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=== [[Ben 10]] ===
=== Ben ===
* In ''Secret of the Omnitrix'', Gwen gets dragged underground by a pack of [[Plant Aliens|Florauna (Wildvine's)]], and the male half of the [[Bratty Half-Pint]] duo proves that he'll risk ''the universe'' for people he cares about:
{{quote|'''Ben:''' Going hero!
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* Four Arms vs Retaliator in "Destroy All Aliens". Especially the part where Four Arms catches missiles, and, after a bit of experimentation, ''uses them to fly''.
=== Kevin 11 ===
* ''Impaling'' and ''murdering'' [[Monster of the Week]] Slix, preventing him from killing Ben... then proceeding to attempt to kill Ben himself.
* His [[Evil Plan]] in "Framed." He usually just acts like a super-powered beast, so seeing him actually have a thinking plan that hits Ben where it hurts most (his pride) is quite impressive. His newfound scheming later resurfaces when he [[The Starscream|attempts to betray Vilgax at the opportunite moment]] in "Back with a Vengeance".
=== Charmcaster ===
* Turning on her Uncle Hex at the moment he's about to become all-powerful, so that she can have it all for herself. As she puts it to Hex, "I get the charms AND the power and YOU get SQUAT!" That's always the kind of thing a good [[Bastard Understudy]] should hope to achieve.
** Made cooler when you consider that throughout the episode, Hex had been [[Abusive Parents|forcing her to reply to his commands]] with a submissive "Yes, uncle." When commanding her to step aside here, she says "That would be a big NO, uncle." Sure, she's doing evil here, but it's hard to deny that [[Kick the Son of a Bitch|Hex had it coming to him.]]
=== Vilgax ===
* Defeating Ben just by touching the Omnitrix insignia.
* Being able to break Diamondhead.
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* Escaping the Null Void in the [[Grand Finale]] [[The Movie|movie]] "Secret of the Omnitrix." How did he do it? He's fucking ''Vilgax'', that's how!
=== Other ===
* Lt. Steel, the one-time character of the episode "Framed" definately had one at the end, when the newly-mutated Kevin is about to kick Ben off the Golden Gate Bridge.
{{quote|Kevin: You'll never win because you're the good guy! And guys like you never have the guts to finish guys like me!
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* It didn't ''actually'' happen, but Ben's entire family got an awesome moment in "Goodbye and Good Riddance" in defeating Vilgax.
=== [[Ben 10: Alien Force|Ben 10 Alien Force]] ===
=== Ben ===
* His first battle as Swampfire. Or the part of the battle right before that when the Omnitrix refused to work and he had to fight as a human. It's hard to decide which is more awesome.
* Talking down two bullies in [[Tranquil Fury]] and getting applause from all his peers for doing so.
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* '''Humungousaur''': "Guess what time it is? IT'S HERO TIME"
=== Gwen ===
* "Coming to my senses" and defeating Morningstar the [[Does This Remind You of Anything?|sparkly vampire]]. Some of us have been waiting ''a long time'' to see that, girl!
* Similar to her defeat of Morningstar, Gwen's defeat of Charmcaster in ''In Charm's Way''. Charmcaster has taken her powers, so Gwen challenges her to a fist-fight. Charmcaster doesn't roll that way, so she instead blasts Gwen with magic...which is exactly what Gwen was actually anticipating with the fist-fight challenge, and thus Gwen reverses the spell, takes her powers back, and opens up a dimensional vortex and chucks Charmcaster and her minions in it.
=== Kevin ===
* "Inside Man" when he single-handedly saves Gwen from being sucked up into the DNAlien ship by pulling her back down to earth.
* The episode where Ben is trapped in Alien X: While he was in his coma, Kevin used his power to absorb rubber, and effortlessly pwned the alien army trying to capture him.
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* "My name is Kevin Ethan Levin. {{spoiler|[[You Killed My Father]]. [[Prepare to Die]].}}" If not that moment, certainly the end of the episode: " {{spoiler|He didn't make it.}}"
=== Vilgax ===
* His defeat of Ghostfreak. After the ''massive'' [[Villain Decay|villain]] and [[Badass Decay|badass]] decay he went through, Vilgax finally gets to be cool again.
* Even a decayed Vilgax managed to [[Curb Stomp Battle|Curb Stomp]] the "Max Force" (including Max himself!) without really trying.
* The first battle between him and Ben is really awesome. Even if Vilgax lost, he put up a good show.
=== Other ===
* Grandpa Max's [[Heroic Sacrifice|detonation of the Null Void Projector]]. He got better.
* Ben & Riney the Highbreed WORKING TOGETHER to survive. This good karma comes back to him in the finale.
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* Tech-blob-alien-pet Ship gets one in ''Vreedle, Vreedle'' (aka, ''Don't Fear The Repo''), when the Vreedle brothers (a pair of bounty hunters known for their over-violent tactics and tendency to never bring back a living target) come to retrieve and return him to the Galvanic Mechomorph that originally spawned him. Julie gets in the line of fire, so Ship takes matters into his own hands: he becomes a suit of [[Powered Armor]] to protect Gwen and Julie, gives the latter a fighting chance against the Vreedles, ''and'' help hold them off until Ben and Kevin [[It Makes Sense in Context|get back from space-court.]]
=== [[Ben 10: Ultimate Alien]] ===
* Gwen defeating Zombozo without even having to fight. It was just... seriously, it has to be seen to be believed how ''awesome'' it was.
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** And last but not least, Ben doing the right thing {{spoiler|restores Azmuth's trust about him being [[The Chosen One]] and he gives Ben a new Omnitrix.}}
[[Category:Awesome (animation)]]
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