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=== This is a page for wild mass guesses from the series ''[[Bleach]] Shikai Edition'' which have been [[Jossed]] by the series or [[Word of God]]. If a WMG on one of the [[Bleach/WMG/Shikai Open One/WMG|open]] [[Bleach/WMG/Shikai Open Two/WMG|pages]] is Jossed, please move it here. ===
''Please add new Jossed entries to the bottom of the page''.
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Poor Yammy...
* [[Jossed]]. The Espada are ranked by their reiatsu level. Yammy reall is the 0th.
== Aizen doesn't have Bankai ==
When he discovered he hit the jackpot on the super power roulette he didn't need to unlock bankai, when the time came for him to become captain he just used his good old complete hypnosis.
* [\]
** [[Completely Missing the Point]]. Aizen's Shikai is so broken that he can fool everybody, including Yoruichi, into thinking that he has a Bankai. When it comes to the Captain exams, Aizen just shows off his "water illusion" bullshit as a Shikai, and then pulls something out of his ass for a Bankai.
* Jossed. We'll never know since his Zanpakuto gone for good now.
== The Hogyoku is the King of Heaven. ==
* [[Jossed]]. The Hogyoku is just a thing Aizen and Urahara made prototypes of, before Aizen fused them together. "Heaven" is technically the Soul Society, which has its own King, a separate entity from the Hogyoku.
== Aizen's Bankai turns everyone within a certain radius into Aizen. ==
The only way his power could become more confusing bar making the illusions real (too predictable!) would be to make it impossible to know if you're hitting the real Aizen... or just another victim of his Bankai. Add a couple of flash steps to the mix and you're in for one confusing fight.
* [[Jossed]]. We never see what he Bankai does before the Hogyoku removed it.
== Quincies actually send souls to the true afterlife. ==
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*** [[Jossed]]. Damn.
== The next arc will be: ==
After maybe another 20 chapters of drawn-out fights the Espadas are going to bite the dust, when Aizen reveals he had the Vasto Lordes all along... and while SS was busy with the Espadas, the VLs were attacking the real Karakura Town. Cue [[Big Damn Heroes]] moment for Urahara and the Vizards.
* That idea kinda got shot down a few chapters ago, with the Vizards showing up in the fake Karakura town to try and kill Aizen.
Line 182:
* Or it could be [[The Punisher|a gun that shoots swords]].
* Or [[Memetic Mutation|a bow that shoots axes]].
* Or [[The Simpsons (animation)|a gun that shoots dogs with bees in their mouth, so when the dogs bark, the bees fly out and sting you]]
* Or a gun that [[Painkiller|shoots shurikens]] [[Zero Punctuation|and lightning.]]
* Or it is {{spoiler|A really damn long sword.}} Jossed.
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== Ichigo ''is'' under the influence of Kyoka Suigetsu ==
I'm still smarting over Aizen's stalker line about knowing Ichigo since birth so here goes: Ichigo was exposed to Kyoka Suigetsu as an infant, and so does not remember.
* [[Jossed]]. If he was, then something would've happened once the Hogyoku removed Aizen's powers.
== Mugetsu is Ichigo's real Bankai ==
Line 209:
Think about it. Aizen states that Orihime gained her powers thanks to the Hougyoku's influence. But if Orihime destroys it, her exact plan being to make it to where the Hougyoku never existed, that would also mean that she would never have gained her powers, and would never have had the ability to wipe the Hougyoku off of the plane of existence to begin with. So if Orihime takes out the Hougyoku, she is also taking out her ability to destroy it.
* Seconded. Maybe this is how Orihime goes back to a normal life? Maybe it comes with memory removal?
* [[Jossed]]. The Hogyoku is stuck with Aizen and Orihime never had the chance to destroy it.
== Nanao will show up in the real Karakura Town. ==
It’s the only explanation I can think of for why she wasn’t in the fake Karakura Town. Maybe Shunsui was being overprotective of his Nanao-chan again and thought that leaving her behind to guard the real Karakura Town would be a less dangerous assignment.
* [[Jossed]]. She never appeared in either Karakura Towns.
== Ichigo will be able to defeat Aizen because his friends cheer him on. ==
Line 224:
And yet, just recently, Don Kanonji stood his ground against Aizen. ''Don freaking Kanonji.'' How could this buffoon do what almost anyone posing a threat to Aizen could not? Because he had confidence and self-assurance. Ichigo's been lacking that for a long time now, and this troper thinks that being reminded of why he fights, to protect his friends and family, will be just the kick-start he needs to be [[The Hero]] again and stand up to Aizen.
* I think it would only work if Aizen kidnapped ''all of his friends''. Then his mind would kick into MUST SAVE NAKAMA mode as it did in the Soul Society and Hueco Mundo arcs, only even more since now there's ''more'' friends to save. He would powerup into a ball of pure energy and eat Aizen alive.
* [[Jossed]]. He defeated Aizen on his own, several kilometers away from the town, without his friends cheering him on.
== Aizen is going to win. ==
Line 231:
== Harribel was actually a man with really convincing falsies. ==
[[Jossed]]. She's always been a girl - she has a womb, which is where her Hollow hole is located in, according to Unmasked.
== If there is another arc, it will feature Chad fighting an overly cute enemy. ==
Line 242:
Ichigo is the King's Key.
Think about it. In Soul Society, the Soukyoku [ was said to have the power of one million zanpakutou], yet Ichigo blocked it with one. If we go by the soul count of each zanpakutou, [[Captain Obvious|that's one million souls.]] And this was ''before'' Ichigo fought Byakuya, underwent Hollow training, and even knew that Aizen was a threat. Besides, who ever said that the Key was composed of ''only'' one hundred thousand souls?
But Aizen already knew this. Surely he heard about Ichigo's little run-in with the Soukyoku, and got curious. It's possible that he had no idea that the little Ryoka that he crushed effortlessly was the one object that he was looking for (that, or he was bluffing). And way, way back at the start of the Hueco Mundo arc, when Ichigo and the others entered Hueco Mundo, he could have detected the Key's reiatsu within Ichigo's own. At this point, having lured Ichigo into Hueco Mundo with Orihime as bait, Aizen just had to sit back and watch while things unfolded on their own and Ichigo grew even ''more'' ridiculously powerful than he already was.
Add all of this to Urahara's faith in Ichigo's ability (he and Aizen are basically dueling against one another, with Ichigo as the experiment of both), Isshin's unknown background (for all we know, he could be the King himself), and Aizen's analysis of Ichigo's reiatsu in the most recent chapter (to confirm that all was according to plan), and you have the perfect storm of exposition.
Now that Aizen has Ichigo right where he wants him, he can reveal all this to him, creating another ludicrous [[Wham! Episode]], surprising all of Bleach's readers, and launching his attack on the now-vulnerable fourth wall, as detailed above.
* Problem: If you look at Ichigo during the scenes when he's repelling the Soukyoku he's wearing an odd cape with large clasp on it. It looks very similar to the [ Shihouin family symbol]. Soi Fon later [ confirms] that it is when confronting [ Shihouin Yourichi] about why she's assiting Ichigo. Ichigo repelling the Soukyoku is not that impressive.
