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&"The ultimate villain of the story, who's causing the problem the heroes must solve."
Note that [[Big Bad]] is not a catch-all trope for the biggest and ugliest villain of any given story. The [[Big Bad]] is the one who turns out to be behind several other seemingly independent threats.
* ''[[Twenty Four|24]]'':
** Season 1: {{spoiler|Victor Drazen}}
** Season 2: {{spoiler|Max and Alexander Trepkos}}
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* ''[[The Adventures of Brisco County Jr]].'': The main Big Bad is John Bly, who is eventually revealed to be an even bigger threat than previously thought when it is discovered that {{spoiler|he's actually a time traveler from Earth's far future who will institute a 1,000-year reign of terror.}}
* ''[[Alphas]]'': The main villains are the Red Flag organization, the collective [[Evil Counterpart]] to Rosen's Alpha team. Specifically, the [[Big Bad]] would be Red Flag's leader, [[Immortality Immorality|Stanton Parish]], who so far has only been on screen for about five minutes total in the first season finale, but has still managed to show himself as a master [[The Chessmaster|Chessmaster]], and a ''very'' dangerous opponent.
* ''[[Angel (TV)|Angel]]'' has Wolfram and Hart as the main antagonist for the entire series, though they were not always the Big Bad.
** Season One has Wolfram and Hart.
** Season Two begins with Wolfram and Hart, though they are upstaged by Darla and Drusilla halfway through the season.
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** Season Five has the Senior Partners, operating on Earth through their Dragons, the Circle of the Black Thorn.
*** Also big bads of the entire series, since Wolfram and Hart is the show's main villain and the Senior Partners are behind Wolfram and Hart.
* ''[[Buffy the Vampire Slayer (TV)|Buffy the Vampire Slayer]]'' is the [[Trope Namer]], and would occasionally introduce "decoy" Big Bads to set up a surprising revelation:
** [[Buffy the Vampire Slayer (Filmfilm)|The Movie]]: [[Aristocrats Are Evil|Count Lothos]]
** Season 1: [[The Master (trope)|The Master]]
** Season 2: First the [[Dark Messiah|Anointed One]] was a decoy big bad. Spike and Drusilla are the Big Bads of the first half of the season, and [[Complete Monster|Angelus]] is the big bad of the second half after his [[Face Heel Turn]].
** Season 3: [[Affably Evil|The Mayor]]
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** Season 8 Comic: Twilight, {{spoiler|the sentient dimension, not Angel.}}
** Season 9 Comic: Apparently rogue Slayer Simone Doffler... though its too early to tell.
* [[Xena: Warrior Princess]] had Ares, Callisto, Caesar, Alti, Dahak and the Olympian gods. Xena may not follow the Seasonal Big Bad formula, but the major villains in the series are all recurring, and (with the exception of Ares and Alti) all follow some form of a linear character arc.
* ''[[Charmed (TV)|Charmed]]'', after it partially abandoned its [[Monster of the Week]] premise in season 3:
** Season 1: To some extent, Rex Buckland and Hannah Webster in the first half of the season.
** Season 2: No Big Bads.
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** Season 2: Pierce who's standing deterioated with the group after Advanced Dungeon & Dragons.
and City College, Greendale's rival.
** Season 3: Uncertain. But it's a tie between Chang, who's security force is beginning to make it's bid for the school, and Vice Dean Laybourne who wants Troy to join the Air Conditioning Annex and end their friendship with Abed.
* ''[[Dark Angel]]'':
** Season 1: Manticore, at first personified by Colonel Donald Lydecker, who was later ousted by the [[Eviler Than Thou]] Madame X.
** Season 2: Ames White, who is secretly a government agent assigned to cover up Manticore by hunting down transgenics, and even more secretly a leader in the [[Ancient Conspiracy|Familiar Breeding Cult]].
