Beware the Nice Ones/Video Games: Difference between revisions

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** Mia. The demure [[Staff Chick]]? In ''The Lost Age'', [[The Brute|Agatio]] is more afraid of her [[Combat Medic|healing]] and [[Elemental Rock-Paper-Scissors|type advantages]] in combat than he is of Isaac.
** ''Dark Dawn'' turns this into an entire gameplay mechanic during the battle with the [[Bonus Boss]] Ancient Devil. Devil's gimmick is that he can brainwash one of your player characters into assisting him. And he's [[Artificial Brilliance|programmed to identify player characters most advantageous for him to do this to]]. All the buff, aggressive heroic guys are his ''last picks'' because of their lesser power selections. His number one target? '''Shy, sweet [[Moe Moe|Sveta]] [[Iron Woobie|Czamaral]]'''. And if he gets her, she ''will'' [[Badass Adorable|take out at least half the party]]. Expect a full-fledged TPK if she's in [[Awesome but Impractical|Beast]] [[Game Breaker|Form]] at the time.
* Aqua in ''[[Bomberman|Super Bomberman R]]'' is a hardcore pacifist and tries to talk [[The Napoleon|Magnet Bomber]] and [[Hot-Blooded|Red]] out of fighting, and gets yelled at and punched out of the way by Magnet for her attempt. She gets so furious that [[Megaton Punch|she uppercuts them both into the stratosphere]].
{{Quote|'''Pink''': *Sigh*... That's what they get for making Aqua mad...
'''Black''': Oh, Aqua's scarier than anyone when she's angry...
'''Aqua''': HMPF!}}