Baldr Sky: Difference between revisions

BOT EDIT: "Talking to Themself" -> "Inner Dialogue"
(update links)
(BOT EDIT: "Talking to Themself" -> "Inner Dialogue")
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* [[Sex Bot]]: The pirate NPCs that were illegally created from Kuu’s data. Therefore this annoys Kou since they look like Sora.
* [[Taking the Bullet]]: In DiveX, Marcus who was mercenary in Kou’s group took the hit for Kou and died instead. This caused Kou to realize he was too soft in battle and he stopped showing mercy.
* [[TalkingInner to ThemselfDialogue]]: {{spoiler|In Sora’s route, almost everyone thought Kou was talking to himself but he was actually talking to Kuu.}}
* [[Time Stands Still]]: Occurs several times on the virtual net where every single AI freezes up.
* [[Title Drop]]: "Baldr Sky" is {{spoiler|the keyword that Kurihara used for the nanomachine capsule that he gave to Kou. When the keyword is stated, it provides data about the restoration program for the Assembler.}}