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* Batman's civilian identity is swimming in money. His company's R&D department develops all the neat little gadgets he uses on his war on crime. And most importantly: Batman has designed individualized traps and contingencies specifically designed to deal with his allies in the Justice League (to say nothing about the whole [[AI Is a Crapshoot|OMAC/Big Brother]] system), meaning despite their godlike powers, they have more to fear from him than he from them. It is not inconceivable, nay, it is entirely sensible, that Batman, if he put his mind to it, could construct and design the [[Tailor-Made Prison|prison of prisons]] (or insane asylum of insane asylums) that was escape-proof and capable of holding his foes indefinitely, then use his company's connections to convince Gotham that his prison was a better alternative than [[Cardboard Prison|Arkham]], which has more holes than 50-cent's chest. If he can design contingencies against his metahuman allies, he should be perfectly capable of designing an [[Tailor-Made Prison]] to entrap his worst enemies (and before anyone responds listing the various ways it might possibly go wrong, remember that a) he is the Goddamed Batman, who has already [[Crazy Prepared|gone through the hundreds of possibly worst case scenarios you can think of]] in the 10 seconds it took him to come up with the idea and has developed contingencies for those outcomes too, and b) with Bruce's money and connections, he could still support any number of other common-sense, long-term initiatives to improve Gotham's social services, modernize the police force and reduce crime in the long run).
** I tried ''really, really hard'' to think of a reason why that wouldn't work...but I can't. I got nothing.
*** Simple. No one remotely sane will take a job at Arkham Asylum if he can possibly get a job anywhere else, no matter what you're offering to pay him. I mean, fuck, just look at every psychologist we've seen who actually volunteered to go there. Dr. Harleen Quinzelle, Dr. Jeremiah Arkham, Dr. Quincy Sharp in the Arkham Asylum videogame even... they're all nuts themselves! Therefore, regardless of budget, Arkham Asylum will always be staffed by the worst and most otherwise unemployable candidates for the job, and that means you're going to get endless fuck-ups.
** In some continuities, Bats, as Wayne, spends tons of cash every year on constantly improving Arkham's security. The trouble is, security means nothing when half the staff is easily threatened or bribed into letting villains just waltz out whenever they please.
*** ^Pretty much this. At the end of the day such a prison will always fail as long as their is so much corruption in Gotham. The only way around that is to make it run completely by machines, which can be hacked easily.
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