• First Installment Wins: When people talk about the British version, most refer to the original Bob Holness version. This is somewhat realised in the latter revivals, with the 2000 revival replacing the 1997 purple colour scheme back to the more familiar blue scheme and restoring the original theme song (albeit rearranged) that was also discarded in 1997. The 2012 revival takes it one step further by reviving the original game board.
  • Germans Love David Hasselhoff: The British version far outlasted the American ones.
    • The British version was also very popular in Dubai's English-speaking expats, to the point where shops and offices would closed early so everyone could watch it.
  • Internet Backdraft: The British version is far better than the American version, and if you say otherwise, you're a moron.
  • Too Good to Last: What some think about the 1987 revival, which was simply a placeholder until Classic Concentration was ready to debut. For the last few weeks, Blockbusters was no longer accepting new contestants and their plugs were replaced by ones for Classic Concentration.