Blessed with Suck/Fan Works: Difference between revisions

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** Doubled in that using the power accelerates the breaking of the seal that's keeping him weak and stuck in Mahora. Sounds good doesnt it? It isn't, if the seal is released in a way it wasn't meant to ( i.e ; Breaking), both him and the tree go up in an explosion powerful enough to kill Divinity, taking everything in radius along with him at the same time.
* ''[[Axis Powers Hetalia]]'' fanfic ''[[Mistakes]]'' uses the common [[Fanon]] that the [[Anthropomorphic Personification|nations]] can't be killed by physical means and [[Good Thing You Can Heal|can recover from apparent "death"]]. This isn't necessarily a good thing when the fic starts with China being effectively [[Squick|gang-raped to death]] and being thoroughly traumatised on waking (particularly since up until it happened to him he thought rape was unimportant and murder actually fun, since human morality doesn't quite work with immortals), and the Koreas {{spoiler|trapped in Unit 731, where they get dissected again and again and again}} ...
* ''[[Astral Journey: It's Complicated]]'' has many of the football (soccer) players developing some degree of [[Psychic Powers]], even judoka, [[Spice Girls| Melanie]] obtains some after getting a jolt. However, this gives them many problems, like [[Convulsive Seizures]], spare a thought for Emma when it comes to that.