* Season 1 of ''[[Dark Oracle]]'' has [[Evil Sorcerer]] [[Smug Snake|Omen]], who is revealed to be the one who saddled Lance and Cally with the [[Dark World]] comic in the first place. In Season 2, [[Loners Are Freaks|Vern]] makes a [[Big Bad Wannabe|valiant attempt]] at becoming the new main villain, before being upstaged by Omen's return. Omen himself has [[Creepy Twins|Blaze and Violet]] in back of him, while {{spoiler|[[The Man Behind the Man|The Puppet-Master]]}} is in back of them.
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** Season 6: Patrick Logan
** Season 7: Felicia Tilman
* In ''[[Dexter]]'' the hero is also the villain, in a version of the [[Villain Protagonist]] and [[Heroic Sociopath]] tropes, so in one sense Dexter is always his own Big Bad. Each season has its own exterior Big Bad as well.
** Season 1: The Ice Truck Killer, who is actually {{spoiler|Dexter's brother, Brian, who is a doctor working on the case with the police}}.
** Season 2: Dexter is clearly his own big bad, as he's trying to avoid being caught. There are superficial decoy Big Bads: Lundy, the would-be [[Hero Antagonist]], Doakes, {{spoiler|and finally Lila}}.
** Season 3: {{spoiler|Miguel Prado.}}
** Season 4: Trinity.
** Season 5: {{spoiler|Jordan Chase.}}
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** Season 23: The Valeyard and the {{spoiler|Time Lord High Council}}.
** Season 26 reveals that {{spoiler|Fenric}} caused everything in the previous three seasons.
** Series 1: The Dalek Emperor and his faction of half-human Daleks.
** Series 2: Started off with John Lumic and his version of the Cybermen. They return for the finale, now led by a generic Cyber-Leader, but they're usurped by {{spoiler|the Cult of Skaro (led by Dalek Sec)}}; both factions spent more time [[Evil Versus Evil|fighting each other]] than the heroes.
** Series 3: [[The Master (trope)|The Master]], [[Arch Enemy|naturally]].
** Series 4: Featured the resurgent Dalek Empire, represented by Davros, {{spoiler|but he's technically a "pet" for the Supreme Dalek.}}
** Year of Specials / The End of Time: {{spoiler|Rassilon, founder of Time Lord society, brought back during the Time War so he could save his people - even if it means destroying the rest of the universe.}}
** Series 5 / 6: "The Silence", a movement determined to kill the Doctor in order to {{spoiler|avert a prophecy that he will reveal his most terrible secret.}} Indirectly caused most of series 5 despite not appearing until the series 6 opening - oh, and they're still around at the end of ''that'' series, so we can probably expect them in 7.
* ''[[Farscape (TV)|Farscape]]'': A succession of [[Big Bad|Big Bads]]. First it's Crais, then Scorpius, then Grayza, who eventually [[Big Bad Ensemble|shares the limelight]] with the Scarran Emperor. Note that each of these get progressively more epic and ambitious..
* It is strongly implied in ''[[Firefly (TV)|Firefly]]'' that the Big Bad was the Blue Sun Corporation, which apparently worked with the Academy.
* ''[[Fringe (TV)|Fringe]]''
** Season 1: ZFT, led by David Robert Jones.
** Seasons 2 & 3: {{spoiler|The alternate universe, led by Walternate.}}
** Season 4: {{spoiler|Appears to be Jones again, but it turns out he was working for William Bell.}}
* In both the original and remake of ''[[Hawaii Five -O]]'' the Big Bad is Wo Fat. Almost every criminal activity is controlled by him.
* ''[[Heroes (TV series)|Heroes]]''
** Season 1: {{spoiler|Mr. Linderman}}
** Season 2: {{spoiler|Takezo Kensei/Adam Monroe}}
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** Suzy Sudiro and Derrick Quaid ran the human trafficking operation that took up the 2009 season. Arguably Hugo Austin, although his motives are ambiguous.
* ''[[Justified]]'' has Bo Crowder and the Miami drug cartel in Season 1, and then Mags Bennett in Season 2. Wynn Duffy, head of the Dixie Mafia, may be getting set up to play this role later on, as might Boyd Crowder.
