Bionicle: Difference between revisions

Adding some stuff.
(Adding some stuff.)
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* [[Scenery Porn]]: The island of Mata Nui is basically this, whether it's in the movie, or in ''Mata Nui Online Game'' (1 and 2), it's just amazing.
** Metru Nui is this as well.
* [[Sentient Phlebotinum]]: Energized Protodermis and Antidermis
* [[Schizo-Tech]]: mentioned above; the rule of thumb in the Matoran universe is "no wheels, no paper", regardless of how high the tech can be otherwise. Taken to its extreme in ''Chronicles'', where cyborgs are mining with high technology to ''trade gems for fish and torches''. Justified in Bara Magna due to the place being a [[Scavenger World]] - actually, the major settings in ''Chronicles'' and ''Legends'' qualify as Scavenger Worlds, too.
* [[Show Accuracy, Toy Accuracy]]: Falls on the Toy Accuracy side. The comics and books are fairly consistent with the toys, only needing occasional tweaks; but the Matoran-era movies are pretty inaccurate.
** [[Invisible Anatomy]]: One of the main "tweaks" is adding fingers to hands, which don't show up on the toys until Bara Magna. The movies also had [[Heart Light|Heart Lights]].
* [[Sci-Fi Writers Have No Sense of Scale]]: The Mata Nui Robot is supposedly 40 million feet tall. 40 million feet is ''the approximate diameter of the Earth.''
** It could be intentional, Mata Nui does have a whole world inside him, though it would make Bara Magna about as big as, say, Neptune, in the real world...
* [[Sentient Phlebotinum]]: Energized Protodermis and Antidermis.
* [[Shattered World]]: Spherus Magna was split into Bara Magna, Aqua Magna, and Bota Magna by an event that's even called "The Shattering".
* [[Show Accuracy, Toy Accuracy]]: Falls on the Toy Accuracy side. The comics and books are fairly consistent with the toys, only needing occasional tweaks; but the Matoran-era movies are pretty inaccurate.
** [[Invisible Anatomy]]: One of the main "tweaks" is adding fingers to hands, which don't show up on the toys until Bara Magna. The movies also had [[Heart Light|Heart Lights]].
* [[Single Biome Planet]]: Justified as all known planets were split from Spherus Magna's larger ecosystem. Aqua Magna (where the Matoran saga takes place) is an endless ocean, Bara Magna is a desert planet, and [[Word of God]] says the last piece is mainly forest, called Bota Magna.
* [[Signature Device]]: The Masks.
* [[The Smurfette Principle]]: five guys to one girl at ''best''.
* [[Sticks to the Back]]: common in animations, especially involving the Toa, as well as the Glatorian's weapons in ''The Legend Reborn''. Justified for Takanuva (''Mask of Light'' version) and the Toa Metru, as the toys had weapon mounts built into their backs.