Bond Villain Stupidity: Difference between revisions

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|''[[The Grand List of Console Role Playing Game Cliches]]''}}
[['''Bond Villain Stupidity]]''' is a form of [[Genre Blindness]] commonly exhibited by villains. It occurs when a villain fails to kill the hero when he has him cornered, incapacitated, or otherwise defenseless, thus giving the hero a chance to escape and later come back to defeat the villain. It is so named because it occurs frequently in [[James Bond]] movies. A common form of Bond Villain Stupidity is to place the hero in an elaborate [[Death Trap]] from which he can escape (slow dipping mechanisms over [[Shark Pool|pits of sharks, alligators, or lava]] are perennial favorites). If you ever asked why the villains [[Stating the Simple Solution|don't just shoot him]] then use their resources to dispose of the body, then congratulations, you are smarter than the average megalomaniac. Also common is the inability to resist a [[Just Between You and Me]] moment before putting the hero in said death trap. Several variants of this one made the [[Evil Overlord List]].
Often includes [[Monologuing]], accompanied by stock quotes such as: "[[You Have No Chance to Survive]]! I ''don't'' think we'll meet again... Goodbye!"
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== [[Advertising]] ==
* [ This commercial for Geico] parodies it, with the villain giving the Bond [[Expy]] an explanation of his plans via Powerpoint. The hero's expression [[What an Idiot!| says a lot.]]
== [[Anime]] and [[Manga]] ==
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NTom64: Because it's a family film. }}
* In the ''[[Fullmetal Alchemist]]'' manga and Brotherhood series, {{spoiler|Lust stabs Mustang and Havoc and leaves them to bleed to death on the floor and doesn't actually watch them die. Cue her surprise when Mustang comes back to kill her, having cauterized his own wound with fire.}}
* Quite eminent in ''[[Naruto]];'': every time a villain has the hero in the bag, they invariably will stop to gloat, allow said hero to get back up to make the fight more fun, or just decided to be idiots instead of killing them right then and there.
** Notably when Orochimaru had the Third cornered with a kunai and instead of just SLICING HIS HEAD OFF like any smart person decided to {{spoiler|do a huge elaborate drama in which he summon's the Third Hokage's own teachers to kill him, resulting in Orochimaru losing the use of his arms.}}
** Sadistically [[Subverted Trope|Subverted]] by Hidan: he savors killing so much, he toys with poor Asuma to the very end, who really does get [[Killed Off for Real]]- and then [[Double Subverted]] when Shikamaru plots a masterful revenge, [[And I Must Scream|blowing him to pieces and burying him alive.]]
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* ''[[Hentai]]'', The villains usually lose because they are dedicated to rape the heroine, instead of just killing her.
== [[Comic Books]] ==
* In the ''[[Ultimate Spider-Man]]'' series, one villain, Hammerhead, tries to avoid this trope by pulling out a gun and shooting a troublemaker; unfortunately said troublemaker manages to catch the bullet unharmed, much to Hammerhead's surprise.
* The ''Umbrella Academy'' [[Story Arc]] ''The Apocalypse Suite'' {{spoiler|averts this, as the [[Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds]] White Violin gets shot by her brother before she causes [[The End of the World as We Know It]]}}. Equally, it ''doesn't'' avert it earlier when {{spoiler|Kraken (one of the White Violin's other brothers) fails, for some reason, to destroy her violin or bow when he had the chance}}.
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* ''[[The Phantom]]'' wouldn't have lasted for one generation, let alone [[Legacy Immortality|the twenty-one he's currently at]], without practically ''every'' enemy he's ever met falling for this trope. Of course, Phantoms do get occasionally killed in the line of duty, but it's usually in open combat and not because someone's clever enough to [[Just Shoot Him]] when they have him captured.
== [[Fan Works]] ==
== Fan Works ==
* In ''[[With Strings Attached]]'', the [[Big Bad]] {{spoiler|(Brox)}} asks [[The Dragon]] {{spoiler|(Grunnel)}} why he wouldn't let {{spoiler|her}} kill George and Ringo, who were both useless to them. {{spoiler|Grunnel}} responds with a number of reasons, including that it's funnier to have them powerless and unable to stop the proceedings. (Also, he does genuinely like them.) Later, after it becomes clear that the two have managed to get useful stuff done despite having their magic neutralized, {{spoiler|Grunnel}} apologizes to {{spoiler|Brox}} for being wrong. The latter isn't terribly upset, though, as {{spoiler|she}} believes that they still can't bull their way through dozens of wizards to get into the warehouse.
