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* [[Badass Decay]]: The Skrall in the battle at the end of ''The Legend Reborn,'' though [[Word of God]] [[Justified Trope|justifies]] this by saying, 1.) They were scared out of their minds by this giant made out of bugs that suddenly appeared, 2.) The Glatorian, not being in the arena, have an excuse to employ all of those [[Trying to Catch Me Fighting Dirty|dirty tricks]] that they've learned over the years, and 3.) [[Screw the Rules, I Make Them]] / [[Hand Wave]]. Also, the Glatorian had the element of surprise, plus a handful of them had [[Elemental Powers]].
* [[Better Than Canon]]: Greg's [[No Hugging, No Kissing|ban on romance]] hasn't slowed down the [[OTP|Huki/Maku]] [[Shipping|Shippers]] at all.
* [[Complete Monster]]: [[Satan|Makuta Teridax]] is the [[Big Bad]] of the franchise as a whole, and is responsible for nearly everyin badthe thingBIONICLE thatuniverse happensin [[A God Am I|his quest for godhood]]. Starting out as a member of The Brotherhood of Makuta, Teridax coerced his teammates into betraying Mata Nui, then infected him with a virus. After Mata Nui succumbs to the virus and falls into a coma, causing innumerable amounts of destruction throughout the Cosmos, Teridax plans to erase the memories of an island of Matoran, then play himself up as their Savior. When the Toa, the heroes of the Matoran, try to free them from Teridax, he tries to kill them all before being [[Sealed Evil in a Can|sealed away.]] Eventually escaping, Teridax begins a centuries-long war against the Toa, at one point releasing the omnicidal Bohrok, who attempt to wipe out thousands of innocents. Teridax influences the Piraka into finding the Mask of Life, to which The Spirit of Mata Nui is bound, and they commit numerous atrocities while under Teridax's influence. Teridax assists the Toa in finding the Mask, knowing one of them will have to sacrifice themselves to keep The Spirit of Mata Nui alive. Teridax then reveals [[The Chessmaster|he played them all]], takes control of Mata Nui's body, achieves godhood, then flings Mata Nui into space. Teridax goes on to [[You Have Outlived Your Usefulness|murder his former allies]], wage war against the remaining Toa, and subject any rebels who try to stop him, or minions who anger him, to horrific punishments. Traveling to the planet Mata Nui has been residing on, Teridax's last act is trying to blow it up just to spite him. While Teridax's final destiny was preordained, his villainous actions only worsened his and the universe's fates. Teridax was a monstrous and sadistic [[The Sociopath|sociopath]] whose [[A God Am I|god complex]] cost millions their lives and ruined countless more throughout his 100,000-year campaign of evil.
** [[Mad Scientist|Makuta Mutran]] serves the Brotherhood of Makuta for the chance to perform his [[For Science!|psychotic experiments]] unimpeded. Causing trouble even when the Brotherhood was more heroic, Mutran creates Matoran-devouring monstrosities and is known to have unleashed his beasts during the time of a civil war so as to cover up the death and destruction his creations wreak. Once gaining insight into the future and learning of Teridax's plans and the universe-wide destruction it will cause, Mutran doubles his efforts to get into Teridax's good graces and happily joins his revolution against Mata Nui, continuing his horrifying experiments in the process. Once developing the nightmarish Shadow Leeches, parasites that painfully devour all of the good out of their target, Mutran happily obliges Teridax's order to use them on an entire island, and thus rips out the morals of hundreds of Matoran, turning them into the Brotherhood's evil slaves. Wanting nothing more than to torture, experiment, and dissect all around him, what Mutran lacked in power he more than made up for in unbridled scientific sadism.
** [[No Name Given|The Shadowed One]] is the cruel head of the Dark Hunters, a shadowy organization of assassins and bounty hunters [[Psycho for Hire|willing to do anything for profit]]. Ruling the Dark Hunters with an iron fist, the Shadowed One punishes [[Bad Boss|minor slip-ups with torture and dismemberment, failure with death]], and treachery with [[Fate Worse Than Death|fates worse than death]]. The Shadowed One uses the Dark Hunters to carry out countless acts of murder, slavery, and kidnapping, and, though many of the Hunters are just psychotic and greedy, some are forced into service by the Shadowed One when he threatens their lives or the lives of their loved ones. With no loyalty or true care to any but himself, the Shadowed One's Dragon lives a constantly tortured existence due to horrifying experiments the Shadowed One performed on him, while the Shadowed One's "closest ally", Ancient, is coldly executed by the Shadowed One to cover up a secret weapon of his own. By the end of the story, the Shadowed One has foregone all form of secrecy and subtlety to instead wage a war against the entire city of Metru Nui, and later attempts to harness the power of a lethal virus to blackmail any civilizations he wants with it. The Shadowed One is regarded as the most dangerous person in the universe alongside Makuta Teridax, and he does nothing to dissuade this proclamation.
