• Crowning Moment of Awesome (Name another kids show that can confront viewers fears about a scary environmental problem, in this case being ozone layer depletion, head on with understanding and balance with the empowering, "Let's turn that fear into knowledge!")
  • Germans Love David Hasselhoff (Or, Brazilians love Lester...)
    • It was also quite popular in Mexico.
  • Hilarious in Hindsight: When Beakman explores how cars work, Lester states that they run off of explosions right off the bat. Josie tries to silence him, saying that the viewers won't bother to watch if they already know the answer, but Lester replies that they'll tune in to watch explosions. Fast forward to a certain other Edutainment Show.
    • Also the fact that there was an occasional segment actually called Mythbusters, which would point out common misconceptions, such as how pencils are often stated to write with lead, when they actually use graphite.
  • Replacement Scrappy:
    • Phoebe was hated by fans even more so than Liza, due to the fact that she's not Josie or Liza.
      • Most likely also because Phoebe is less friendly towards Lester, and that she had a tendency to be a smart-aleck.
    • Liza gets some hatred from fans for not being Josie, but she gets it fairly easy compared to Phoebe.
  • Uncanny Valley: She may appear different in the actual show, but look at this promotional picture: https://web.archive.org/web/20080911002216/http://www.sonypictures.com/tv/kids/beakmansworld/ WHAT IS THAT CREATURE on the right?? Some kind of "adult-child hybrid"??? Maybe it's more of Uncanny Valley Makeup and Uncanny Valley Hairdo though.