* Frequently in ''[[Naruto Veangance Revelaitons]]''. For example, Madara manages to defeat Ronan once, but then decides to inject him with a serum and have him go around the world.
* Discussed in ''[ Yu-Gi-Oh! The Thousand Year Door: Redux]''. Vladimir, who is being held hostage by Count Bleck, questions why Bleck orders his henchmen to "restrain" the three protagonists rather than kill them. Bleck does his best to play the part of the hammy [[Card-Carrying Villain]] in response:
{{quote|'''Count Bleck:''' What, think I'm not being evil enough? Maybe I want to take them alive and then torture them... Maybe sting them with scorpions? Shock them with electricity? Force them to watch game shows? ''(laughs)'' But seriously... I know all this is rather odd, but... I've always been a rather odd guy...}}
:* In truth, {{spoiler| Bleck's true reason is, he is [[Playing Both Sides]] and wants the heroes alive so they'll take the main antagonist down, or at least make his job there easier}}.
== Films -- Live-Action[[Film]] ==
=== [[James Bond (film)|James Bond]] films ===
* From the [[Trope Namer]] series.
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* After John's cover is blown in ''Stone Cold'', the bad guys put him into a chopper (which is vital part of their [[Evil Plan]]) where they plan to strap him with explosives and then drop him on unsuspecting cops below. Of course, he gets loose, some other guy gets blown to bits mid-air instead and the chopper crashes.
== [[Literature]] ==
* In John Buchan's 1919 [[World War I]] spy thriller ''Mr. Standfast'', the villain, having finally captured the hero [[Richard Hannay]], explains his evil plans at great length. Buchan was arguably the first writer of modern spy thrillers, thus making this [[Older Than Television]].
* ''[[Discworld]]'':
* The* ''[[Discworld]]'' novels ''[[Discworld/Men At Arms|Men Atat Arms]]'' and ''[[Discworld/Witches Abroad|Witches Abroad]]'' both explain that bad guys don't kill the good guys straight away because they want to gloat, and make sure the good guy ''knows'' he's been beaten. In the first book it serves to show Carrot as a Good Man because he straightforwardly kills the bad guy without explanation; in the second it gives Granny Weatherwax a [[Not So Different]] moment, since she rather likes people she's defeated to know about it as well.
** [[Lampshade Hanging|Lampshaded]] and neatly subverted in ''[[Discworld/Mort|Mort]]''. Mort, Princess Keli, the wizard Cutwell and others being surrounded by the villainous Duke, who Cutwell correctly identifies as "not the kind of man who ties you up in a cellar with just enough time for the mice to eat your ropes before the flood-waters rise. This is the kind of man who just kills you here and now." Also played straight in that the Duke is willing to offer them life-long banishment (we know how well that kind of thing turns out).
* Unsurprisingly, this happens regularly in the ''[[James Bond (novel)|James Bond]]'' novels. Some ([[Live and Let Die (novel)|Mr. Big]], who has actually put quite a bit of thought into it) are smarter about it than others ([[From Russia with Love|Red Grant]], where even Bond notices). However, the highlight has to be ''[[The Man with the Golden Gun]]'', when it's actually not Bond, but M who gets this treatment from {{spoiler|Russia's newest assassin, James Bond}}.
** In ''[[From Russia with Love]]'', the Soviet [[Chessmaster]] Kronsteen lays a complicated and near-perfect trap for [[James Bond]]. Everything works as planned, all the pawns including Bond go through their predicted moves, and Bond gets exactly where the Soviets wanted him. But at the crucial moment {{spoiler|the assasin Red Donovan - an Irishman who hates the English - makes the fatal mistake of engaging in prolonged crowing, boasting and gloating instead of just going ahead with his assinged task of killing Bond. This allows Bond the chance to improvise a desperate last-moment plan which works, enabling him to kill Donovan and use the information which Donovan carelessly revealed in order to catch the senior Soviet operative Rosa Klebb}}.
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{{quote|'''Iceclaw:''' If Tigerstar can harm cats like he can and walk in their dreams, why doesn't he just do it to Firestar, take revenge, and get it over with?
