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** The final form of the Emperor Ing in ''Metroid Prime 2: Echoes'' alternates between becoming invulnerable to dark energy, light energy, and "neutral" energy (the Power Beam). The former two can be thwarted with the Annihilator Beam, which covers both elements, but burns both kinds of ammo (which you're probably quite low on [[Marathon Boss|at this point]]).
** Gorea's first form from ''Metroid Prime: Hunters'' does this. Just like with Metroid Prime's core essence, there's a set pattern to what you should shoot him with. However, no matter the color of his armor, he's always weak to the Power Beam and missiles. {{spoiler|Unless you get the the [[True Final Boss]] part of the fight...}}
* [[Phantasy Star Universe]] has the Kagajibari. Boss of the mission [[Meaningful Name|"Rainbow Beast"]], he switches element to whatever element just hit him. He casts spells accordingly. His default type is [[Light Is Not Good|Light]], so one would cast dark spells at him...[[Too Dumb to Live|right?]]. If you cast dark spells at him, he casts [[One-Hit Kill|Megid]] at you.
** The [[Silicon-Based Life|Master Stone]] switches elements ''every turn'', in addition to its normal attacks. The best way to deal with the Stone is to [[Anti-Magic|curse]] it, which not only locks it in its current form but also limits it to a relatively weak physical attack.
=== Action Game ===
=== Adventure Game ===
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** Or just have Boney [[Enemy Scan|sniff them]]. That command exists for a reason, you know.
* [[MARDEK]] has the [[Bonus Boss]] [[Names to Run Away From Really Fast|Annihilator:Karnos]], which occasionally switches to a random new element. [[Power Copying|Legion's]] Gemsplosion attack will ''always'' trigger this.
* The Tyrant Dragon from ''[[Breath of Fire]] 4'' switches between earth, wind, and water every turn.
* In ''[[Mega Man X Command Mission]]'', Incentas had the ability to rotate his element. And his head.
=== Shoot'Em Up ===
=== Simulation Game ===
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=== Wide Open Sandbox ===
=== Other Game Genres ===
* [[Phantasy Star Universe]] has the Kagajibari. Boss of the mission [[Meaningful Name|"Rainbow Beast"]], he switches element to whatever element just hit him. He casts spells accordingly. His default type is [[Light Is Not Good|Light]], so one would cast dark spells at him...[[Too Dumb to Live|right?]]. If you cast dark spells at him, he casts [[One-Hit Kill|Megid]] at you.
** The [[Silicon-Based Life|Master Stone]] switches elements ''every turn'', in addition to its normal attacks. The best way to deal with the Stone is to [[Anti-Magic|curse]] it, which not only locks it in its current form but also limits it to a relatively weak physical attack.
* The Tyrant Dragon from ''[[Breath of Fire]] 4'' switches between earth, wind, and water every turn.
* In ''[[Mega Man X Command Mission]]'', Incentas had the ability to rotate his element. And his head.
* The final boss of ''[[Magical Starsign]]'' changes its own weakness.
* The [[Final Boss]] of the first ''[[Overlord]]'' game does this every so often. The color of his shield matches that of the Minion type needed to break through it.
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