Bionicle: Difference between revisions

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* [[Beware My Stinger Tail]], [[Beam Me Up, Scotty|but the actual quote was slightly different]].
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* [[All Deaths Final]]: There ''are'' a handful of [[Only Mostly Dead]] guys (see Matoran sections), but all those had special circumstances and everyone else who dies stays dead.
* [[All There in the Manual]]: ''Everything'', if you consider the toys to be the primary medium.
* [[Always ChaoticExclusively Evil]]: There are several always-enemy races on both worlds. The Matoran Universe has the Makuta and their spawn, the [[Elite Mooks|Rahkshi]]; the Visorak, the Skakdi (which include the Piraka), and the Zyglak. Bara Magna has the Rock, Sand, and possibly Iron Tribes; the Bone Hunters, and the baterra.
* [[Ambiguous Robots]]
* [[Apocalypse How]]:
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* [[Colony Drop]]: First when [[Minor Major Character|Mata Nui]] crashes onto Aqua Magna thanks to [[Big Bad|Makuta]], then {{spoiler|[[Big Bad|Makuta]] finds himself, while controlling Mata Nui's original body, on the receiving end when [[Karmic Death|Aqua Magna returns the favor.]]}}
* [[Color Coded for Your Convenience]]: Every major group has members colored {{color|red|red}}, {{color|blue|blue}}, {{color|green|green}}, black, {{color|silver|white}}, and {{color|brown|brown}}, though {{color|orange|orange}} or {{color|goldenrod|yellow}} are sometimes used in brown's place. in the case of [[Mooks]] there are six breeds in those colors. For Toa and Matoran and for Bara Magnans, the colors show the tribe they belong to; with Toa/Matoran this also indicates gender ([[Viewer Gender Confusion|or is supposed to]]) and [[Elemental Powers]]. Evil characters (the Makuta and Bara Magna's rock tribe) also favor black.
* [[Contest Winner Cameo]] / [[Official Fan -Submitted Content]]: Lego ''loves'' these kinds of contests. The most notable winning entries are Toa Krakua and Tahtorak.
* [[Crapsack World]]: Bara Magna after The Shattering split Spherus Magna. It got better after Mata Nui's restoration.
** After the Great Cataclysm, most of the Matoran Universe became this. It got better, though, and then back after [[Big Bad|Makuta's]] defeat.
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* [[The Resolution Will Not Be Televised|This Resolution Will Only Be Televised]]: occasionally happens in the comics because they can't cover movie material.
* [[Scenery Porn]]: The island of Mata Nui is basically this, whether it's in the movie, or in ''Mata Nui Online Game'' (1 and 2), it's just amazing.
** Metru Nui is this as well.
* [[Sentient Phlebotinum]]: Energized Protodermis and Antidermis
* [[Schizo-Tech]]: mentioned above; the rule of thumb in the Matoran universe is "no wheels, no paper", regardless of how high the tech can be otherwise. Taken to its extreme in ''Chronicles'', where cyborgs are mining with high technology to ''trade gems for fish and torches''. Justified in Bara Magna due to the place being a [[Scavenger World]] - actually, the major settings in ''Chronicles'' and ''Legends'' qualify as Scavenger Worlds, too.
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* [[La Résistance]]: Matoran tend to form these when they're taken over, with the Voya Nui and Karda Nui ones being the best examples. The Toa Hordika and Rahaga also formed one against the Visorak. One also formed against the Toa Empire in the "Dark Mirror" alternate universe.
* [[Letter Motif]]: Each element has a syllable representing it: "ta" for fire, "ga" for water, "le" for air, "po" for stone, "ko" for ice, and "onu" for earth. These show up in some variation in the names of the Toa Mata/Nuva, the Bohrok, the Rahkshi, and the Visorak; as well as in reference to the Matoran tribes (the fire Matoran are called the Ta-Matoran, for example).
* [[The Legend Of Chekov]]: In most cases, the Matoran consider most of the Turaga's stories as mere fairy tales. But most of them wind up becoming painfully true, from giant Manas to the hellish Karzahni.