** Pridak, known as "[[Shark Man|the Shark]]", was once the self-appointed ruler of the "League of Six Kingdoms", a villainous empire headed by himself and 5 other criminals, together known as the "Barraki". <ref>The Matoran word for "Warlord"</ref> As the leader of this League, Pridak organized the other Barraki to conquer nearly the entire Matoran Universe, slaughtering all those who aren't enslaved, with [[Bad Boss|Pridak's own minions fairing no better]], as he orders an entire battalion massacred simply because 3 of the over 50 soldiers in said battalion took a break. Though severely weakened after being locked away in the underwater prison the Pit, Pridak continues his plans for conquest, as he dismembers fellow Barraki if they question him, sics his pet sharks on Matoran, and [[Forced to Watch|forces another to watch]] as his city is ravaged by Pridak's forces. After escaping the Pit and ditching the other Barraki, Pridak tries to resume his insane plans for conquest, successfully wiping out a small island before being stopped. Pridak was the absolute worst the Barraki had to offer, and [[Card Carrying Villain|gleefully accepted this role in stride]].
** [[Knight Templar|Tuyet]] is a fanatic who is obsessed with imposing her own "order" on the universe. While a nasty being who sadistically murders 3 Matoran to cover up a weapon she found in the "prime" Matoran Universe, it is in the Dark Mirror alternate universe where her evil shines. Having evaded capture for her Matoran serial killing by murdering Toa Lhikan, Tuyet uses the Nui Stone to convince other Toa to join together and create the "Toa Empire", a military ruling body that imposes their version of peace on the Matoran. Any Toa who stood against Tuyet were summarily brainwashed or executed, with the same fate befalling countless Matoran for the pettiest of infractions, with Tuyet ordering the liquidation of an entire tribe of Matoran solely because they have the ability to stand against her; one Matoran was frozen alive for walking too slowly. Along with covering the walls of her base with "[[Battle Trophy|trophies]]" ranging from weapons of fallen opponents to the opponents themselves, turned into living statues and decorations, Tuyet [[Fantastic Racism|treats the Matoran as animals to be subjugated]], going so far as to almost wipe out hundreds of them who rebel, only hesitating because it would leave her with less to lord over. With a final plan of conquering all other universes and turning then into totalitarian society she has created in her own, Tuyet was a terrifying example of a Toa's ability to take their "duty" way too far and become far worse than those monsters they claim to oppose.
** [[Eldritch Abomination|Annona]], from Sahmad's Tale, is one of the few villains to surface only after Teridax's defeat, and handily the worst. An ancient, dream-devouring entity, Annona drains entire civilizations of their dreams for empowerment, and the resulting lack of dreams [[And I Must Scream|drives the victims insane]]before they agonizingly die, something Annona drags out as long as possible so as to savor the taste of the dreams. After failing to drive the Great Beings themselves to madness to assert her dominance, Annona replenishes her strength by draining the Iron Tribe's dreams, leading to the annihilation of the Tribe, and later grants all females of the Skrall species with psionic abilities to watch as they wipe out the male Skralls [[For the Evulz|for nothing but her own entertainment]]. Once awakening from her slumber, Annona enslaves the female Skralls [[You Have Failed me|for failing her]], turning them into controlled puppets, then attempts to continue her spree of dream-devouring, even attempting to weasel her way out of a fight so as to feed on an entire planet. Treating her victims as nothing but "lunch", Annona was a purely evil monster who stands out as the worst villain the Matoran encounter on Bara Magna.
* [[Contested Sequel]]: Some like Web of Shadows for being [[Darker and Edgier]], others dislike it for Vakama's unnecessary [[Face Heel Turn]].
* [[Crowning Moment of Awesome]]: [[Bionicle/Awesome|Has its own page.]]
* [[Crowning Moment of Heartwarming]]: [[Bionicle/Heartwarming|Also has its own page.]]
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