'''Vicky:''' Because Tigerstar wants a long-drawn out kind of vengeance, involving as many cats as possible, so that Firestar truly suffers. ... }}
* Happens in ''[[Harry Potter (novel)|Harry Potter]]''. Since Voldemort likes to establish a sense of grace and grandeur into his actions, he doesn't just kill Harry and be done with it. Near the end of ''[[Harry Potter/Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (novel)|Harry Potter]]'', Harry has been disarmed, gagged, and tied securely to a gravestone. Rather than simply killing Harry after using his blood to regain his body, Voldemort not only has Wormtail cut him loose and give him back his wand, but insists on fighting him in a one-to-one duel and forbids interference from any of his Death Eaters, for no other reason than to prove, once and for all, that he is the stronger of the two. Of course the final result of this is that Harry manages to escape and tell the world about his return (not that many people listen at first).
** Oddly averted in ''[[Harry Potter/Harry Potter and Thethe Order of Thethe Phoenix (novel)|The Order of the Phoenix]]'', where Voldemort apparently has [[Genre Savvy|learned]] his lesson and tries to kill Harry quickly, only to be stopped by [[The Cavalry|Dumbledore]]. However, {{spoiler|Umbridge}} plays this straight several chapters into the same book ([[Xanatos Backfire|as revealed later on]]) with one word: {{spoiler|"DETENTION!"}}
* Uncharacteristically occurs with [[The Thrawn Trilogy|Grand Admiral Thrawn]], usually one of the more [[Genre Savvy]] people in the [[Star Wars Expanded Universe]]. He has just betrayed Mara Jade by tricking her into revealing Talon Karrde's location, leading to his arrest by Imperials who will torture him if he doesn't hand over important intel, and then smugly mouths off to her face about it. Mara predictably goes [[Berserk Button|berserk]] and attempts to attack Thrawn, at first physically then through the Force. Both of these fail, leaving Thrawn with the question of what to do with a still visibly enraged and always emotionally unstable Jade. Instead of killing her, he allows her to live, and lets her out of his sight aboard his ship before letting her go. Jade then predictably hacks into the computer network of Thrawn's ship, uses it to find Luke Skywalker, and saves him. The next one-and-a-half books can be accurately described as Jade [[Mistreatment-Induced Betrayal|sticking it to Thrawn]] which eventually leads to his plans collapsing and his death.
* ''[[The Laundry Series|The Jennifer Morgue]]'' had a very... ''[[Invoked Trope|unique]]'' case. Realizing that he is a mad genius billionaire with access to world-ending technology and a strong desire to actually use it, the [[Big Bad]] {{spoiler|sets up a geas that makes the tropes of a Bond movie reality. He plans to make it so that the only person who stands a chance of thwarting his plan is a solitary British secret agent... and if one of those manages to get through, then he'll shut off the geas so that said agent is nothing more than a solitary man hundreds of miles away from any back-up who can easily be killed}}. Small problem: {{spoiler|despite all his precautions, the [[Big Bad]] completely fails to realize by the end that the geas he thought he ended is still operating, even when he's got the hero and his fellow agent bound up and prefers to monologue at them rather than just kill them}}.
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** At one point she ''is'' about to kill him, realizing that he's no longer necessary to her plans, and in the middle of sharpening her knife when Edmund (currently tied to a tree) is rescued.
* Most if not all of the villains in the ''Twilight'' series fall victim to this. Probably the most egregious are the Volturi. In ''New Moon'', the only reason they don't want to kill Bella is because she looks like she'll make for an interesting vampire. Instead of just biting her then and there and holding her captive to brainwash her into being a member of their guard (which ''Breaking Dawn'' says is what they want from her), they decide to let her go back to Forks, and according to Edward will probably forget about her for thirty years or so, giving the Cullens plenty of time to turn her on their own terms, or hide her. In ''Breaking Dawn'', their goal was apparently to use Renesmee as an excuse to kill the Cullens/force some of them to join the guard. Instead of quickly going to Forks and doing the job, they spend a full month heading over (thus giving Alice a chance to see it and warn the family) and bring a ton of witnesses, which means they have to put on a show of being fair and let the Cullens go. The witnesses aren't even necessary, since [[Word of God]] says that the vampires generally accept the rule of the Volturi as right.
* [[Edgar Allan Poe]]'s "The Pit and the Pendulum" shows that this Trope is [[Older Than They Think]] - the sinister orchestrators of the [[Spanish Inquisition]] subject the protagonist to ''two'' [[Death Trap]]s, inadvertently enabling him to survive until the French army takes the city and rescues him.