** Yeah... but then Yoruichi confirms on that same page that ''flight'' was necessary for saving Rukia. The cloak only helped Ichigo get to the top of the Soukyoku. And Yoruichi never said that the cloak stopped the Soukyoku, if that's what you're trying to say.
*** True. But that's not my point. The Soukyoku was destroyed by a relic of the Shihouin family, which Yourichi is a part of. These are facts, substantiated by the manga. It is also a fact that Ichigo was wearing the crest of the selfsame family when he repelled the Soukyoku. The simplest explanation (In following with the principal of Occam's Razor) is that the crest repelled the Soukyoku rather than Ichigo, otherwise you have to start creating thousands of smaller theories about why Ichigo, who is stronger than 1,000,000 soul cutters, ever lost to anyone at all. Especially considering what Ishida said way back in Chapter 49 (and the next two pages).
* Ultimately [[Jossed]] from the above post.
Line 259:
This relies on all of those "King is a bad dude" theories, but work with me here.
So the King is this great and terrible Cosmic Horror and the Royal Guard are former Captains tasked with making sure it doesn't get out. But even more secret than their existance is how they opperate; by being placed in an involuntary stasis so that their massive Captain-level souls can power the seal. Nobody is aware of this until after their "promotion", and by then it's already too late.
...except that one escaped. Aizen Sousuke, who likely went by another name at the time, managed to escape his fate as a living seal and flee the King's realm. Infuriated by what he had witnessed, he vowed to end this atrocious tradition even if it meant bringing Seireitei to its knees to do it. He trained in both body and mind during his period of seclusion, meanwhile dabbling in research concerning the very makeup of Hollows and Shinigami in the hopes of finding ''any'' edge over his new adversaries. He eventually slipped back into Soul Society after much time had passed, with a change of name and likely appearance.
Line 288:
== Ichigo has in fact already fallen under Kyoka Suigetsu's illusions ==
If one looks closely at Barragan's flashback, Barragan had already fallen to Kyoka Suigetsu's illusion when Aizen asks him to look at it, as seen in [ here]. In other words, just Aizen mentioning his Zanpakuto's name releases it.
* Aizen releases it not 5 pages after the one linked to. He got the sword out and showed it to him so he'd be sure to see it when it was released.
* I agree. How? Why? Simple. We learned a long time ago that a Bankai user doesn't have to call out the name of his sword to release shikai(Renji vs Byakuya fight). So, Aizen doesn't have to do anything flashy to release - at any moment when Ichigo is looking at his sword(and he has to if he wants to dodge any attack) he can release Kyoka Suigetsu and put Ichigo under his hypnosis.S o, barring an enormous [[Idiot Ball]] or [[Villain Ball]](or an alternate method to beat Kyoka Suigetsu) on Aizen's part, he's already won.
* Aizen says he's known of Ichigo since his birth. Either he's lying his arse off to screw with Ichigo - and us - some more, or he's got Ichigo under his control already. If this isn't the case, I'll eat every single one of my socks.
* [[Jossed]]. He lost his Zanpakuto after Ichigo defeated him, and he stopped using his Zanpakuto once the Hogyoku started morphing him. If Ichigo was ever under his illusions, something would've happened after the Hogyoku took them away. Nothing ever did, though.
Line 303:
Now, it's been stated that Karakura is the most reiryoku-enriched place on earth. As such, every single one of its citizens are exposed to this reiatsu daily. So what does Aizen do with every single one of Karakura's citizens?
He replicates Urahara's shattered shaft hundreds and thousands of times and throws EVERY SINGLE ONE of Karakura's inhabitants in one. He waits. Somebody's BOUND to develop a hollow in an Ichigo-similar way, and then Aizen has his army.
* [[Jossed]]. Aizen never created the Ouken throughout his time in the real town. All he ever wanted was to find an equal, which he found (and more) in Ichigo.
== The mysterious shinigami seen with Urahara and Isshin is the missing tenth division captain during the TBTP arc. ==
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* Ginjo does a bit too well at playing the cliched villain in chapter 451.
** Aaaaand now....yeah, I think with Chapter 456 we can be certain Ginjo isn't the bad guy.
** They both can still be the bad guy(s). Just not on the same side. Remember, someone from Soul Society (my manga source removed the chapter) tried warning Ichigo to not be an idiot just when he was hanging around Ginjo.
** Note that it is still possible to consider Tsukishima a "good guy". Ginjo was already stalking Ichigo. He already knew where Ichigo worked, for one. It would be a gutsy move, but Kubo could make it so all of Bleach we've seen so far was an altered memory. Ginjo changed everyone's memories to get Ichigo on his side. Tsukishima is just restoring things to the proper place. He is just facing down an angry, homocidal, powered up Ichigo and is forced to see him as an enemy until his memories are restored. Plus, look at Ichigo's friends. Many of them are rivals beaten into joining him. If Tsukishima was the same his "affably evil" might just be him enjoying this opportunity to knock Ichigo around a bit like old times.
** Jossed. Ginjo ''is'' an enemy, but he's been in cahoots with Tsukishima from the start.
Line 321:
== Ichigo's Fullbring will become a wakizashi after he gets his powers back ==
Letting him keep his fullbring and his zanpakuto would be a good way of increasing his power. He already has a katana in the from of Tensa Zangetsu, so his fullbring could be some form of off hand item. He is not really the type for a shield, but [[Dual-Wielding]] is an option.
* [[Jossed]]. He lost them before he ever used a wakizashi.
Line 333:
Too bad we didn't get to see what happened in Las Noches after Yammi 'died' & before Mayuri took over. The Hollows as a plot device are finished.
** Point on what Starrk did to Rose and Love. He offered to let them leave, and only when they did not back down did he intend to actually aim to kill them ('finishing move' or the like was said). We don't get to see that killing attempt because Kyoraku's shadows got in the way. He also got lucky shooting Kyoraku, who was distracted by Wonderweiss's similar chance attack on Ukitake. Starrk was opportunistic and reluctant to kill (but like Shunsui, only to an extent). In the case of one-shotting Ukitake, Wonderweiss was certainly opportunistic, having the element of surprise (plus, he's apparently a child, which is ironically significant given the two captains' reaction to Lilynette). The 'power' of each had little to do with it.
** [[Jossed]]. [[Word of God]] says that the Espada are ranked based on reiatsu levels. Yammy being the "strongest" one just means he has more spiritual pressure than any of the others, it has nothing to do with actual abilities. Although that's just as absurd as ranking martial artists based on who can bench press more.
** That being so, then Starrk's tendency to inadvertently kill Hollows weaker than him in his attempt to find friends would indicate his reiatsu was high enough for him to warrant the '1' position. Turned out to be irrelevant, to the extent that perhaps Aizen used it as a justification for the look of the thing, because it ostensibly give his army a neat structure (in practice I gather there was lots of in-fighting)? In that, Aizen putting Starrk at the top made sense because he had no interest in fighting against either those 'below' him or his boss, because he considered them Nakama.
== Being a Fullbring user is a [[X-Men|mutant power]]. ==
Ginjou said he and the other members of Xcution were born with the ability.
* [[Jossed]]. They're not superhumans; they just have remnants of Hollow energy within them, since their mothers were attacked by Hollows.
Line 344:
Because Aizen is a Heartless.
* Aizen isn't a Heartless; he's Xemnas.
** [[Jossed]]. Aizen's immortal now, throwing all of the below and related guesses out of the window.
== Exdeath will kill Aizen ==
Line 355:
== Lelouch will kill Aizen ==
It's all part of his massive [[Xanatos Gambit]] to unify everything in peace.
[[Jossed]]. Aizen's immortal now.
== Aizen has planned his own version of the Zero Requiem ==
[[Jossed]]. Aizen just wanted to find an equal.
== Ichigo will gain [[Devil May Cry|familiar demon powers]] next ==
Line 366:
== Ichigo is the new master of the Hogyku ==
Self explanatory. It's found a new master, and Ichigo just beat the stuffing out of Aizen. Plus this'll be a way to repower Ichigo.
* {{[[Jossed}]]. It's stuck with Aizen.
== Ichigo will lose all his shinigami powers, but keep his hollow powers. ==
Line 376:
*** "Total power wipe" in the sense that everything goes, both Shinigami and Hollow. It's obviously not permanent, as you pointed out with Isshin. (Besides, it's shounen. There's no such thing as a permanent de-power for the hero.) What's more, given Ichigo losing any semblance of spiritual awareness, the latest chapter seems to be telling us that he lost it all, both Shinigami and Hollow. He can't feel any pressure anymore.
* Dammit, beat me to it. Great Minds, huh?
* [[Jossed]]. His Shinigami powers were restored first.
== Of the Espada, only Starrk and Harribel were Vasto Lorde. ==
Take a look at their Ressurrección: [ Los Lobos] and [ Tiburón], respectively. Notice any similarities? ''No Hollow parts'', apart from their clothes (Starrk's eyepiece, Harribel's bone armor). Being a Vasto Lorde!Arrancar means that when you go [[One-Winged Angel|Resurrección]], you retain your humanity and actually just look like a human wearing funny clothes. By this logic the levels the Espada were at before becoming Arrancar could be:
{{quote|'''Starrk:''' Very powerful Vasto Lorde.
'''Baraggan:''' Powerful Adjuchas.
Line 388:
'''Yammy''': Average-to-powerful Adjuchas. }}
Although, going by this logic, some of the weaker Arrancar would also have been Vasto Lorde, including [[Ensemble Darkhorse|Charlotte]], [[Smug Snake|Luppi]], [[Funny Afro|Gantenbainne]] and [[Amazon Brigade|Mila Rose]]. Maybe there's more to the Gillian/Adjuchas/Vasto Lorde level system than we know...
* I thought the description of a Vasto Lorde was a NON-arrancar that looked human.
* [ Yes it is]. But what I said was that the ''Resurrección'' of an ''Arrancar!Vasto Lorde'' looks human.
* Ulquiorra was a Vasto Lorde. When the concept of Vasto Lorde was explained the first time you could see the shadow/shape of one. Guess like whose resurrección number 2 it looked like?
Line 396:
== The Final Getsuga Tensho will make Aizen stoned out of his mind. ==
That's why it's going to be introduced in issue 420.
* [[Jossed]]. It only freaked him out.
== Hanataro is going to get the kill on Aizen == Wouldn't that be the real pisser? Aizen has to be hurting from all the fighting and the poison damage he just experienced. He's weakened. Hanataro can destroy when his healing scalpel removes enough damage. Plus he's the last one anyone would expect with heavy hitters running around still. Plus, it would anger you, yes you.
Line 419:
== The 'hogyoko' that Aizen has {{spoiler|embedded in his chest}} is not the real hogyoko. ==
Why, why, ''why'' would he bring it into battle if it {{spoiler|makes the will of people around it real}}? (This ''could'' be to set up the 'He might ''think'' he has complete control over it and such, but he actually doesn't and Ichigo's willpower enables him to win a battle over whose will controls the hogyoko'-type scenario, but I think Aizen is too careful to fall for this.) So, simple: he doesn't actually have the hogyoko with him, and it's hidden someplace else.
* So, how does he do his nifty {{spoiler| regeneration}}?
** He already received that power. It is now a part of his arsenal, continued contact with the hogyoko is unnecessary.
* It's hidden in Hell. Those Hell Gates at the beginning ''can't'' have been shown just for fun; they're a [[Chekhov's Gun]] and this new realm is going to come into play. After all, ''Shinji'' and ''several other as-yet unrevealed'' characters show up in the title page for the very first chapter. Everything has been planned. Those gates are going to be important.
** Hell arc, maybe?
*** If the hogyoko was hidden in hell, wouldn't it be {{spoiler|manifesting the will of hell's inhabitants?}}
**** [[Epileptic Trees|Aizen's creating a demon army!!1!11!!1! =D]]
* [[Jossed]]. Aizen and Urahara made separate Hogyoku prototypes. Aizen fused them together.
== Don Kanonji will power up from Hougyoku exposure ==
* He sincerely wishes to be a hero, and no human could possibly survive touching Aizen. The solution is to make him something beyond human!
* [[Jossed]]. He never did.
== Aizen's entire evil plot was to grow a mullet. ==
Now, he's just making stuff up as he goes along so he doesn't look like an idiot.
* Jossed. He wanted to find someone equal to his power level, according to ichigo.
== Gin is not betraying Aizen because he is [[Axe Crazy]]. ==
Let's face it; if you're not a Shinigami, you live in a [[Crapsack World]] known as the Rukongai. Whether you have powers or not, unless you actually go become one of the Elite. Quite frankly, this arrangement sucks. One of the Fillers made this a plot point. And, because it sucks, and because Gin cares about Rangiku (and possibly others in their leaky boat), he decided to go and change this. And, because he inferred that Aizen is the boss, he decided to go and attempt this little reform through his awesomely sneaky little ways. Once he found out the full Seireitei system, he decided to go along with Aizen even more, probably to use the Hogyoku as a bartering chip or something. Watch this be his little monologue as he dies in Rangiku's arms. And after he dies...
* Jossed. He only wanted to get Rangiku's reiatsu particles back from the Hogyoku.
== Aizen killed Hiyori ==
Line 443:
** No, I don't think Ichigo was shown to have seen that attack, at least, not in the manga, so it's entirely possible. However, I still think Gin was responsible, because he doesn't need to be a nice guy to have tried to kill Aizen to avenge Rangiku.
** Actually, I'm pretty positive that Ichigo was not present when that occured. I vividly remember Shinji screaming for him to return.
* [[Jossed]]. Hiyori's still alive.
== Rangiku was the previous host of the Hougyoku before Rukia. ==
* Just putting it out there. And providing an alternate theory {{spoiler|to why the front of her yukata was loosened when we saw her in chapter 415, though I do fear that that wasn't all of it. And it would explain what the Hougyoku was doing in that flashback.}}
* [[Jossed]]. He had his goon steal parts of peoples' souls to feed to the Hogyoku.
== Aizen is planning to eat Gin. ==
Line 463:
== Aizen is turning into a Hell Butterfly ==
Their existence and lack of use set up a Chekhov's Gun. They are generated whenever a soul is sent to Soul Society and allow passage between worlds. They are also valuable and unique in their power, since they have to be kept in SS for later use. Their species isn't Shinigami, human, Hollow or anything in between, just as Aizen claimed he was. If he gains the rare passage-powers of the Hell Butterfly, he can easily pass between any worlds, including whatever traps the King's Key may open up. Since they are their own species, it also explains what the energy Aizen uses is. It might still be spiritual energy, but it's the energy of an insect, which nobody has seen in the amounts Aizen possesses.
* [[Jossed]].
== Despite Ichigo's latest powerup, Aizen is still going to win. ==
We've had too much build up over squad 0 and the King to never see them.
* Jossed. He lost his powers and he's been imprisoned.
== Kenpachi will come ==
Line 486:
== [[The Dog Bites Back|Momo will kill Aizen.]] ==
Skilled as she is in Kido, Momo will be able to save herself. It will take awhile, which is why we haven't seen her yet, but any second now we will all hear "Snap, Tobiume!" in the middle of the current fight. Aizen will fall, gibbering, to a beautifully [[Karmic Death]], Ichigo will wonder what the Hell just happened, Gin and Rangiku will burst out laughing, and the residents of Karakura will still be clueless.
* Jossed. He's immortal thanks to the Hogyoku.
== Aizen wants to become a Vasto Lorde without having to consume thousands of souls ==.
He wants the power of a Vasto Lorde, or as close to it as he can get. The Hougyoku tries to grant this wish by constantly making him evolve: Aizen -> Sockpuppet!Aizen -> {{spoiler|Mullet!Aizen -> Butterflaizen -> Cthulhu!Aizen}}.
** Jossed. If the anime and power level guidebook are to be believed, at least Tia to Starrk were Vasto Lorde already. This would make Base Aizen/Yama/Current Ichigo stronger than most Vasto Lorde.
== Gin will recieve a hollow form similar to Ichigo's. ==
He's in almost the exact same scenario Ichigo was in the Ulquiorra fight. This will happen immediately when Aizen attempts to finish him off. He'll get a new animalistic, silent, and Ax Crazy hollow form that overpowers Aizen, stabs Ichigo in the chest, and defends Rangiku at all costs.
* [[Jossed]].
== The next set of villains will be humans given powers by the Hogyoku. ==
We've fought Hollows. We've fought Shinigami. We've fought Hollowfied Shinigami and Shinigami-fied Hollows. What's next? The answer has been staring us in the face the whole time, in the form of Chad and Orihime. Orihime's healing power is literally god-like, and theoretically her offensive and defensive powers could be just as strong if she actually wanted them to be. Likewise, Chad had superhuman strength and endurance ever before getting his power, but he was so used to being an [[Actual Pacifist]] that his power manifested as ''defense-based'' right arm, meaning that up until the Hueco Mundo arc he's been fighting by [[Luckily, My Shield Will Protect Me|punching people with a shield]]. As soon as he decided he actually wanted to attack, he became strong enough to one-shot an Arrancar. Now imagine what would happen if someone with Orihime's power decided they wanted to 'reject' an opponent's body parts. Or imagine someone with Chad's ''natural'' strength who decided that they liked using their strength to hurt people, then give that person a [[Power Fist]].
* [[Jossed]]. Fullbringers got their powers from reiatsu remnants from Hollows that attacked their mothers.
== Ichigo will become a Quincy. ==
WARNING: This whole WMG is a spoiler. {{spoiler|After the Final Getsuga gets rid of Ichigo's Shinigami powers, he still has a keen understanding of how to manipulate reiatsu, right? Why couldn't Uryu teach him how to gather spirit particles from the air?}}
* Not likely. There was the disagreement in the early episodes about how Ichigo doesn't approve of the way Quincy methods erase Hollows from the cycle of life altogether.
* (([[Jossed}}]]. He's back as a Shinigami.
== The Final Getsuga won't kill Aizen, but it will depower him ==
This will give Ichigo the opportunity to beat the crap out of him with his bare hands. Come on, you know you want to see that happen.
* [[Jossed]]. Aizen lost his powers because of the Hogyoku.
== Ichigo won't defeat Aizen, Hichigo will. ==
As soon as the final getsuga tenshou runs out, Hichigo will exploit Ichigo's weakened state to take total control. Aizen, having had his ass mostly kicked, will get devoured by Hichigo and he'll become the most powerful Hollow in history. The next arc will be Chad, Orihime and Ishida trying to bring Ichigo back.
* {[[Jossed}}]]. Ichigo really did defeat Aizen, but Urahara sealed Aizen away.
== Bleach will end in chapter 432 ==
Line 532:
== There will be a time-skip ==
And not a little one either. It will probably focus on the children of the main cast (Ichigo/Orihime (because Rukia's invisible), [[Pair the Spares|Uryu/Tatsuki]], and Chad adopted some kid (parrot-kid?)) to deal with Aizen when he breaks out. Rukia will be the childrens guide in the Spirit World.
* [[Jossed]]. It was a 17-month [[Time Skip]] with no real changes to the characters.
== It's over, two weeks from now there will be more of the epilogue ==
Line 539:
== Urahara did not create the Houkyoku ==
The Houkyoku is actually the [[Inuyasha|Shikon No Tama]]. Kisuke stole it from Japan 500 years ago.
* [[Jossed]]. Aizen and Urahara created their own versions of the Hogyoku, before Aizen fused them both.
Line 575:
Together with Nelliel, the three will [[Despair Event Horizon|plunge into despair]] over the deaths of their comrades, Aizen's betrayal and that HM is now in the hands of a Soul Reaper mad sciencist worse than Aizen. Eventually, they'll form [[Angel|a cross-dimensional evil law firm]].
** Okay, you got the Wolf, you got the Ram, where's the <s> Hart</s> HEART? Oh, never mind. I answered my own question.
** [[Jossed]]. Harribel and her fraccion all survived. Starrk and Lilynette are dead. Nel's unconfirmed.
== This new arc is going to be really short ==
It will end with the lost shinigami representative forcing all of his powers onto Ichigo restoring Ichigo's powers and loosing his own because he's sick and tired of seeing spirits and crap. Why? Kubo has learned from making overly long arcs and has decided all future arcs will be super short.
* [[Jossed]]. Rukia gave back Ichigo's powers, with help from Isshin, Renji, Byakuya, Ikkaku, Kenpachi and Hitsugaya.
== Ichigo has been working for Urahara for the past six months ==
Line 589:
* It's also possible that Kubo-sensei decided to [[Canon Immigrant|bring in some stuff from the filler arcs]] and these guys are Bounts that didn't join up with Kariya Jin.
