SJ[[S. J. Perelman]]'s "Waiting For Santy" depicts Claus as a [[Corrupt Corporate Executive|hard-ass old company boss]] in the tradition of men like JP Morgan.
* Not exactly bad, but in the [[Neil Gaiman]] (very) short story "Nicholas Was..." the titular character is an ancient man forced to perform his duties by strange dwarfish creatures from the Arctic who [[Who Wants to Live Forever?|will never let him die]].
== [[Live -Action TV ]] ==
* In ''[[Buffy the Vampire Slayer]]'', Anya mentions in passing that Santa Claus does exist - but that he's really a demon that disembowels children.
* The ''[[Doctor Who]]'' Christmas specials "The Christmas Invasion" and "The Runaway Bride" featured killer robot Santas.
* The final episode of ''[[Woops]]!'' featured a Santa who caused the deaths of Mrs. Claus and the elves when he locked them out of his bomb shelter.
* In "Mr.the ''[[Monk]]'' episode "Mr. Monk and the Man Who Shot Santa,", Monk shoots a man dressed as Santa Claus—he claims self-defense, but he becomes a public pariah. As it turns out, {{spoiler|the man in the Santa suit was acting as a diversion for a diamond heist.}} At the end of the episode, Monk refers to him several times as a "bad Santa."
* For a good portion of the 2007 ''[[Supernatural (TV series)|Supernatural]]'' Christmas story "A Very Supernatural Christmas," the brothers consider the possibility that the [[Monster of the Week]] is an "anti-Claus," although it later turns out to be something else. When they realize they may have made a mistake, they call a more experienced hunter for advice:
{{quote|'''Dean:''' What'd Bobby say?
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* Another X-mas themed monster appeared briefly in ''[[Power Rangers Dino Thunder]]'' called Rude Elf, a reindeer/mulberry mutant dressed like Santa Claus (the Rangers all were having [[Phlebotinum]]-induced nightmares, and Conner had Christmas shopping on his mind).
* ''[[Sisters]]'' had the kids interested in the ''Santacide'' movies, about people being killed by Santa.
* A sketch on ''[[Alexei Sayles Stuff|Alexei Sayle's Stuff]]'' parodying historical documentaries such as ''The World At War'' has Santa as brutal Stalinist dictator, who has a network of spies and informants betraying their comrades to him ("He knows when
* The Santa-themed [[Serial Killer]] in the ''[[Tales from the Crypt]]'' episode, "And All Through the House", although in this case, whether he is truly the greater evil here is debatable, as his intended victim is a [[Black Widow]] who has just murdered her husband (after putting her daughter to bed no less) and prefers to take her chances with the killer rather than call the police and risk them discovering her crime.
== [[Music]] ==
* [[Bob Rivers]]' "Santa Claus is Foolin' Around", a parody of "Santa Claus is Comin' to Town" in which [[Your Cheating Heart|a jealous husband]] accuses Santa of a string of extramarital affairs with the local wives.
== [[Newspaper Comics]] ==
* Discussed in one ''[[Peanuts]]'' strip, where Linus questions how Santa can fund himself; Lucy warns him not to dwell on it too much, claiming that "if the truth were brought out, you'd find that [[Corrupt Corporate Executive|he's being financed by some big eastern chain!]]" Charlie Brown, however, assures him the next day that such rumors come out every year and insists Santa is clean.
** This joke was later recycled for ''[[A Charlie Brown Christmas]]''; given the general theme about Christmas becoming commercialized, Lucy's assumption here may be justified.
== [[Tabletop Games]] ==
* [ Santa Claws] in the ''[[Yu-Gi-Oh!]]'' Card Game. Though he has a fiendish appearance, he has the [[Light Is Not Good|LIGHT attribute.]] Note the Scores of this monster, 1,200 ATK and 2,500 DEF. A reference to December 25th, the date of Christmas.
== [[Video Games]] ==
* In one bonus mission from ''[[Hitman]]''. Agent 47 has to dress as Santa to get close to a mark. Even worse, he gets the Santa suit by mugging the ''real'' Santa. Yeah, he uses [[Mugged for Disguise|that method]] a lot to get a disguise, but still...
* Sumo Santa from ''[[Clay Fighter]]'' is [[Exactly What It Says on the Tin]].
* In ''[[Bully]]'', there's Rudy, a drunk, slovenly bum dressed like Santa who somehow fools Jimmy into beating up the real one.
* ''[[Saints Row (series)|Saint's Row 4]]'' has Clawz, an evil doppelganger of Santa and a villain in a DLC.
== [[Western Animation]] ==
* Robot Santa from ''[[Futurama]]''. He had originally been programmed to act like the regular Santa, to keep a Naughty and Nice List, and give gifts to the latter. However, his standards were accidentally set ''way'' too high, and he became a murderous [[Knight Templar]] who emerged on X-Mas to hunt down those on his Naughty List (which was now almost everyone) with a small arsenal of munitions.
* ''[[The Late Show]]'' presents, "The Indict-Mare Before Christmas", where [[Donald Trump]] tries to usurp Santa. [ watch it here.]
== [[Real Life]] ==
* Proving that reality can often be darker than fiction, [ a Georgia man working as a Walmart Santa] was arrested in 2018 for the murder of his own daughters.
{{quote|''You'd better watch out...''}}
[[Category:Christmas Tropes]]