* The textbook [[Big Bad]] for the various Showa-period ''[[Kamen Rider]]'' series was Great Leader. Although we never learn ''precisely'' what he is, he's claimed to be everything from a (relatively) mundane mutant terrorist to a [[Eldritch Abomination|living embodiment of hate and suffering]] who will exist [[As Long Asas There Is Evil]]. Typically, if there was a series where he ''wasn't'' the [[Big Bad]], he'd pop up in the next series and claim to have been [[Hijacked Byby Ganon|the one bossing around the previous show's villains]]. Other, more recent series have had the following as main villains:
** ''Black'' had the Creation King.
** ''Black RX'' had [[Galactic Conqueror|Grand Lord Crisis]], who... may be Great Leader, it's not entirely clear, but they have the same voice actor, whose distinctive voice was Great Leader's calling card.
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** ''Decade'' had Apollo Geist at first, then {{spoiler|Eijiro Hikari/Dr. Death and Narutaki/Colonel Zol in the film}}, who are in turn usurped by {{spoiler|[[Gone Horribly Right|the Neo Organism]]. Again.}}
** ''Double'' had [[The Don|Ryubee Sonozaki]]/the Terror Dopant. He was the first big bad in a while to be revealed as one in the first episode. Most of the heisei Kamen Rider Big Bads are revealed after the halfway point or in the final arc.
** ''OOO'' had [[Mad Scientist|Dr. Maki]]. Interestingly, he was supposed to just be the big bad for the second arc, and that Ankh was going to be the final villain, but things changed and he became a fully fledged big bad.
* ''[[The Legend of Dick and Dom (TV)|The Legend of Dick and Dom]]'' {{spoiler|The Beastmaster}} is a mysterious entity behind many of the protagonists' setbacks in season two (showing up- without his identity being revealwed- at the end of each episode to punish the villains who failed to stop them). He is revealed as the antagonist for season three.
* ''[[Lost]]'' had an interesting succession, with the scope of the show panning out to reveal a Bigger Bad.
** Season 1: Didn't seem to have a [[Big Bad]] originally. The most reoccuring antagonist that season was The Smoke Monster, who seemed more like a rampaging beast, with Ethan being a runner-up, though it's clear he was just a spy {{spoiler|and he's killed by Charlie a few episodes before the finale}}, and it's only in the finale that we see other, well, Others, including Tom Friendly, but they only appear in one scene {{spoiler|to kidnap Walt}}. {{spoiler|Though it turns out this season DID have a [[Big Bad]], as the Smoke Monster was the [[Big Bad]] of the entire series}}
** Season 2: The survivors originally assume Mr. Friendly is this, but this is confirmed false and instead an unnamed and unseen leader is hinted at. It isn't until the finale when the leader of the Others is revealed to be Benjamin Linus, aka the man who posed as Henry Gale for much of the season.
** Season 3: Benjamin Linus. {{spoiler|Though hints are thrown at Jacob, the mysterious being the Others worship. Though he is revealed to actually be the [[Big Good]] seasons later and never approved of Ben's actions}}
** Season 4: Charles Widmore, though his [[Psycho for Hire]] Martin Keamy gets more screentime.
** Most of Season 5 skips around with lots of smaller villains, and switching back and forth between Ben and Widmore, until it reveals the true [[Big Bad]] of Lost: {{spoiler|The Man in Black/The Smoke Monster.}}, who finally plays the primary antagonist role in the sixth and final season directly.
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* ''[[Power Rangers]]''. This might take a while:
** ''Mighty Morphin'': Rita Repulsa, then Lord Zedd, then Rita and Zedd combined, then Rita's dad Master Vile.
** ''[[Power Rangers ZEOZeo]]'': King Mondo, even during a time when he {{spoiler|was dead, but everyone knew he would get better.}}
** ''[[Power Rangers Turbo]]'': Divatox
** ''[[Power Rangers in Space]]'': Dark Specter, who was revealed to be in control of all of the above. Intended to be the final villain, and remains the biggest bad seen on the show to this day.
** ''[[Power Rangers Lost Galaxy]]'': Scorpius, later succeeded by his daughter Trakeena, for real-space and Captain Mutiny for the titular [[Alternate Dimension]]. Trakeena proves to be [[Eviler Than Thou]] when she kills Mutiny.