== [[Live-Action TV]] ==
* In the ''[[Star Trek: Enterprise]]'' episode "cold station 12": "Five minutes after we leave, every stasis field in this station will shut down, releasing hundreds of pathogens. I wonder which one will kill you first".
* [[Lampshade Hanging|Lampshade hung]] in a ''[[Buffy the Vampire Slayer]]'' episode when Harmony captures Dawn in order to get Buffy to attempt to rescue and then capture Buffy. When Harmony's minions point out that they could just kill Dawn because as long as Buffy believes Dawn to be alive then she'll come anyway, instead of waiting until Buffy arrives to kill Dawn. Harmony refuses "Because that's not the plan, duh!".
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** Averted by the Master:
{{quote|"Anyway. Why don't we stop and have a nice little chat while I tell you all my plans and you can work out a way to stop me, I ''don't'' think!"}}
::** Although he makes just this mistake later on with Rassilon, who has near-omnipotent technology at his disposal. Goodbye Master's masterplan!
* In the ''[[Smallville]]'' episode "Arrival", two evil Kryptonians confront Clark Kent. They open a portal to the [[Phantom Zone]] and shove Clark into it. At the last second, Clark grabs a piece of rebar and tries desperately to hold on as the portal sucks him in. Instead of doing something like cutting the bar with their heat vision, the villains just smirk and start walking away, only for Clark to [[Flash Step]] up to them, and [[Hoist by His Own Petard|shove them into the portal]].
* ''[[Power Rangers]]'' villains aren't renowned for their intelligence, but were most guilty of Bond Villain stupidity during [[Power Rangers Jungle Fury]], where a constant stream of new villainous overlords continued to defeat the Power Rangers then walk away, only to complain later about not being able to defeat the Rangers. By about the 20th time this happened in a 32 episode show, it was very hard to keep caring.
** Of course, many fans point out that the Rangers could be accused of "Bond Hero Stupidity" at times. For instance, during ''[[Power Rangers Zeo]]'', they could have prevented a lot of trouble had they opened fire on Klang and Orbus, a duo who were instrumental in [[Make My Monster Grow|a key part of Mondo's plans]]. The two were pretty easy targets who were always there, seemed to have very few fighting skills, and as such, a weak link in the overall chain that the heroes never considered trying to break.
** Rita intended to subvert this Trope in the special ''Once and Always''. As this version of Rita had been created out of the evil that had been purged from her in ''[[Power Rangers in Space]]'', she had none of the decency or honor she may have once had, and was also coldly pragmatic and less impulsive; after {{spoiler| murdering Trini}}, she takes a full year to plan her scheme before putting it in motion. This plan involved going back in time to the day she had been freed from the dumpster to ambush and kill the heroes before they even became Rangers. However, ultimately, {{spoiler|Rita's own nature betrays her, wasting time engaging the Rangers in the present day out of a petty desire for revenge, ruining her plan in a battle that results in her being eradicated for good. }}
* A few [[24]] fans weren't too attached to the [[Affably Evil]] Jonas Hodges in season 7, because of this trope. At one point in the season, Jones Hodges manages to frame Jack Bauer for the death of a man he tortured by tasering, but could've just as easily killed Jack Bauer in the process. A bit of context: the incapacitated man was lying in the hospital bed recovering from the aforementioned torture when Jack Bauer sneaked back into the room (Bauer wasn't allowed to see him, but had to [[Jack Bauer Interrogation Technique|interrogate him...again]]). When this happened, Jonas Hodges deployed knockout gas into the room to knock them out for a few brief minutes, which he then sends some men to kill the tortured man, and then leave. This makes the more [[Genre Savvy]] fans think, "why didn't he kill Jack while he had the upper hand?" (Answer: because that would be bad for ratings) To be fair, many other villains kept Jack alive far longer than he should be, but those moments were done more realistically to suspend disbelief.
* Patrick Jane from ''[[The Mentalist]]'' has been saved by this trope quite a few times. Often involves [[Holding the Floor]] till [[The Cavalry|Lisbon]] arrives.
