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''Blood Over Water'' was the brainchild of six TV practicum class students that began life as a drama project in the fall semester of 2009 at Ferris State University.
[[File:BoW-DVDcover.jpg|thumb|right|''[[Sarcasm Mode|Totally]]'' [[Suspiciously Specific Denial|not trying to be]] ''[[Scarface]]''. Now in [[3D Movie|3D]].]]
'''''Blood Over Water''''' was the brainchild of six TV practicum class students that began life as a drama project in the fall semester TVPR 389 class of 2009 at Ferris State University.
The plot is essentially this: A mob boss named Clyde Spendelworth moves [[Everytown, America|into town]], and takes control of the local [[Bland-Name Product|Sleet Mountain]] water bottling factory, and [[Devil in Plain Sight|nobody seems to notice at first]]. Clyde immediately hires [[Psycho for Hire|George Lawence]] and Kyle Tugrass to be his enforcers at the factory, and blackmails bottling plant employee Chris Kennal into working for his conspiracy. Chris is friends with twin brothers Mark and Aaron Stefflin, and Mark works with Chris at the factory. However, Clyde grows over confident when he assumes Mark will be as corruptible as Chris. Mark, sure enough, isn't interested in Clyde's games - especially when he takes issue with pollution and cleanup fraud. Mark steals a "Confidential" envelope, then waits for the perfect opportunity to rat out his employer to the EPA.
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A novel is in the works to enhance / streamline / repair elements of continuity from the miniseries, as well as tie it in with the greater ''Gerosha Chronicles''. Expanded material makes clear that the story happens over four months, rather than in a single week as the miniseries implies with its scene-by-scene narrative timeline. Clyde's ties to the Hebbleskin Gang, personal frustrations with the vigilante Navyrope, ties to the sex trafficking ring Gleeful-N'-Young, and Chris' journey to becoming an anti-hero known as the Purge-Flare are all either touched on or hinted at in the novel, whereas there wasn't time to explore those themes in the miniseries.
This incarnation of ''Blood Over Water'' should not be confused with [[Similarly Named Works|the similarly-named book]] by David and James Livingston, nor [[The Film of the Book|the film based on it]]. More information about the mini-series can be viewed [ here]. Information about the upcoming novel remake is [ here]. A compilation of the five-part mini-series into a single film can be viewed [ here]. The blooper reel can be viewed [ here]. The miniseries' convoluted development cycle is discussed in detail [ here].
==Tropes in ''Blood Over Water'' include==
* [[3D Movie]]: On [[YouTube]].
* [[Angsty Surviving Twin]]: Mark is very business-like and stuffy. And knows how to do everything...except avoid death traps that involve women. Aaron is more of a messy slacker, but seems to have a better sense of self-control with women - and awareness of his environment. But he does seem to trust {{spoiler|Chris}} a little too much. When one twin goes missing, the other goes to ''crazy lengths'' to make sense of it.
* [[Bland-Name Product]]: Sleet Mountain in the place of Ice Mountain. At one point, "Scarface" would have been placed over the Starbucks logo, before those scenes were deleted.
* [[Interface Spoiler|Censor-Induced Spoiler]]: The censor screen in one scene, for those who pay attention, gives away that {{spoiler|Chris}} is a villain. Folders on the laptop's screen read such things as "{{spoiler|Mark}} Must Die," "Project: DumpScam," "Abscond the Money," and "Cancun Beaches."
* [[Can't Kill You - Still Need You]]: In expansion material, Clyde keeps Ashley alive by having his goons hold her hostage. He does this so that in his spare time, he [[The Peeping Tom|can watch]] [[Home Porn Movie|the videos]] they forced her to make. Otherwise, he would have ordered her killed after her role as a [[Honey Trap]] for Mark.
** In the miniseries itself, Ashley is [[What Happened to the Mouse?|never seen or mentioned again]] after she tricks Mark into opening the door.
* [[Cleanup Crew]]: {{spoiler|Chris}} calls for one after {{spoiler|Mark}} is killed.
* [[Corrupt Corporate Executive]]: Clyde.
* [[Conflicting Loyalty]]: Chris is best friends with Mark and Aaron...but also one of Clyde's most trusted men.
* [[Chronic Backstabbing Disorder]]: {{spoiler|Chris}}.
* [[Destroy the Evidence]]: George and Kyle fail miserably at this, but not for lack of trying.