** ''[[Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue]]'': Queen Bansheera.
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** ''[[Power Rangers Dino Thunder]]'': Mesogog
** ''[[Power Rangers SPD]]'': Emperor Gruumm
** ''[[Power Rangers Mystic Force]]'': [[The Master (trope)|The Master]] was the big one, but there was a series of villains under him that took command in his stead: Morticon, Imperious, and Sculpin.
** ''[[Power Rangers Operation Overdrive]]'': Flurious, Moltor, Kamdor, and the Fearcats; opposed not only to the Rangers but also to one another.
** ''[[Power Rangers Jungle Fury]]'': Dai Shi.
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** ''[[Taiyou Sentai Sun Vulcan]]'': Black Solar God
** ''[[Dai Sentai Goggle Five]]'': Fuhrer Taboo
** ''[[Kagaku Sentai Dynaman]]'': Emperor Aton
** ''[[Choudenshi Bioman]]'': Doctor Man
** ''[[Dengeki Sentai Changeman]]'': Star King Bazoo
** ''[[Choushinsei Flashman]]'': Great Emperor Ra Deus
** ''[[Hikari Sentai Maskman]]'': Earth Emperor Zeba
** ''[[Choujuu Sentai Liveman]]'': Great Professor Bias
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** ''[[Gosei Sentai Dairanger]]'': Emperor Gorma XV {{spoiler|or so it would seem. Turns out he and all the Gorma Tribe higher-ups are actually golems created by Colonel Shadam, apparently [[The Dragon]], who eventually just takes over for real and becomes Emperor Gorma ''XVI''}}
** ''[[Ninja Sentai Kakuranger]]'': Daimaou
** ''[[Chouriki Sentai Ohranger]]'': Emperor Bacchus Wrath, later he is killed off and replaced by his son, Kaiser Buldont
** ''[[Gekisou Sentai Carranger]]'': Emperor Exhaus
** ''[[Denji Sentai Megaranger]]'': Arguably Dr. Hinelar. While he does have a superior, Electric King Javious, the latter is a major [[The Man Behind the Curtain]], and Hinelar knows this and {{spoiler|ends up usurping him}}
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** ''[[Bakuryuu Sentai Abaranger]]'': Dezmosauria
** ''[[Tokusou Sentai Dekaranger]]'': None. All the villains are independent. The closest would be the sole recurring baddie Agent Abrella, who sells them their weapons. {{spoiler|Though he does seem to take that role well when he executes the [[All Your Base Are Belong to Us]] plan.}}
** ''[[Mahou Sentai Magiranger]]'': [[Eldritch Abomination|Absolute God N Ma.]]
** ''[[Go Go Sentai Boukenger]]'': High Priest Gaja of the Godom Civilization; Creator King Ryuuwon of the Jaryuu Clan; Gekkou of Illusions of the Dark Shadow ninja clan; and Gai and Rei, the last remaining members of the Ashu Tribe. These four are not only against the Boukenger, but also each other, in the quest for [[MacGuffin|the Precious]].
** ''[[Juken Sentai Gekiranger]]'': Long
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** ''[[Samurai Sentai Shinkenger]]'': Chimatsuri Doukoku
** ''[[Tensou Sentai Goseiger]]'': Great King Mons Drake, Makuin of the Blob, and Emperor Robogog the 10th in succession. {{spoiler|But in the end it turns out the biggest threat is Bladerun, a.k.a. Brajira of the Messiah, a fallen angel}}.
** ''[[Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger (TV)|Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger]]'': {{spoiler|Emperor Akdos Gill}}
** ''[[Tokumei Sentai Gobusters (TV)|Tokumei Sentai Gobusters]]'': Messiah, until further notice.
* ''[[Saul Of The Mole Men]]'' has Otnip.
