Blind Idiot Translation/Real Life: Difference between revisions

"this very wiki"->"TV Tropes", de-recentified
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* Need I remind you guys that WE WILL BURY YOUUUU!!!!!!!{{context}}<!-- MOD: Yes, you do need to. What's this from? -->
* The FA's translator for when Fabio Capello first became England Manager!
* An advertisement onthat thisappeared verycirca wiki,2010 on [[TV Tropes]] for "", asks, "How can you enjoy the game so lightsome?"
* The German translation for a small toy fishtank with plastic fish: "Lebensunterhalt aus direkter Sonne leuchtet". Just retranslating this to English in the most literal of ways gives you "Keep out of direct sun light", which is probably the phrase it was originally translated from. But in this case they picked the German words representing the words secondary meaning or literal translation: The translation for Keep used here is the German word for the keep you earn... They also translated light as "leuchtet" (light up/glow), even splitting up sunlight into two words and literally translating each of them.
** It says "sustenance out of direct sun illuminates."