* [[Don't Tell Mama]]: In the reboot/remake, this is Ashley's motivation for going along with Clyde's plan to have Mark assassinated, since Clyde finds evidence of her having had an affair with a preacher. Although to be fair, she doesn't know that the plan is to actually ''kill'' him. The miniseries gave no background or motivation for her actions whatsoever, implying she's purely there for greed.
* [[Extremely Short Timespan]]: See [[Webcomic Time]] below.
* [[Even Evil Has Standards]]: When {{spoiler|Chris}} decides he's had enough killing, he literally walks away from his job. Clyde is beside himself, believing that all his workers would jump at the chance to commit more and ever more murders.
* [[Evil Cannot Comprehend Good]]: Clyde is unable to understand why anyone would turn down an offer to work for him.
* [[The Faceless]]: Clyde. The one time in the 2009 videos that he is seen, at the very end of Part 5, only his right arm and the back of part of his head are he's talking on a cell phone. His Utterly Sims download was the first time his face had ever been shown.
* [[Get Rich Quick Scheme]]: Clyde's cleanup fraud, the motivation behind nearly everything else that follows.
* [[The Guards Must Be Crazy]]: Aaron slips into and out of Sleet Mountain undetected by everyone except Chris. And then reveals to Chris that Kyle and George told him everything. Inside the enemy's factory. Where there's likely to be a lot of hidden cameras and microphones.
* [[He Knows Too Much]]: The entire plot hinges on this trope being a prime motivation for its villains.
* [[Hilarious Outtakes]]: Only some of them were published.
* [[I Did What I Had to Do]]: Quoted verbatim by Chris in one scene.
* [[I Have a Family]]: Played perfectly straight by Monica when she's begging for mercy. George's response to both her and Aaron:
{{quote|"Your up!"}}
* [[In Love with the Mark]]: Literally. In the novelization, Ashley considers running away with Mark rather than simply sleeping with him and then stealing the folder back while he's asleep. However, she is unable to defect in time before {{spoiler|Chris}} ambushes her and Mark both.
* [[Just Between You and Me]]: Kyle and George explain the entire plot to Aaron. They think he's Mark so it's understandable. However, [[Fridge Logic|one has to wonder]] about the fact that Chris [[Poor Communication Kills|never bothered to explain to them]] that Mark had a twin brother. One would also think that they'd check his pockets and ID, which would have tipped them off just as much as his ignorance that he wasn't Mark. For this one scene, George and Kyle were required to carry an [[Idiot Ball]].
* [[Kirk Summation]]: The second time Aaron is captured, he delivers one of these to the villains who are bent on killing him. It [[Talking the Monster to Death|works on]] {{spoiler|Chris}}. On the others? [[Shut Up, Kirk|Not so much]].
** One of them attempts a [[Breaking Speech]] but it fails miserably, only making the bad guy look like a [[Dirty Coward]] rather than doing anything to phase the hero's resolve.
* [[Large Ham]]: [[Those Two Bad Guys|Kyle and George]], one with [[No Indoor Voice]] and the other with a tendency to [[Chewing the Scenery|chew scenery]] with [[Narm|narmy]] death threats. The actor warned others several times that he's primarily a [[Man of a Thousand Voices|''cartoon'' actor]], not a live action one.
* [[Mood Lighting]]: The Dozerfleet edits use a ''lot'' of it to ''help tell the story'', especially in the form of [[Color Wash]].
* [[Narrating the Obvious]]: Chris does this in Part 5.
* [[Peer Pressure Makes You Evil]]
* [[Plethora of Mistakes]]: See [[Blood Over Water (TV series)/YMMV|Idiot Plot]].
* [[Police Are Useless]]: Unless you are able to provide them with the location of a dead body and the smoking gun. But then, they only seem to be useful insofar as to name suspects. Never to actually apprehend the suspects.
* [[Psycho Party Member]]: George Lawence. While other Sleet Mountain employees are willing to commit murder to cover up the cleanup fraud scandal, their motivations [[Only in It For the Money|are about money]] and about [[Dirty Coward|staying out of trouble]]. George is the only one who appears to be in it purely [[For the Evulz]].
* Seeking the Missing, Finding the Dead
* [[Sliding Scale of Gender Inequality]]: The miniseries is at a 1 quite solidly. Ashley only gets two lines of dialog, and then disappears without a trace. Monica's only real role is to waste time getting her things, which buys Chris and Kyle just enough time to find her and Aaron and take them prisoner. Otherwise, women are fairly nonexistent in this world.