* ''[[Sea Patrol]]''
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* ''[[Smallville]]'' initially has [[Magnificent Bastard|Lionel Luthor]] as the main antagonist of Seasons 1-3, although other secondary antagonists, like reporter [[Paparazzi|Roger Nixon]], [[Super-Powered Evil Side|Kal]] and [[Good Is Not Nice|Jor-El]] also took a stab at this role in each season respectively. Following Lionel's defeat and subsequent [[Heel Face Turn]], the situation got a lot more complicated, but played out more or less as follows:
** Season 4: [[Evil Matriarch|Genevieve Teague]], with {{spoiler|[[Momma's Boy|her son]] [[Made of Iron|Jason]] as [[The Dragon]]}} and [[Wicked Witch|Margaret Isobel Thoreaux]] as her [[Big Bad Ensemble|archrival]].
** Season 5: [[Robotic Psychopath|Brainiac]] with {{spoiler|[[Sealed Evil in Aa Can|General Zod]]}} as the [[Bigger Bad]] he was seeking to unleash.
** Season 6: [[Lex Luthor]]. Yeah the [[Freak of the Week|zoners]] are out there, and [[Evil Twin|Bizzarro]]'s waiting in the wings, but Lex is [[The Heavy]] for the season, and is behind almost every problem in series.
** Season 7: [[Manipulative Bastard|Lex]] and [[Complete Monster|Brainiac]] form a [[Big Bad Duumvirate]].
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* ''[[Stargate Atlantis]]'': Although the general premise of the series is the battle against the Wraith, even after four and a half seasons no individual character seems to have emerged as a specific Big Bad. There are currently several prominent ''candidates'', including:[[The Starscream|rogue Wraith]] and [[Evil Genius]] Michael; Oberoth (the leader of the [[Eviler Than Thou]] Replicators); and [[Affably Evil]] [[Anti-Villain]] Todd, who seems to be making a power play for Supreme Wraith Leader. Had the series continued, it looks as though the {{spoiler|evil Asgard}} would have been the next adversary.
* ''[[Stargate SG-1]]'' has a series of Big Bads, although there are often long stretches in the middle seasons where they becomes fairly uninvolved with the plot.
** Season 1 to 4: Apophis / Sokar / [[Back Fromfrom the Dead|Apophis again]]
** Seasons 5 to 8: Anubis
*** Late Season 8: RepliCarter (in addition to Anubis)
** Season 9 to 10: The Ori / Adria
** ''Stargate: Continuum'': Ba'al, the final(?) villain, ascending to Big Bad status after 6 seasons as [[The Starscream]].
* ''[[Star Trek: Enterprise]]'':
** Silik is almost the Big Bad of the first two seasons, but since he's being controlled by [[Fan Nickname|Future-Guy]], he fell short. The whole story is never really concluded because the [[Story Arc|Temporal Cold War]] doesn't really go anywhere and wasn't very popular.
** The Xindi story of season 3 spent most of the time trying to figure out who among the Xindi Council was reasonable and who wanted to blow up Earth no matter what, or the Big Bad. Eventually {{spoiler|every Xindi species but the Reptilians started to side with the ''Enterprise'' instead of the [[Scary Dogmatic Aliens|Sphere-Builders]].}}
* ''[[Star Trek: Deep Space Nine]]'' actually manages a couple:
** Gul Dukat is ''Deep Space Nine'''s premier Big Bad. He starts out as a fairly bog-standard antagonist, becomes a sympathetic character (an [[Anti-Villain]] if not [[Anti-Hero]]), before crossing the [[Moral Event Horizon]] and {{spoiler|becoming, effectively, the antichrist.}} He's also the only recurring villain in Star Trek history to {{spoiler|kill off a main character.}}
** The Female Changeling serves as the face of the Founders (the leaders of The Dominion), although [[The Dragon|Weyoun]] has a fair amount of face time representing The Dominion as well.
* ''[[Star Trek: Voyager]]'' has two [[Big Bad|Big Bads]] over the course of the series:
** For the first two seasons, the ship is hounded by a sect of the Kazon, although the exact Big Bad is debatable: their leader is First Maje Jal Culluh, but [[The Mole]], {{spoiler|Seska}}, has center stage much more often, even going on to menace the heroes a couple more times post-mortem.
** A few seasons later, when the Borg takes over as Voyager's main adversaries, the role of Big Bad goes to the one controlling them (or the one personifying them, or whatever is going on there), the Borg Queen.
