• Crowning Moment of Funny:
    • Despite it's dark tones, 15 Million Merits has one moment near the end: Bing ends his televised rant (with a shard of glass to his throat) by saying, in an incredibly serious manner "Farewell forever" looking as if he's about to commit suicide, then he suddenly drops to a more friendly, neutral expression and adds "until the same time next week" and salutes with the glass shard! The sudden Mood Whiplash is momentarily hilarious.
    • The Hot Shot green room bouncer deliberately winding up the silver haired Scouse auditionee by pretending his earpiece is telling him to go for the "platinum haired one"... before calling on Bing.
    • Even funnier is how, after all the build up, the Scouse girl's audition is awful to say the least.
  • Double Standard / The Unfair Sex: A man was forced to have sex with a pig against his will, to the butt of jokes to the common citizenry, and a year afterward, it's destroyed his marriage because his wife can't face him/is disgusted by what he did. Now imagine how different reactions would be, in-universe and out, if he and his wife's genders were reversed.
    • This said, the episode does make it pretty clear that he's essentially been raped (albeit in an extremely complex way) and is a victim in all this.
  • Moral Event Horizon:
    • In The Entire History Of You, towards the end it becomes quite clear that Ffion has been telling a whole heap of lies about her relationship (and brief affair) with Jonas. She then crosses the Horizon handily by lying appallingly badly about Jonas using a condom, heavily implying that Jonas is her baby's real father. Crosses over with Idiot Ball; come on, lying about everything from the existence of a relationship in the first place to the use (or not) of contraception when there's photographic proof that you're lying? Not the cleverest decision.
    • Submitting a man to a Mind Rape under threat of death while in a drunken stupor, wrecking a car, fleeing the police, and then going home, assaulting his wife after spying on her and humiliating her at every turn. Ffion's behavior makes a lot more sense once, in light of the above, her husband starts showing the classics signs of a domestic abuser (paranoia, wanting to know every detail of her life, trying to pit her friends against her, impulsive behavior, abandoning her for a week and giving no indication of when or if he's coming home, saying she was "making him do it" at the end...).
  • Nausea Fuel:
    • Callow isn't actually shown performing the act, but there is a brief shot of him kneeling behind the pig, and later another of his agonized face as he goes about it. Both are enough to make the viewer's stomach distictly uneasy.
    • Also, Callow vomiting painfully into a toilet immediately afterwards. It may be a Vomit Discretion Shot, but that doesn't make it any less horrible to watch.
  • Squick: Must we really clarify this?
  • Tear Jerker: Bing's broken and angry speech.
  • Wham! Line: "I suppose..."