** The novel is closer to a 2.5, with [[The Bechdel Test]] barely squeezing by as Ashley and Meredith briefly share a conversation about how their testimony will be used to dismantle Sleet Mountain and Gleeful-N'-Young as companies. Meredith and her mother Wanda are the only real "empowered" women in any sense of the word, and they rarely do anything until the final act. It's Meredith's purity that allows her to defy the general trend of [[All Women Are Lustful]]. Monica tries to make herself useful for something other than a lab rat / babysitter / sex object for Vance - but fails. Ashley serves little purpose other than to be used by Clyde as a [[Honey Trap]] for Mark.
* [[Stage Names]]: Cassie, who plays Monica Shelly, is credited as "Cassie Tilne" on DozerfleetWiki and as "Cassie T." in the video, due to her being uncomfortable with using her real last name.
* [[Team Killer]]: Happens in Part 4.
* [[Thicker Than Water]]: A central part of the plot. Chris was "treated like family" by Aaron and Mark, and has to decide if he's more loyal to them or to his greedy boss Clyde.
* [[Trouble Entendre]]: This lovely exchange between Kyle and George in a flashback in Part 5 reveals that while Kyle thinks George is [[I Did What I Had to Do|rationalizing their intentions]] of covering up {{spoiler|Mark's murder}}, what George really means is that he's [[But for Me It Was Tuesday|done this sort of thing too often for any one instance to matter]].
{{quote|'''Kyle''': "Man, I don't know about this..."
'''George''': "Relax! It'll all be over soon. We're gonna get paid for this; and ''we won't ever have to think about it again!''"}}
* [[Unwitting Pawn]]: The proposed reboot/remake depicts Ashley Phillips this way, whereas in the miniseries shows her to be just as greedy as everyone else at Sleet Mountain.
* [[Viewers Are Geniuses]]: And don't need all the back-and-forth time skips explained.
* [[You Meddling Kids]]: When Aaron tries to talk the Sleet Mountain goons out of killing him and Monica, they blame his "snooping around" for forcing their hand...except of course for George, who would've probably killed them for some other reason anyway.
* [[What Is Going On?]]: Asked by Aaron several times, implying he is a lousy reader. Otherwise, he would've been able to deduce ''something'' for all the time he spent studying the "Confidential" folder paperwork.
* [[Webcomic Time]]: The entire story supposedly takes place within about a week. But the ever-shifting weather patterns indicate that it [[Indian Summer|only took one week to go from summer to winter]]. In reality, it took four months to shoot all five parts. Analyzed in detail [ here].
* [[What Could Have Been]]: The DozerfleetWiki articles are ''littered'' with examples of all the possibilities that never materialized or were rejected.
* [[Why Don't You Just Shoot Him?]]: All Kyle and George would have really had to do was shoot Aaron in the back of his head. Instead, they threw a bag over his head to abduct him. Then tied him up (very poorly), then [[Evil Gloating|taunted him]]. ''And then'', fought over [[Stupid Crooks|who would get to]] actually pull the trigger.
* [[{{Three-D Movie}} 3D Movie]]: On Website/YouTube
* [[ActingForTwo Acting For Three]]: Zach Foster had to play the parts of both Mark and Aaron Stefflin. His back-end hidden behind a chair plays Clyde Spendelworth, since nobody else would assume the role.
* AngstySurvivingTwin: Mark is very business-like and stuffy. And knows how to do everything...except avoid death traps that involve women. Aaron is more of a messy slacker, but seems to have a better sense of self-control with women - and awareness of his environment. But he does seem to trust [[spoiler:Chris]] a little too much. When one twin goes missing, the other goes to ''crazy lengths'' to make sense of it.
* BlandNameProduct: Sleet Mountain in the place of Ice Mountain.
* [[InterfaceSpoiler Censor-Induced Spoiler]]: The censor screen in one scene, for those who pay attention, gives away that [[spoiler: Chris]] is a villain. Folders on the laptop's screen read such things as "[[spoiler:Mark]] Must Die," "Project: [=DumpScam=]," "Abscond the Money," and "Cancun Beaches."
* CantKillYouStillNeedYou: In expansion material, Clyde keeps Ashley alive by having his goons hold her hostage. He does this so that in his spare time, he [[ThePeepingTom can watch]] [[HomePornMovie the videos]] they forced her to make. Otherwise, he would have ordered her killed after her role as a HoneyTrap for Mark..
