BioShock (series)/WMG: Difference between revisions

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He wears a sweater (a bloodstained sweater), puts himself in danger to rescue little girls from a life of terror, and witnessed a truly terrible place where people are treated as objects and either killed or turned into monsters. Its pretty obvious that after his experience in Rapture he would have to give some thought as to how to properly raise the Little Sisters and how society can avoid having another Rapture happen. So he took on the name of Mister Rogers and worked to teach children how to be good neighbors. However, while his new life is dedicated to peace and understanding, he's still every bit of a badass he was in Rapture. That is why he always wins in the Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny.
* This is awesome and is now officially canon for both the game and reality.
* Agreed. To the troper who made this WMG (whose name has, sadly, disappeared from the edit history), I award you a [[TV Tropes Made of Win Archive]].
** To my knowledge, they're trying to make it so either ending could work, like in [[Metal Gear Solid]] 2. Also, didn't Jack get his vocal cords drilled out? Don't get me wrong, I think this is the best theory ever, but I'm 80% certain he didn't get them back.
** Well, IRL Mister Rogers was a minister, if I remember correctly. Maybe Jack!Rogers struck a deal with/strongarmed God into fixing him up.
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** {{spoiler|[[Jossed]]}}
* As for the plot twist, {{spoiler|Rapture's location will be revealed to one or more governments or organizations, providing a [[Sequel Hook]] for game 3}}
** {{spoiler|[[Jossed]]. There's no plot twist of [[Wham! Episode]] magnitude, but that doesn't mean the game [[Player Punch|pulls its punches]]. }}
== The sea slugs that create ADAM are close relatives of Elysia chlorotica ==
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== Jack is [[Half Life|Gman]]. ==
In the Half Good/Half Bad ending, Jack becomes a splicer. What if he, instead, went on the ship that those men were on when the splicers killed them, and then went back to land? Along the way, he discovers a way to become a [[Doctor Who (TV)|Time Lord]] and from there controlled many peoples lives (For teh lulz, I assume), including a certain...
* But you could say that with anyone, couldn't you? "Master Chief goes to Halo, finds way to become Time Lord, becomes Gman."