Best Known for the Fanservice/Web Original

Examples of Best Known for the Fanservice in Web Original works include:

  • A YouTube video on a channel known as Vlogvetica featured a naked guy walking in the background, for maybe one second, and was never pointed out in the actual video. Guess what every single comment was about.
  • The trope "But You Screw One Goat!", is the punchline of a joke that owes its humor as much if not more to the trope under discussion here than the one that actually bears its name.
  • From This Wiki on the Body Paint page:
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Troper: I saw an Israeli war movie (forget the name, sorry) that began and ended with a scene showing the protagonist and his girlfriend rubbing paint all over each other while making love. Not sure what this had to do with the rest of the movie.
Other troper: Who cares?

  • Any sex scene in Survival of the Fittest quite often eclipses the character. Case in point, there's a reason that She Bop (girl on girl rape) is the most infamous thread of V3. So far as characters go, Rosa Fiametta of V4 often gets this treatment, to the point where her characterisation is simplified to just being a sex maniac due to the frequency with which she gets it on.
  • The Game Heroes ad where The Nostalgia Critic gets kidnapped. Fangirls completely failed to notice what they were selling, being distracted by the pretty boy getting manhandled and a gun being put to his head.
    • The Surf Ninjas review is a Dying Dream episode, with lots of clever Sarcasm Mode, a nice scene where The Other Guy and friends are looking after Critic, and Optimus Prime bringing him back to life by dying for his sins. And what do people remember? "GEEEEEEENIUS!"
  • Most modern social networks are home to tons of Fanservice. It's not unusual to see women post their bikini photos on sites like Instagram because they know guys like good looking women. The vice versa also applies.
    • The "e-girl" trend Instagram (alongside Snapchat and TikTok on the video side) helped to kickstart escalated to the next level thanks to OnlyFans, which, as its name implies, allows one to pay the Fanservice. How much you'll get depends, but some go just slightly more skimpy than on their other accounts while for others the Fanservice will be a night under the sheets together.

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