Better Than It Sounds/Tabletop Games: Difference between revisions

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* {{spoiler|1000 Blank White Cards}}: [[Calvin Ball]]: The Card Game.
* {{spoiler|''[[Seventh Sea|7th Sea]]''}}: [[Fantasy Counterpart Culture|Knock-offs of 17th-century European countries]] battle for supremacy, and you're caught in the middle. Also, [[Pirate|pirates]] and [[Functional Magic|magic]] are involved.
* {{spoiler|''Adventures in Oz: Fantasy Roleplaying Beyond the Yellow Brick Road''}}: It's based off of a series of kids' books. Small children, Cairn Terriers, and rag dolls are perfectly legitimate character choices.
* {{spoiler|''[[Agricola]]''}}: A bunch of medieval couples start families and raise cubic livestock.
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** Alternatively; [[Lord of the Rings]]: The RPG, as written by Jane Austen.
* {{spoiler|''Checkers''}}: Kill your enemies through the ancient art of Leap Frog. Show no mercy, for you will be shown none.
* {{spoiler|''[[Chess]]''}}: Tabletop strategy game where you control an [[Extraordinarily Empowered Girl]], [[Church Militant|Church Militants]], and [[Genius Loci|giant, mobile stone buildings]]. If they can make it to the end, your weakest units can [[Took a Level Inin Badass|take a level in badass]]. The object of the game is to corner your opponent's second-weakest piece.
** {{spoiler|''Knightmare Chess''}}: The same as above, except that the rules are bent, broken, and changed on a regular basis. [[Hilarity Ensues]].
** {{spoiler|''Choiss''}}: You and your opponent built an island and your forces fight on it.]]
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* {{spoiler|[[Don't Rest Your Head]]}}: Mind bogglingly frightening adventures in a world that takes all the [[Nightmare Fuel]] of [[The Phantom Tollbooth]] and kicks it up a notch [[Nightmare Fuel|(Bam!)]] Needle headed dogs will sew your shadow to the floor.
** Did we mention you get powers from being crazy that make you more crazy?
* {{spoiler|[[Dungeons and& Dragons]]}}: A game of let's pretend where you kill tribes of [[Exclusively Evil|evil fantasy races]] and take their stuff and get periodic powerups.
** {{spoiler|d20 Modern}}: The above {{smallcaps|[[Recycled in Space|in the modern day!]]}}
** {{spoiler|d20 ''[[Star Wars]]''}}: The above {{smallcaps|[[Recycled in Space|a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away!]]}}
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** Alternatively; Play mystical seekers who hope to overcome a life of tedious money-earning, porn-watching, and endless drinking by leaping into a secretive society where people work to earn money, watch porn, and drink endlessly. You can also choose to work at McDonald's.
** Incredibly self-destructive habits become the path to magical power. Conspiracy and cosmic bumfights ensue.
* {{spoiler|[[Warhammer 40000|Warhammer 40,000]]}}: The local church and a posse of nerds try to keep nosy neighbors, hoodlums, an insect infestation, some old malfunctioning robots, and some really creepy things from another dimension out of their neighborhood on behalf of a disabled veteran.
** {{spoiler|[[Warhammer Fantasy Battle]]}}: As above, but in [[The Dung Ages|a medieval setting]].
* {{spoiler|Weapons of the Gods}}: Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, only instead of Chow Yun Fat and Zhang Ziyi, you look at paper. And instead of breathtaking martial arts sequences with a world-class fight director, you roll dice. Sex makes you a better fighter. Character creation requires a crash course in Ancient History.