* CleanupCrew: [[spoiler: Chris]] calls for one after [[spoiler: Mark]] is killed.
* CorruptCorporateExecutive: Clyde.
* ConflictingLoyalty: Chris is best friends with Mark and Aaron...but also one of Clyde's most trusted men.
* ChronicBackstabbingDisorder: [[spoiler: Chris]].
* TheDanza: Two of them. Chris Kennal is played by Chris Wilson, who originally used his [[AsHimself full name and likeness]] [[AuthorAvatar for the character]]. Kyle ''Tugrass'' is played by Kyle ''Mayer''.
* DestroyTheEvidence: George and Kyle fail miserably at this, but not for lack of trying.
* DontTellMama: In the reboot/remake, this is Ashley's motivation for going along with Clyde's plan to have Mark assassinated. Although to be fair, she doesn't know that the plan is to actually kill him. The miniseries gave no background or motivation for her actions whatsoever, implying she's purely there for greed.
* ExtremelyShortTimespan: See WebcomicTime below.
* EvenEvilHasStandards: When [[spoiler: Chris]] decides he's had enough killing, he literally walks away from his job. Clyde is beside himself, believing that all his workers would jump at the chance to commit more and ever more murders.
* EvilCannotComprehendGood: Clyde is unable to understand why anyone would turn down an offer to work for him.
* TheFaceless: Clyde. The one time in the 2009 videos that he is seen, at the very end of Part 5, only his right arm and the back of part of his head are he's talking on a cell phone.
* GetRichQuickScheme: Clyde's cleanup fraud, the motivation behind nearly everything else that follows.
* TheGuardsMustBeCrazy: Aaron slips into and out of Sleet Mountain undetected by everyone except Chris. And then reveals to Chris that Kyle and George told him everything. Inside the enemy's factory. Where there's likely to be a lot of hidden cameras and microphones.
* HeKnowsTooMuch: The entire plot hinges on this trope being a prime motivation for its villains.
* HilariousOuttakes: Only some of them were published.
* IDidWhatIHadToDo: Quoted verbatim by Chris in one scene.
* IHaveAFamily: Played perfectly straight by Monica when she's begging for mercy. George's response to both her and Aaron:
-->"Your up!"
* InLoveWithTheMark: Literally. In the novelization, Ashley considers running away with Mark rather than simply sleeping with him and then stealing the folder back while he's asleep. However, she is unable to defect in time before [[spoiler: Chris]] ambushes her and Mark both.
* JustBetweenYouAndMe: Kyle and George explain the entire plot to Aaron. They think he's Mark so it's understandable. However, [[FridgeLogic one has to wonder]] about the fact that Chris [[PoorCommunicationKills never bothered to explain to them]] that Mark had a twin brother. One would also think that they'd check his pockets and ID, which would have tipped them off just as much as his ignorance that he wasn't Mark. For this one scene, George and Kyle were required to carry an IdiotBall.
* KirkSummation: The second time Aaron is captured, he delivers one of these to the villains who are bent on killing him. It [[TalkingTheMonsterToDeath works on]] [[spoiler: Chris]]. On the others? [[ShutUpKirk Not so much]].
** One of them attempts a BreakingSpeech but it fails miserably, only making the bad guy look like a DirtyCoward rather than doing anything to phase the hero's resolve.
* LargeHam: [[ThoseTwoBadGuys Kyle and George]], one with NoIndoorVoice and the other with a tendency to [[ChewingTheScenery chew scenery]] with [[{{Narm}} narmy]] death threats. The actor warned others several times that he's primarily a ''[[ManOfAThousandVoices cartoon]]'' [[ManOfAThousandVoices actor]], not a live action one.
* MoodLighting: The Dozerfleet edits use a ''lot'' of it to ''help tell the story'', especially in the form of ColorWash.
* NarratingTheObvious: Chris does this in Part 5.
* PeerPressureMakesYouEvil
* PlethoraOfMistakes: See [[YMMV/BloodOverWater Idiot Plot]].
* PoliceAreUseless: Unless you are able to provide them with the location of a dead body and the smoking gun. But then, they only seem to be useful insofar as to name suspects. Never to actually apprehend the suspects.
* PsychoPartyMember: George Lawence. While other Sleet Mountain employees are willing to commit murder to cover up the cleanup fraud scandal, their motivations [[OnlyInItForTheMoney are about money]] and about [[DirtyCoward staying out of trouble]]. George is the only one who appears to be in it purely ForTheEvulz.
