Blade Bunny: Difference between revisions

Content added Content deleted
m (update links)
(quote cleanup)
Line 34:
{{quote|'''Bunny:''' Where the heck am I, anyway?.
'''Kyoto:''' Hey! Clothes!
'''Bunny:''' [[Literal-Minded|Yes, they are]]... So where the heck...<br />
'''Kyoto:''' [[Please Put Some Clothes On|PUT THEM ON]]. }}
* [[Compliment Backfire]]: Either averted or was [[Insult Backfire]].
Line 65:
* [[Logic Bomb]]: Averted repeatedly.
{{quote|'''Bunny:''' Calculate this out. Can God make a rock so big he can't move it?
{{spoiler|'''Wolf'''}}''':''' [[Ask a Stupid Question|YES]].<br />
'''Bunny:''' ... Really? }}
** Also: