Barrier Change Boss: Difference between revisions

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** The move Camouflage changes the Pokemon type depending on the environment.
** There's also Castform with its ability to change its type, as well as the effects of its signature move, Weather Ball, depending on the weather, becoming Fire-type in strong sunlight, Water-type in rain, and Ice-type in hail (though strangly, there's no alternate form for a sandstorm).
* The Chromatic Fiend in ''[[Baldur's Gate]] 2'': Throne of Bhaal does this.
** The first form of the final boss does this as well. It will actually notify players though; first by using a high level spell of that element to signify it's about to change, and then by changing colors to match its element.
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* After every two or three good hits against The Barrier Trio in ''[[Mother 3]]'', they change poses and change to a random elemental weakness. Unless you go through your PSI powers and work out their weakness through trial and error, they'll kill you very quickly.
** Or just have Boney [[Enemy Scan|sniff them]]. That command exists for a reason, you know.
* [[MARDEK]] has the [[Bonus Boss]] [[Names to Run Away From Really Fast|Annihilator:Karnos]], which occasionally switches to a random new element. [[Power Copying|Legion's]] Gemsplosion attack will ''always'' trigger this.
=== Shoot'Em Up ===
=== Simulation Game ===
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=== Other Game Genres ===
* [[Phantasy Star Universe]] has the Kagajibari. Boss of the mission [[Meaningful Name|"Rainbow Beast"]], he switches element to whatever element just hit him. He casts spells accordingly. His default type is [[Light Is Not Good|Light]], so one would cast dark spells at him...[[Too Dumb to Live|right?]]. If you cast dark spells at him, he casts [[One-Hit Kill|Megid]] at you.
* [[MARDEK]] has the [[Bonus Boss]] [[Names to Run Away From Really Fast|Annihilator:Karnos]], which occasionally switches to a random new element. [[Power Copying|Legion's]] Gemsplosion attack will ''always'' trigger this.
** The [[Silicon-Based Life|Master Stone]] switches elements ''every turn'', in addition to its normal attacks. The best way to deal with the Stone is to [[Anti-Magic|curse]] it, which not only locks it in its current form but also limits it to a relatively weak physical attack.
* The Tyrant Dragon from ''[[Breath of Fire]] 4'' switches between earth, wind, and water every turn.