* For that matter, they could even be Mod Souls in gigais!
* Jossed. They're a new race, called Fullbringers.
== The mysterious ramen guy is a Quincy! ==
* Well, if you look [ here], he does appear to be wearing a Quincy Cross. And he obviously has some connection to the spiritual world. And it would be kind of funny, what with Ishida constantly procaliming to be the 'Last Quincy' in the early volumes of Bleach.
* [[Jossed]]. He's a Fullbringer.
== The human who attacked Ishida is [[Bakuman。|Hiramaru Kazuya]] ==
* Don't you see how much alike they look? Maybe this is a zig-zagged [[Show Within a Show]].
* [[Jossed]].
== The Fullbringers have an English/European style motif ==
Line 614:
== Tsukishima is the new [[Big Bad]] ==
Ok come on!He's injured Uuryu,he apparently wants Orihime dead,he kinda looks like Aizen,and he just gives off that vibe.
* Jossed. He shares it with Ginjo.
== Ichigo's fullbringer ability is a [[Morph Weapon]] ==
Line 623:
== Arrancar lose their hollow hole as the get stronger ==
Vizard and Arrancar are counterparts more or less. Looking at Ichigo, it seems that a Vizard gains a hollow hole as the become more powerful and more hollow like. Using that logic, shouldn't Arrancar lose their hollow holes as the become more powerful and more like shinigami. One should also notice that the strongest Arrancar; Primera Espada, Segunda Espada, and both Tres Espada; don't appear to have hollow holes. Szayel could've also used this to rise to the rank Octo Espada, my guess is he was originally around Aaronierro(Did I spell that right?)'s strength this could be supported by the Hell Chapter were Aaronerro believing he could take Szayel.
* [[Jossed]]. [ Yeah, about that...]
== The Final Getsuga Tensho ==
In addition to my previous WMG above, I believe that both Vizard and Arrancar can use their own version of the Final Getsuga Tensho or at least something similar. Since Ichigo had to fight [[Fan Nickname|Hollow Zangetsu]] in order to learn it, I believe that the release that the Final Getsuga is a result of fully mastering ones inner power, both ration and instinct, and reaching the epitome of growth.
* [[Jossed]]. It involves merging with ones' Zanpakuto. No formal training.
== Ichigo's Fullbring mirrors his past so there should be at least one more level to it. ==
So I noticed how his Fullbring developed first as the Badge(Sealed), then the Tsuba(Shikai), then the Cloak(Bankai), finally his complete Fullbring(Hollow) but since Ichigo had one more level of power before he lost his power his Fullbring should mirror that.
* The final level will probably be where his fullbring merges with the remnants of his shinigami powers. Ginjo said this fusion would give him a power transcending the shinigami, and that's exactly what Ichigo had before using Mugetsu.
* [[Jossed]]. Ginjo took them away from Ichigo before he could evolve further.
== The name of Ichigo's Fullbring will be... ==
...[[Donnie Darko|The Killing Moon]]. Fits with the name of his former Zanpakuto, the theme of the series,the song theme naming of other Fullbrings and, let's be frank, [[Rule of Cool|sounds awesome.]]
* [[Jossed]]. We never heard its name before Ginjo removed them from Ichigo.
== Ichigo will finaly get his shinigami powers back thanks to Ginjo ==
He stabbed him in the chest(or THE HEART!?!)with that oversized broadsword,which is most probably fatal for Ichigo ,because he is in his puny and frail human body right now.But in Bleachverse death is just the beginning,and his death will somehow reawaken his lost shinigami powah.And after going into bankai and hollow mode he'll [[Curb Stomp Battle|kick the fullbringers collective ass into the crub]].
** He won't die. The reason: [[Reality Warper|Orihime]].
*** [[Jossed]]. Rukia, Isshin, Urahara, Byakuya, Renji, Kenpachi, Ikkaku and Hitsugaya all had a part in restoring Ichigo's powers.
== Kaien was never posessed. ==
* He was on meth. Hey his face looked all screwedup like real meth adicts and the hollow looks like the type to hook hot young men on its new batch it makes in a hotel bathroom.
** No, he wasn't on anything at all! He just really liked orange sunglasses. Glasses, actually. He had a pair in his pocket and put them on right after he killed the hollow (his back was turned to Rukia, Ukitake, and the camera, remember?). His crazy laughter and taunting of Rukia and Ukitake were just for the lulz. However, he realized that his glasses could never be as [[Cool Shades|cool]] as [[Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann|Kamina's]], so he threw himself on Rukia's sword.
* [[Jossed]]. Aaroniero absorbed the Hollow that possessed him and claimed Kaien's powers for his own.
== The one who will beat Captain Broken is a [[JoJo's Bizarre Adventure|Dio Brando Expy]] in the Royal Guard. ==
Line 661:
== Yammy will reveal another form, but a completely different one ==
He'll start to grow again, but then get so big he starts collapsing under his own mass and implodes until he's smaller. But it's not the typical "[[Bishonen Line|big monster turns into a skinny dude]]" thing, he'll get ''even smaller'' that. He'll keep compressing until he's the size and shape of that dog thing he had a while ago. However, his actually mass and strength is the same (he may also be faster/more maneuverable), and being that size will focus his power making his reiatsu so dense as to be pretty much impenetrable.
** Alternatively, this will collapse him into a reiatsu black hole. The captains will then have to escape Hueco Mundo before they are engulfed.
* [[Jossed]]. It was a [[Battle Discretion Shot]] and Yammy got [[Dropped A Brige On Him]].
== Gin is in league with the Royal Guard. ==
Not sure what led me to this conclusion, but it would explain that constant shifty demeanor and why he's off in the background doing... something while Aizen solos the entire cast.
* This would not surprise me in the least. It's something about that face that makes me think "Wow is he trying to look evil."
* [[Jossed]]. He was in it for himself, which is to say, to get Rangiku's soul particles back from the Hogyoku.
== Aizen is planning something involving plots similar to a combination of [[Fullmetal Alchemist]], [[Code Geass]] and [[End of Evangelion]] ==
The plot goes like this: Aizen's true objective is to overthrow the king of Soul Society, so he can replace him as God. To do this, he needs the royal key. In order to create the key, Aizen needs to gather 100,000 souls in Karakura Town, which has an unusually large concentration of spirit particles. Aside from killing the many souls used in its creation, creating the key will also vaporize most of Karakura Town. The ''[[Fullmetal Alchemist]]'' part: kill lots of people to make [[Applied Phlebotinum]] (Philosopher's Stone). The ''[[Code Geass]]'' part: overthrow God. The ''[[End of Evangelion]]'' conclusion: Technically, replacing God means destroying the system, reducing everyone to simple form and causing [[Assimilation Plot|Mass Assimilaiton]].
* To some extent, all of this is involved in the ''FMA'' plot anyway. Father's machinations involve taking in entire nations' worth of souls to make himself into an increasingly powerful living Philosopher's Stone to the point of taking over the power and place of God. In essence, Aizen and Father are among two anime [[Big Bad|Big Bads]]s whose similarities are most underrated, because they are both major league deceivers with similar [[Satan]]-esque goals.
