Badass Gay: Difference between revisions

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* The current [[Batwoman]] was ousted from the military after being caught in a relationship with a fellow female cadet. She fights shapeshifting animal henchmen with only her average strength and wits and has survived being stabbed in the chest.
* Wiccan and Hulkling from the ''[[Young Avengers]]''. Both are undeniably badass with one being a [[Reality Warper|reality-warping]] mutant and the other a [[Shapeshifting|shape-shifter]] {{spoiler|alien hybrid}}. They also happen to be in a happy relationship with each other and will do [[Beware the Nice Ones|unspeakable things to anyone that tries to hurt their boyfriend]].
* [[Lipstick Lesbian|Sarah Rainmaker]] from ''[[Gen 13]]'', obviously.
== Film ==