* ScrewedByTheLawyers: One reason that the "coffee shop" scene in Part 2 was reshot, in spite the continuity issues it created, was to avoid trouble with Starbucks.
** The other was because the teacher thought Zach and Chris' portrayal of their characters' relationship was "too cold" to justify the line about Mark and Aaron treating Chris "like family." Sleet Mountain, a very obvious edit in the Part 2 reshoots, and a bad dub-over of "Sleet" into Part 3, were all part of efforts to avoid defaming Ice Mountain.
** The original "Late Matters Not" script during the ''Mountain of Cabal'' working title phase called for an explicit discussion of scandals surrounding protests of the Ice Mountain bottling plant in Stanwood, MI in TheNineties. While there was a car accident-related injury, cleanup fraud leading to murder was not a major issue in RealLife. Certainly nothing happened on the scale of what is shown in the video.
** Intensive edits made to avoid potential lawsuits caused the mini-series to miss its deadline for actual broadcast on Bulldog Television by one day. Even on Website/YouTube, several hurdles of description were needed to justify the use of Gene Michael Productions-made music for the background, as ''Blood Over Water'' is the last property the Dozerfleet founder owns that, due to being a Ferris State school project, was licensed to use GMP music.
* SeekingTheMissingFindingTheDead
* SlidingScaleOfGenderInequality: The miniseries is at a 1 quite solidly. Ashley only gets two lines of dialog, and then disappears without a trace. Monica's only real role is to waste time getting her things, which buys Chris and Kyle just enough time to find her and Aaron and take them prisoner. Otherwise, women are fairly nonexistent in this world.
** The novel is closer to a 2.5, with TheBechdelTest barely squeezing by as Ashley and Meredith briefly share a conversation about how their testimony will be used to dismantle Sleet Mountain and Gleeful-N-Young as companies. Meredith and her mother Wanda are the only real "empowered" women in any sense of the word, and they rarely do anything until the final act. It's Meredith's purity that allows her to defy the general trend of AllWomenAreLustful. Monica tries to make herself useful for something other than a lab rat / babysitter / sex object for Vance - but fails. Ashley serves little purpose other than to be used by Clyde as a HoneyTrap for Mark.
* StageNames: Cassie, who plays Monica Shelly, is credited as "Cassie Tilne" on [=DozerfleetWiki=] and as "Cassie T." in the video, due to her being uncomfortable with using her real last name.
* TeamKiller: Happens in Part 4.
* ThickerThanWater: A central part of the plot. Chris was "treated like family" by Aaron and Mark, and has to decide if he's more loyal to them or to his greedy boss Clyde.
* TroubleEntendre: This lovely exchange between Kyle and George in a flashback in Part 5 reveals that while Kyle thinks George is [[IDidWhatIHadToDo rationalizing their intentions]] of covering up [[spoiler: Mark's murder]], what George really means is that he's [[ButForMeItWasTuesday done this sort of thing too often for any one instance to matter]].
-->'''Kyle''': "Man, I don't know about this..."
-->'''George''': "Relax! It'll all be over soon. We're gonna get paid for this; and ''we won't ever have to think about it again!''"
* UnwittingPawn: The proposed reboot/remake depicts Ashley Phillips this way, whereas in the miniseries shows her to be just as greedy as everyone else at Sleet Mountain.
* ViewersAreGeniuses: And don't need all the back-and-forth time skips explained.
* YouMeddlingKids: When Aaron tries to talk the Sleet Mountain goons out of killing him and Monica, they blame his "snooping around" for forcing their hand...except of course for George, who would've probably killed them for some other reason anyway.
* WhatIsGoingOn: Asked by Aaron several times, implying he is a lousy reader. Otherwise, he would've been able to deduce ''something'' for all the time he spent studying the "Confidential" folder paperwork.
* WhyDontYouJustShootHim: All Kyle and George would have really had to do was shoot Aaron in the back of his head. Instead, they threw a bag over his head to abduct him. Then tied him up (very poorly), then [[EvilGloating taunted him]]. ''And then'', fought over [[StupidCrooks who would get to]] actually pull the trigger.
[[Category:Turn of the Millennium/Live Action TV]]
[[Category: Miniseries]]
[[Category:Live-Action ShortTV filmof the 2000s]]