* [[Jossed]]. He only ever wanted to find an equal in the same power level as he was in.
== Aizen is the king of Soul Society ==
He just wants his house back.
* He locked himself out. Why he doesn't tell anyone and instead acts as if he is a Big Bad and plans to kill hundreds of thousands of people? Being a king and locking yourself out of your palace is really embarrassing.
* [[Jossed]]. Aizen saw the real Spirit King. He '''hates''' it.
== Ishida and Ichimaru will face each other in a showdown ==
Line 695:
== Aizen will call Ichigo out on who he has special feelings for. ==
In a continuation of the [[Mind Screw]], Aizen will make every point that every Shipper [[One True Pairing|called out]] throughout the series. Since Ichigo is the [[Chaste Hero]], this will inevitably lead to a [[Heroic BSOD]] that will result in his stupidest [[Battle Cry]] to date. It will also initiate one of the biggest Shipping [[Flame War|FlameWars]] [[Fan Dumb|in]] [[Die for Our Ship|history]], but those are just [[Hilarity Ensues|entertaining]].
* [[Jossed]]. Aizen only ever talked about Ichigo's lack of personal motivation to fight him, along with Ichigo's evolution from a human to a Shinigami, to a [[Physical God]].
== Aizen will die soon. ==
His current from will not attract as much fangirls anymore, [[One-Winged Angel|so it means that he is okay to die.]]
* [[Jossed]]. The Hogyoku made him immortal.
== The Hogyoku is the final villain. ==
Aizen only ''thinks'' that he's managed to master it, because the Hogyoku wants him to think that. It reality, it is rewriting his mind at the same time it remakes his body, and once it finishes turning him into a perfect vessel for itself it will pull a full-on [[Grand Theft Me]].
* [[Jossed]]. The Hogyoku turned on Aizen and got rid of his powers, partly because the Hogyoku no longer saw Aizen as a worthy master.
== The Hogyoku is working for Aizen against its will. ==
The Hogyoku is sentient, so it has it's own ambitions. Aizen showed it to Orihime in order to demonstrate to the Hogyoku that it could be destroyed by her reality rejection powers. The Hogyoku, aware that Aizen could easily manipulate her into rejecting it, finally agreed to manifest Aizen's will in an effort of self-preservation.
* [[Jossed]]. The Hogyoku decided to turn on Aizen because he failed to be a worthy master.
== The Hogyoku is the key to defeating Aizen. ==
It turns the desires of those around it into reality, so naturally, once all hope is lost, Ichigo will stand up, give some speech about his desire to win at all costs to protect his friends, and his desire to win will outclass Aizen's, thus giving him the edge.
* [[Jossed]]. Ichigo (mostly) silently defeated Aizen's last two forms, while Urahara sealed Aizen, but the Hogyoku got fed up and removed Aizen's powers, mostly because it didn't recognize him as its master, and partly because Aizen subconsciously wanted to lose.
== The person who will strike the killing blow will be... ==
Line 717:
* [[Jossed]]. Aizen is immortal, thanks to the Hogyoku.
== Gin is good and the entire series since Aizen's [[Not Quite Dead|"death"]] is actually a [[Dying Dream|dying dream.]] ==
It's really all what he planned on doing, so {{spoiler|used his zanpakuto on himself to "carry out" his plan as he imagined it would go.}}
* [[Jossed]]. Aizen lost his Zanpakuto because of the Hogyoku.
== Gin's bankai ==
{{spoiler|Since now Gin has decided to release his Bankai}}, it will end up being very nasty and deceptive, like the ability to make a porcupine from the inside of whatever it strikes (Demonstrated by missing Ichigo, hitting a building, and making it look like a pin cushion). Along with this, he will also be able to shoot it into the clouds to make a rain of blades, and/or to shoot into the ground and make thousands of blades shoot up from below their feet. In either case, the blades will be able to curve or lengthen depending on what Gin wants.
* [[Jossed]]. He has poison as his Bankai's best ability, but he never made blade-storms, porcupines or blade-thornes, nor did he ever curve the blades themselves.
== Ichigo will gain his Resurrecion during the fight with Gin, [[All According to Plan|Just As Planned]]. ==
If Aizen is to be believed, he has planned EVERY fight Ichigo has been in so far specifically to force him to progress. This fight is likely no different and is probably the real reason Gin has been hanging back this whole time. After this, Ichigo's true fight with Aizen will begin, initiating the final step in Aizen's plan.
* [[Jossed]]. Ichigo didn't use Resurreccion; he used Jinzen to communicate and merge with Zangetsu (natural Shinigami evolution), while Aizen's last transformation was the most Hollow-looking of all four (artificial and forced Hollow-like [[One-Winged Angel]]). Quite ironic, really.
== Gin has major [[Magikarp Power]] ==
As it stands now, both Gin and Ichigo are using just bankai, and Ichigo seems to have the upper hand. But if Aizen hollowfied Tousen, there's no reason to think he didn't do the same to Gin. The difference is that Gin is a [[For the Evulz|complete sadist]], so he's arguably better suited to Hollow powers than most Hollows. Once he puts on his mask its going to be [[Curb Stomp Battle|Ichigo vs. Ulquiorra]] all over again, and once he unleashes his Ressureccion he's going to make Tousenfly look like a fluffy bunny by comparison.
* [[Jossed]]. Gin never used a Hollow mask at all, from his fight with Ichigo to his betrayal of Aizen.
== The Hogyoku is a trap. ==
While it's true that everything has unfolded [[All According to Plan|Just As Planned]] for Aizen, in reality, the entire plot has been a trap to catch and kill him, undertaken by Urahara. The Hogyoku, while it breaks down the barriers between Hollow and Shinigami, does something else entirelly when it's actually implanted in someone, the way Aizen put it in his chest. It's going to explode/transform him into something completely unstable, [[JustAll AsAccording Plannedto Plan|just as]] [[Chessmaster|Urahara]] [[Gambit Roulette|planned all along.]]
* This. Sooooo This.
* [[Jossed]]. Urahara planted a Kido seal within Aizen during their fight. Ichigo pushed Aizen to his limit in their fight, which allowed the seal time to work properly. In fact, the Hogyoku turned on Aizen and removed his powers right after the sealing began, because Aizen ironically failed to be a good master to it.
== Gin will be defeated by Izuru or Matsumoto. ==
With their Shikai, or, even better, their unreleased Zanpakuto.
* [[Jossed]]. Before Aizen killed him, Gin's only on-screen fights were against Hitsugaya and Ichigo.
== Rangiku and/or Izuru will be killed. ==
Kubo may well be sick of Gin getting the [[Draco in Leather Pants|leather pants]], and decided to show Gin's fans once and for all that he is evil (since Turn Back the Pendulum didn't do it). What better way to prove this than to kill off the only two people from the Gotei 13 that he still supposedly cares about. Doesn't explain why the rubble from Shinso's Bankai didn't just crush them (and instead must have intentionally avoided them), but this theory needed to be tossed out there. The alternative is that Aizen will kill them, hitting Gin's supposed [[Berserk Button]]. Either is sure to be a [[Tear Jerker]], and make me laugh.
