Black Best Friend: Difference between revisions

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(Yasuke is not a legend but a documented historical figure.)
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* On ''[[Las Vegas]]'', we have Mike Cannon, who is pretty much cool personified, and frequently chases tail. [[Hollywood Nerd|He's also an MIT graduate, idolizes Stephen Hawking, and is one of the smartest guys on the show]]. (James Lesure and Josh Duhamel are actually real-life friends.) There's also Detta, who was Delinda's British BBF, and Sam Marquez, a sassy Hispanic woman(And I use the word "sassy" generously).
* Ramona Platt in ''[[Less Than Perfect]]''.
* ''[[The Walking Dead]]'': Beth becomes friends with Noah when she's sent to Grady Memorial Hospital. Unlike other examples, they're not the same gender. She doesn't take it well when she finds out Dawn beat him up.
* Malcolm's best friend in ''[[Malcolm in the Middle]]'' is Stevie, who is also [[Black and Nerdy]].
* For the first eight or so seasons of ''[[Married... with Children]]'', Al worked alone in the shoe store. Starting in season 9, his friend and fellow NO-MAAMer Griff became his co-worker. In many respects, Griff was a black version of Al, with a bad car and an even worse job, their major difference being that Griff was divorced. Al would probably consider him better off, but as Griff told Bud in one episode, ''she got the car, the dog and the money. I got the right to remain silent.''