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== [[Comic Books]] ==
* In ''The Twelve Tasks of [[Asterix]]'', one of the tasks is to fight Cilindric the German. Asterix and Obelisk are taken to an arena where there's an enormous pair of doors...which open to reveal a very short judo expert.
* ''[[Thrud The Barbarian]]'': A couple of thugs enter the bar and push Thrud away, thinking him to be their size. Turned out he was sitting.
== Film - Animation ==
* Mushu from ''[[Mulan]]'' put a lot of effort into his [[Incredibly Lame Pun|big entrance]].
* ''[[Monsters vs. Aliens]]''. Susan Murphy is captured by the government after [[Attack of the 50-Foot Whatever|growing to a height of 49 feet 11 inches]] and wakes up in a large, empty room with furniture the same scale as her. At first she (and the audience) is unsure whether she is normal size or not, until she steps on a small chair and crushes it.
** The inverse happens a short time later when a vast door opens and General W. R. Monger (tiny compared to the [[Attack of the 50-Foot Whatever|49'11 1/2"]] Ginormica) comes out. The two glowing eyes were just the lights of his jetpack.
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== Film - Live Action ==
* Mini-Me's introduction in the second ''[[Austin Powers]]'' movie.
* In the Filipino [[James Bond]] parody ''For Your Height Only'', the dwarf secret agent tracks down the unseen Mr Big, but discovers the [[Big Bad]] is a dwarf himself.
* ''[[Men in Black (film)|Men in Black 2]]''. Serleena's spacecraft which flys around blowing up planets turns out to be smaller than a dog. And lets not forget how our entire universe is inside an airport locker.
* In ''[[The Adventures of Baron Munchausen]]'', the Baron and friends fall on a pit and see Vulcan, the God of Fire, towering above them. It's only when he pulls them out of the pit that they see that Vulcan is [[One Head Taller|a head shorter]] than the Baron.
* ''[[Bad Boys]]''. A hacker is helping the heroes and gets into an argument with one of them. When he stands up to start shouting, it's revealed that he's much taller than "the short one" who's arguing with him.
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* ''[[Star Trek: The Original Series]]'' ("The Corbomite Maneuver"). The ''Enterprise'' encounters a alien vessel, and is able to get a video feed revealing the bridge, which shows the alien captain, Balok, to be a [ scowling monster] that looks to be about 7 feet tall. However, later they manage to get onboard, revealing they had actually been watching an elaborate puppet show, and [,,20233812_20527844,00.html the real Balok is no larger than a child].
* Done intentionally in-universe in ''[[Deep Space Nine]]''. Bashir and O'Brien are just back from a mission [[Incredible Shrinking Man|that involved them being miniaturised]]. They stand at the bar boasting about their exploits, when Quark and Odo both note that a waitress seems oddly tall next to them, sending them scurrying away to check their height in sickbay. The waitress then stands down, off the step she'd been put on by Odo and Quark, revealing the entire thing to be a gag.
* ''[[Doctor Who]]'' did it as a [[Cliff Hanger]] reveal in ''[[Doctor Who/Recap/S21 E5/E05 Planet of Fire|Planet of Fire]]'', where it turns out the Master has accidentally shrunk himself to a small size, and has been directing the shapeshifter robot that everyone thinks is him from a control box.
** In ''[[Doctor Who/Recap/S17 E1/E01 Destiny of the Daleks|Destiny of the Daleks]]'', Romana is [[Costume Test Montage|trying out different bodies into which to regenerate]], while the Doctor is crouched on the floor fixing K9. Romana reappears as a blue-skinned alien babe, towering over him.
{{quote|'''Romana:''' "I thought I'd try this one, but it's a bit short."
''(The Doctor stands up, revealing Romana is the size of a child)''
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== [[Western Animation]] ==
* ''[[Futurama]]''. When Bender wonders what it would be like to be [[Attack of the 50-Foot Whatever|500 feet high]], we're shown a towering Bender...who then turns out to be a normal-sized robot constructing the giant Bender.
* ''[[Looney Tunes]]'':
** In one short, Beaky Buzzard finds a small reptile peeking through some rocks. Noting that the creature seems shorter than him, Beaky tries to grab it and take it home for dinner. Turns out "Shorty" is just the small head of a '''huge''' dragon.