Baten Kaitos/Characters: Difference between revisions

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** A side quest in Origins reveals that {{spoiler|Lyude is [[Your Cheating Heart|the nanny's son.]] When Camella finds out, she leaves.}} Hence why Skeed and Vallye consider him [[The Unfavorite]].
* [[Musical Assassin]] (Lyude uses a variety of weaponized trumpets, saxophones, tubas, and other brass instruments to attack. And sometimes they'll be light-based or dark-based horns.)
** Shows his work, though, with the [[Musical Theme Naming]] of his finishing moves: [ Overture], [ Concerto], [[<!-- 28music29%28music%29#Sudden_changes Sforzando, Diminuendo,]] [[ Intermezzo]], [[ Crescendo]], [[ Rhapsody]], [[ Presto]], and [[ Finale]]. Talk about WickedCultured[[Wicked Cultured]]... -->
* [[Nice Guy]]: Every bit as nice as [[The Heart|Xelha]].
* [[Red Eyes Take Warning]]: Subverted. Kalas initially suspects him, but he's ''nicer'' than him.
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