* ''[[Supernatural]]'''s overall Big Bad has actually always been {{spoiler|Lucifer}}, who takes the stage in Season Five. The character who did nearly every action for the entire plan was The Yellow-Eyed Demon aka Azazel, who served as Big Bad in Seasons One and Two. Lilith served the role in Seasons Three and Four.
** In [[Post Script Season|Season Six]], the position of new [[Big Bad]] was up in the air for most of the season, with the best contenders being either Crowley, the new King of Hell, or Raphael, the leader of the angels who want {{spoiler|to restart the Apocalypse}}. Midway through the season, however, Crowley {{spoiler|[[Faking the Dead|faked his death]]}} and we were introduced to an [[Eldritch Abomination|entity]] known as the "Mother of All", who seemed set to take up the role. But then, {{spoiler|Dean killed her}}, and soon after it was revealed that Crowley was working with {{spoiler|''Castiel''}} of all people in order to take over Purgatory. So, it looked like they were going to [[Big Bad Duumvirate|jointly]] be the [[Big Bad]] of the season. But then in the season finale, {{spoiler|Castiel}} tried to cut Crowley out of the deal, so he retaliated by [[Villain Team-Up|teaming up]] with Raphael, making it look like they'd be the [[Big Bad|Big Bads]] together after all, only for {{spoiler|Castiel to [[Out Gambit]] them at the last minute, absorb the souls of Purgatory and [[A God Am I|declare himself the new God]].}} So I guess he was the true [[Big Bad]] of the season after all.
** In the very first episode of Season Seven, {{spoiler|Castiel gives up his new godlike powers, having realized his mistake -- but before he can truly redeem himself}}, he is replaced by the ''true'' [[Big Bad]] -- {{spoiler|the Leviathans}}. Thus, for most of the season, our heroes are on the run from {{spoiler|an entire species of monsters who are older than angels with no known weaknesses or vulnerabilities}} -- until {{spoiler|Castiel [[Back Fromfrom the Dead|turns out to be alive]], heals Sam's mental trauma by taking it onto himself, and recovers enough to help them decode the Word of God, which reveals how to kill the bastards for good}}.
* ''[[Torchwood (TV)|Torchwood]]'':
** Season 1: [[Sealed Evil in Aa Can|Abaddon]], though he might qualify more as a [[Final Boss]], with the majority of the work done by his [[Dragon-in-Chief]] [[Manipulative Bastard|Billis Manger]].
** Series 2: [[Cain and Abel|Gray]]
** Series 3: [[Starfish Aliens|The 456]]
** [[Torchwood: Miracle Day (TV)|Series 4]]: [[Ancient Conspiracy|The Three Families]]
* In season one of ''[[True Blood]],'' there was {{spoiler|Rene}}, season two had {{spoiler|Maryann}}, season 3 had {{spoiler|Russell Edgington}} and season 4 had {{spoiler|Marnie Stonebrook}}.
* ''[[Twin Peaks]]'': [[Serial Killer|Killer]] [[Body Snatcher|BOB]]
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** Season One: Avon Barksdale.
** Season Two: The Greek.
** Season Three: Stringer Bell.
** Seasons Four and Five: Marlo Stanfield.
* [[World Wrestling Entertainment]] has owner/chairman [[Vince McMahon]] as it's [[Big Bad]]. It started when he pulled a [[Face Heel Turn]] as a result of the [[Montreal Screwjob]], in which he became the "Mr. McMahon" character, an evil dictator-like boss. Of course like everyone else he's goes through the [[Heel Face Revolving Door]].
* ''[[The X -Files]]'' generally had a large amorphous government conspiracy as the Big Bad, and the ambiguously described hostile alien race planning to colonize Earth. The former was largely represented by the Syndicate (its most notable member being the Smoking Man), and the latter by the shapeshifting bounty hunter (seasons 2-8) and by the metallic super soldiers (season 9).
* ''[[Danger 5 (TV)|Danger 5]]'' has a rather traditional [[Big Bad]] - Hitler.
[[Category:Big Bad]]
[[Category:Live Action TV]]