* {{spoiler|[[Living Ship]]: In a sense. [[Word of God]] states that Mata Nui wandered space with the Matoran world inside - not that the Matoran were aware of where they were (either in space or inside their Great Spirit).}}
* [[Mask of Power]]: Kanohi Masks
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* [[Retired Badass]]: Turaga are essentially this. They used to be Toa who sacrificed their powers.
* [[Sailor Earth]]: Common in the fan community. Just choose an [[Elemental Powers|Elemental Power]], a [[Stock Superpower]], and a weapon; and think up an exotic name and you've got your own Toa!
* [[The Savage South]]: The southern edge of the Matoran Universe are said to be so dangerous that not even Makuta go there.
* [[The Starscream]]: Deliberately invoked by the Shadowed One, who encourages his minions to constantly observe him, and, should he show signs of weakness, kill him.
* [[Taught By Experience]]: all the Toa to some degree, but especially the Toa Metru
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* [[Time Dilation Field]]: The Vahi Mask of Time. Damaging it causes... problems, and destroying it utterly would cause a [[Time Crash]].
* [[True Companions]]: Toa teams
* [[Tunnel King]]: the cave-dwelling Onu-Matoran are an entire tribe of these.
* [[The Underworld]]: Karzahni
* [[The Wall Around the World]]: the dome that encloses Karda Nui.
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* [[Secret Legacy]]: The Turaga of Mata Nui were once Toa themselves, while their Toa Nuva charges had forgotten that other Toa besides them even existed.
* [[Sealed Evil in a Can]]: Makuta in ''Web of Shadows''
* [[ScheherezadeScheherazade Gambit]]: Roodaka urges Sidorak to [[Complexity Addiction|make a spectacle of the Toa Metru's deaths rather than just shoot them]]. While she only does this so their dead bodies could be available for use in her own schemes, it does give the Rahaga time to stage a rescue.
* [[Shattering the Illusion]]: in "Time Trap", Vakama shatters the illusion by stopping to believe it after firing a Kanoka disk at "Nokama", which just phases through "her".
* [[Similarly Named Works]]: ''Web of Shadows'' is also the name of [[Spider-Man: Web of Shadows|a Spider-Man game]].
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* [[Badass Normal]]: The Voya Nui Resistance Team, although they owe it to their weapons.
** Mazeka. He specifically requested that the Order of Mata Nui train to use any kind of weapon, how to win clean, and how to win [[Trying to Catch Me Fighting Dirty|dirty.]]
** Goes double for Hydraxon, who only has bunch of weapons, a bunch of training, and enhanced hearing (which doubles as a weakness) to get him by.
* [[The Bad Guy Wins]]: The conclusion of the "Waking Mata Nui" [[Myth Arc]] and serves as the whole storyline's [[Darkest Hour]]
* [[Beyond the Impossible]]: At one point, Jaller sets Mantax [[Man On Fire|ablaze]] ''[[Water Is Air|on the ocean floor]]''. [[Handwaved]] with the [[A Wizard Did It|Wizard Did It]] rule; he has power over fire, and if he wants fire underwater, ''he can do that'' (not easily, but still...).
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** [[If You Kill Him You Will Be Just Like Him]] is cited during one of these.
* [[Getting Smilies Painted on Your Soul]]: the first Toa of Psionics, Orde, was created by the Great Beings to do something like this to the Zyglak. Unfortunately, due to Orde's violent temper, he made them in an [[Unstoppable Rage]]. Thus, the Great Beings made the rest of the Toa of Psionics female from then on.
* [[Giant Spider]]: The big-enough-to-ride Fenrakk (which incidentally gets...
** [[Scaled Up]] into the Kardas dragon)
* [[Going to Be One of Those Days]]: [[The Chew Toy|Lewa]] after [[Grand Theft Me|having his body stolen]], being turned into an [[Eldritch Abomination]], getting [[Thrown Out the Airlock]], ending up in a jungle full of [[Ninja Pirate Zombie Robot|cyborg dinosaurs that shoot laser beams]] and finally getting [[Captured by Cannibals|captured by savages]]:
{{quote|'''Lewa''': Oh. It's going to be ''this'' kind of day.}}