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{{quote|''My fixed bayonet was my only hope. I had been an enthusiastic bayonet fighter during training. Even with the odds of three to one against me, I had complete confidence in the weapon and in my ability… and I prevailed that day!''|'''Irwin Rommel''', ''[[Infantry Attacks]]''}}
{{quote|''Give 'em a bit of the old cold steel, Captain Mainwaring! [[Catch Phrase|They don't like it up 'em]], sir, they do not like it up 'em!''|'''Corporal Jones''', ''[[Dad's Army]]''}}
[[Cool Guns]] are great ... until you run out of ammo. Thankfully, you won't be lugging around dead weight when you attach a sharp blade on it, allowing the empty gun to improvise as a [[Blade on a Stick]]. Even better when you can detach it and use it as is.
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== Live Action TV ==
* ''[[Dad's Army]]'': Corporal Jones was always advocating the use of the bayonet - see the page quote page.
* ''[[Deadliest Warrior]]'': As attachments for the musket of the musketeer and the AK-47 of the Taliban.
* Seen occasionally in ''[[Sharpe]]''. The elite Rifles use longer bayonets for their weapons, which [[Insistent Terminology|must be referred]] to when deployed as 'fix swords!' rather than 'fix bayonets!' as for the musket-wielding regulars.
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* Famously used in [[The American Civil War]] by the 20th Maine Volunteer Infantry under Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain. During the battle of [[Gettysburg]], Chamberlain's troops were suffering heavy casualties and running out of ammo, and he knew they would be unable to defend their vital position on Little Round Top against the approaching Confederate army. So, in a complete [[Badass]] move, he ordered a bayonet charge, which even at the time was considered an old-school textbook maneuver, but which Chamberlain realized could be used as a simultaneous frontal attack and flanking. The Confederates were utterly cowed and the 20th Maine [[Moment of Awesome|won the day]]. Chamberlain himself received a Medal of Honor for it.
* At the battle of Eylau, has the Russian forces progressed towards his HQ, Napoleon ordered general Dorsenne to stop their advance with the 2nd regiment of foot grenadiers of the Old Guard and the 2nd regiments of Chasseurs. Seeing one of the grenadiers take aim with his rifle, Dorsenne ordered "Grenadiers, l'arme au bras ! La vieille garde ne se bat qu'à la baïonnette." (Grenadiers, weapons at rest! The Old guard only fights with bayonets). The Russian assault was then routed by the Old Guard.
* Erwin Rommel, with an empty rifle and bayonet, won a 1 vs. 3 victory against several French soldiers in ''Infantry Attacks''. He only received a leg wound.
== Tabletop Games ==