* [[Jossed]]. Gin died before Rangiku or Izuru, and those two are still alive at this point.
== A ''Quincy'' will help to defeat Aizen. ==
Line 757:
== Aizen's Zanpakutou was too powerful for him and has trapped him inside an [[Lotus Eater Machine|elaborate illusion.]] ==
This is the real reason Aizen has been so overpowering and claiming that he orchestrated all those unlikely [[Gambit Roulette|plans]] as of late, Kyoka Suigetsu has taken control of Aizen's senses and possibly his mind by feeding into his ever enlarging ego and playing out his [[Marty Stu]] dream of godhood.
** [[Jossed]]. Unmasked revealed that Aizen was naturally powerful, and Kyoka Suigetsu is his repressed feelings of loneliness from it.
== The last six titles are actually a corruption of the word "decide." ==
As in, Gin is trying to decide if he should save Rangiku or help Aizen.
* [[Jossed]]. He never wanted to help Aizen - he joined because he wanted to kill Aizen.
== If Grimmjow changes sides, and Yammy is killed, he and Ishida yell at each other about being the last Quincy and the last Espada ==
Comedy gold.
* [[Jossed]]. Yammy ''is'' dead, but Grimmjow's fate is unconfirmed and Harribel survived.
== Orihime will defeat Aizen ==
by ''rejecting the existence of Hollows''. Thus, this will leave Aizen unable to obtain what he so desires, resulting in a [[Villainous BSOD]] (or whatever). All the Hollows will be turned back into humans or something like that.
** Sorry, but she likes Nell too much to have enough resolve for this.
** Ultimately [[Jossed]]. Ichigo and Kisuke dealt with Aizen.
== Gin is a member of Squad 0 and was a plant so the royal court could keep tabs on Aizen ==
Line 777:
== Aizen ate Harribel. ==
He just used his powers to make everyone think that he backstabbed her. In reality, her fate was far worse.
* [[Jossed]]. Harribel survived, according to Unmasked.
== Alternatively to "Gin betrays Aizen" theory, Gin is essential to his plan. ==
His bankai is ''needed'' to actually kill current king.
* [[Jossed]]. Aizen only brought Gin up because he was interested in seeing if Gin would kill him or not, and he bought into Gin's lies about his Bankai's abilities.
== Aizen is deliberately not killing anyone ==
He's [[Dangerously Genre Savvy]] enough to realize that if he ever loses, then he could beg for forgveness and mention the fact that nobody died. He'll get thrown in jail for a couple of years and get released later. Then Momo will go vigilante [[Yandere]] and kill him and herself.
** Except Aizen already murdered 46 people back in the Soul Society Arc, and unless they're written off as [[Asshole Victim|a bunch of corrupt and incompetent bureaucrats that no one really gives a shit about]], it's highly unlikely he'll get off lightly in the end just by surrendering.
** [[Jossed]]. He was defeated fair-and-square in a straight-up fight between himself and Ichigo. Upon his defeat, all he ever said was that he found it comical that the Central 46 would pass judgement on him. They responded by adding 2000 more years to his already-high (18,000) sentence.
== [[Hellsing|Alucard]] will arrive in Karakura Town, [[Big Damn Heroes]] style and attack Aizen, having ''FINALLY'' found a [[Worthy Opponent]]. ==
Granted, such a fight is guaranteed to [[It Got Worse|make the situation worse]] and there is [[Epileptic Trees|absolutely no basis]] for this guess, other than like Alucard, Aizen is [[Nigh Invulnerable]] incarnate and how [[Crazy Awesome|EPIC]] would it be to watch these two throw down? The answer: '''[[So Cool Its Awesome|VERY.]]'''
** Instead, it will actually turn out that Zaraki's Bankai is Alucard. This will end the series.
* [[Jossed]]. The series continued even after Aizen's defeat, and Aizen himself was defeated by Ichigo.
== Harribel will survive due to her fraccions ==
They'll all be revealed to be barely alive. Her fraccions will sacrifice themselves to heal her in a moment of cruel irony, especially in light of the anime-created flashback. Then she and a also surviving Starrk will pull a big [[Heel Face Turn]]. Ok, that more wishful thinking than WMG.
* [[Jossed]]. Nestle to Night revealed that Orihime healed Harribel, Apacci, Sung-Sun ''and'' Mila-Rose just after Ichigo collapsed in front of his friends, but they're roaming around Hueco Mundo on their own, and Starrk is confirmed deceased in the Unmaksed databook.
== Ichimaru Gin ''isn't'' evil. ==
Line 820:
** Au contraire, mon frere! They both have squinty eyes!
** The [[Peacemaker Kurogane]] version of Saitou is also quite a bit more ambiguous, or at least a very, very good actor.
* However, there's [ this picture], which shows Tousen and Aizen eagerly jumping into battle with Ichigo while Gin is chilling waaay in back. Given what just happened to Tousen and the Japanese idea that the person who fights and is seen ''the least'' is the most important, it looks like Gin could become the [[Big Bad]].
* Gin seems to not really want to help Aizen. He just kind of sits there, while Aizen fights alone. Not to mention he rearranged the passageways in Hueco Mundo so that the Ichigo and Co. ended up fighting and killing all of the strongest arrancar they had.
* Moved to the main WMG page to say {{spoiler|CONFIRMED}}
Line 826:
*** {{spoiler|Or he's just screwing Aizen over for the heck of it- or what he wants isn't actually to become Shinigami King.}}
**** That's a complicated one. He was planning on killing Aizen since he was a kid in SS right after seing Aizen for the first time and realizing that "he is THEIR leader" "they" could mean the Arrancar? Also he stated something around the lines of doing it for Rangiku.
* [[Jossed]]. He wasn't a double agent, nor was he trying to make a grab for power. Gin was obsessed with taking a small part of Rangiku's soul back, when he could've obtained a better life with Rangiku had he let the matter with Aizen drop. He could've killed Aizen at any time, since it was apparently Aizen himself that told Gin what Kyoka's weakness, but chose not to, either because he was worried the Shinigami would defeat him (anime's version), or because he relished in the knowledge that only he knew about Aizen's [[Achilles' Heel]]. The man is still a sadistic bastard, even if he initially put that on as a facade to get closer to Aizen, but like Snape, how much of a sadistic bastard is up for debate.
== Becoming [[A God Am I|the King]] will be Aizen's [[Death by Irony|undoing.]] ==
The theory behind this idea besides the [[Rule of Cool]], is that apon obtaining the power of the King of Heaven, not only does he gains the King's powers thus losing his Soul Reaper powers in the process, but also the King's weakness, in this case, [[Gods Need Prayer Badly|the King needs worship to keep his powers]]. Aizen will discover the hard way why the Throne of Heaven was left empty for so long when somehow, someone will use an undisclosed ability to rob Aizen of his new powers, I just know it.
* Another way he could lose is that Aizen will discover the hard way that while he is pretty badass, [[Phlebotinum Overload|he will not be able to handle the powers]] of being the King for very long and the very power he seeked destroys him instead.
* [[Jossed]]. Aizen never obtained the Ouken.
== General Yamamoto is in league with Aizen ==
Line 843:
* Well, it's one way to explain the cero, and it's a lot less infuriating than any of the other answers I could think of! And even if it wasn't an experiment, he could have still picked up an inner Hollow naturally like Ichigo did. I like it.
* Aizen maybe got the chance to use Ukitake as a guinea pig because the captain was genuinely ill (he's been ill since he was young, after all) and required treatment (...he'd have to get around Unohana, presumably, but this is Aizen we're talking about). Captains have high spiritual pressure, which is said to affect physical state (Unohana mentions it re Hiyori?), so perhaps that's why Ukitake's been able to survive as long as he has - he can handle a serious illness and suppress a hollow side that's no good for use in battle. If Yamamoto [[Narm|found out]], he'd be forced to have his student executed, cuing a proper mentor vs student battle when Kyoraku decides he's having none of it...and avoids a fight entirely by just breaking not-exactly Visored!Ukitake out in an underhanded manner. Yes, it's late and, yes, I've thought about this too much.
** [[Jossed]]. The cero was Starrk's own just being redirected by Ukitake's zanpakuto, and Ukitake's always had Tuberculosis.
== The Vaizards will be the bad guys of the next arc. ==
Line 859:
** Aha, but if he's been eating hollows that have eaten a thousand hollows themselves, then...
*** Except that he hasn't actually ''killed'' any Arrancar (except {{spoiler|Ulquiorra}}but he was already in full hollow form at the time, so it couldn't have counted) and only fought 3, none of which he killed. Dordonni was offed by the Equixas, Nnoitra was killed by {{spoiler|Kenpachi}}, and Grimmjow is still lying in a ditch somewhere. In fact, Ichigo only killed one hollow since his hollow appeared, and that was the random mook he took care of right after Rukia & Co. showed up to help with the Arrancars.
* [[Jossed]]. A Hollow can only become a Vasto Lorde by cannibalizing other Hollows. Ichigo's Inner Hollow was spawned inside of him, so it could never become a Vasto Lorde on its own.
Line 879:
Aizen, just like Hitsugaya explained, knew that if the Vasto Lorde got together and decided to put the pain down on Soul Society, they would win, so he took matters into his own hands. He concocted a story to convince the most powerful hollows to launch piecemeal assaults against soul society, whittled down their numbers, and forced the Shinigami to grow in power. Now, when the true threat of the Vasto Lordes show up, they'll lack a supporting army, and they'll face a battle-hardened Shinigami army fully capable of killing them off.
* [[Jossed]]. He tricked Hitsugaya into stabbing Hinamori to save his own ass - you can't disregard that as a villainous act.
== Aizen is working with Gin and Tousen out of necessity. ==
In order to fall under complete hypnosis, one has to see Kyouka Suigetsu's release. Tousen is blind and can't see anything, and Gin walks around all day with his eyes closed. This makes them the only ones in Soul Society who can resist his hypnosis. What better way to keep the people immune from your power from interfering than to offer them a role in your master plan?
* You may have a point there. Gin may be one thing, but he would actually have to CONVINCE Tousen to join him. Revenge aside, Tousen could've believed that whatever the reason that Aizen is doing all this for is in fact the right thing to do. That being said, he's only one out of the three who's demonstrated a moral compass, albeit a warped one.
* [[Jossed]]. Aizen chose Gin because he wanted to see how Gin would kill him.
== Not all Vizards will fight against the Espadas, Superchunky and Wonderweiss ==
Line 915:
== Aizen will all make the Vizards go Super Berserk Hollow. ==
Then he'll hypnotize them to make everyone but look like him, Gin and Tosen. He'll then just hide away while they go nuts slaughtering everyone.
* [[Jossed]]. He never did.
== Ichigo's Hollow will be the hero of the Zanpakutou filler arc ==
Line 922:
even more funny if Muramasa does the stupid thing and ALLOWS HIM TO TAKE A PHYSCIAL FORM outside of Ichigo oh wait it currently looks like thats exactly what he's trying to do at the moment.
* [[Jossed]]. Ichigo was [[The Hero]], along with Byakuya and Senbonzakura.
== Why do you want to fight? ==
Line 933:
== Ichigo is reincarnated as ''Kaien,'' not the other way around. ==
Who says that reincarnation cycles--andcycles—and time, for that matter--havematter—have to be linear? This troper isn't too fond of the idea that Ichigo is the reincarnation of Kaien, but wouldn't mind if somewhere down the road, after presumably living out his human and/or shinigami life, he ends up being reincarnated at Kaien. After all, it would explain Kaien's level of skill {{spoiler|(before Ichimaru Gin, he held the record for graduating from the Academy in the shortest amount of time)}}. Not to mention, Ichigo's fondness for Rukia might subconsciously manifest itself in allowing him to go "back in time" and help her out, allowing him to pay back the "debt" that he owes her.
* I thought Ichigo repaid his debt when he saved her, wasn't that his whole point of going to save her? (Other than the [[Nakama]] thing?)
* [[Jossed]]. Aaroniero stole Kaien's body and soul when he fused with Metastacia.
== The Captains assigned to Hueco Mundo have secret secondary orders to assassinate Ichigo if his hollow proves to be a possible danger. ==
If Byakuya told Rukia about Ichigo's hollow, it's a good bet that he told Yamamato about it too. The SS is in no position to take the risk of having to deal anymore potential enemies or losing any like they did with the Vizard. Plus Kubo has said Unohana is supposed to get an important fight. Yammy, despite all his Cero Espada bluster,does seem likely to fall into the above mentioned pattern of big enemies getting taken down fast. Ichigo willing goes berserk hollow again and tears him apart, but then then no one can stop him any longer until Unohana steps foward.
* [[Jossed]]. Ichigo is instrumental to their cause because he never saw Kyoka Suigetsu. Furthermore, Ichigo got his powers restored by ''all'' of the seated officers, on order of Yamamoto himself.
== The Bounto Koga will play a part in the new Rebellion Filler Arc. ==
Koga was revealed to have survived the Bounto arc earlier. With most of the captains' {{spoiler|Zanpactou having gone AWOL on them}}, the list of available fighters is limited to Orihime, Chad, and Ishida for sure and possibly Ichigo and the Vaizard (since they beat their inner hollows into submission and the inner hollow is the same being as their Zanpactou). New characters or semi new characters (such as Tatsuki, Mizuiro, etc) could be brought in, but it would be a more impressive for Koga to make a reappearance, especially seeing as they took all that trouble to keep him alive.
* [[Jossed]]. Kouga Kuchiki is a different character than Gou Koga.
== Orihime can achieve Bankai. ==
Line 964:
[[Category:Bleach Shikai Jossed]]