* In the South Korean series ''[[Strong Girl Bong-soon]]'', series villain Kim Jang-hyun cleverly manipulates Bong-soon into violating the strictures on the use of her mystically-granted super-strength, resulting in her losing it. However, he is not satisfied with just [[De-Power]]ing her; he has to abduct her, bind her, chain her to a massive pipe and [[Somebody Set Up Us the Bomb|and duct-tape a time bomb]] to her, then leave her to die in a locked steel utility shed. All this served to do was give her a chance to beg the Powers which give her super-strength for its return so she can save the life of the man she loves, who has found the shed and, unable to break into it, vows to her that [[Together in Death|he will not leave her to die alone]]; the Powers are [[Reasonable Authority Figure]]s and restore her strength. Which ultimately results in Kim Jang-hyun's capture, arrest and conviction for his crimes.
== [[Tabletop Games]] ==
* This is the Unique Limitation of the Criminal Mastermind archetype from the ''[[Feng Shui]]'' supplement ''Seed of the New Flesh'', appropriately titled "Slave to the Cheese." Not only are you 100% unable to [[Mundane Solution|just shoot]] any named cop or Buro characters you capture or non-lethally defeat, but [[Complexity Addiction|you must do everything in your power to prevent anyone else from doing so]], preferring to toy with your prey by putting them in elaborate death-traps or offering them some desperate ([[Let's Fight Like Gentlemen|but psychotically "fair"]]) gamble with which to win their lives and freedom. Not only that, but you absolutely cannot resist the urge to engage in a [[Just Between You and Me]] speech, telling them your plans in order to rub it in.
* The trapmaster in ''Super [[Munchkin (game)|Munchkin]]''. He plays a trap card at you when you start fighting him. If he defeats you, however, his Bad Stuff is that "he leaves you in one of his traps and strolls off laughing. [[Lampshade Hanging|The idiot. No effect]]."
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* The Infernal [[Exalted]] have Acts of Villainy, specific behaviors installed by their [[Demon Lords and Archdevils|Yozi]] masters to allow them to bleed off [[Hate Plague|Torment]] accrued via defiance. As [[God of Evil|the Ebon Dragon]] took a hand in these, they're both a) [[Card-Carrying Villain|obviously dickish behaviors]] and b) designed to screw someone over, be it the target or the Infernal. One of them, Infernal Genius Declaration, is basically this trope, granting the Infernal mental relief if they brag about their plans to their hated foe, especially when they're on the ropes.
== [[Theatre]] ==
== Theater ==
* [[Double Subverted]] in the William Gillette play ''[[Sherlock Holmes (theatre)|Sherlock Holmes]]'', where Moriarty's first plan is in fact to just shoot Holmes. He doesn't try it again, though; his next plan involves preparing a [[Short Con]] as bait to lead Holmes into a [[Death Trap]] (which he escapes in dramatic fashion). Justified, since Moriarty doesn't want a gunshot to be heard outside.
== [[Video Games]] ==
== Video Games ==
* Sephiroth of ''[[Final Fantasy VII]]'' has this badly. He could, at any given moment in the original game, completely obliterate the party with ease. However, he instead prefers to mock and taunt the heroes, stringing them along with plans to manipulate them later. As is expected with the trope, this came to haunt him later—when Sephiroth kills Aeris, she's already managed to summon Holy, which ultimately stops Meteor's impact. Had Sephiroth just killed Aeris when he had the chance, Holy wouldn't have been summoned, instead he waited for Cloud to catch up to her so he could kill Aeris in front of his eyes to torment him.
** Justified to some degree in that Seph wasn't intending to kill Cloud and (most of) his group, it was all part of his [[Xanatos Gambit]] to get him to deliver the Black Materia to {{spoiler|his real body in the Northern Crater, which he then used to summon Meteor}}.
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** The extent to which the Imperial Legion are villains is fairly debatable as well. A more straight example would be the various mad scientist-cum-mages who feel the need to have you fight a pet monster of theirs rather than kill you outright, or even Alduin, who, rather than kill you outright when he meets you at dragon burial mounds, resurrects a lesser dragon and lets it do the work. Predictably, it always fails.
* ''[[World of Warcraft]]''; in the ''Battle for Azeroth'' expansion, [[Big Bad| Queen Azshara]] uses her potent dark magic to drag an entire Alliance ''and'' Horde fleets into Nazjatar, an underwater domain covered by a dome of air. While she could dispel the dome and drown the survivors any time she wanted, she permits them to live so long as they "amuse" her. And given the comments she directs to the player during several World Quests, it seems that, for now, that is her motive.
* At the beginning of ''[[Wolfenstein: The Old Blood]]'', protagonist [[Awesome McCoolname|B.J. Blazkowicz]] is caught by the enemy and tossed in the Jail Pit. Fortunately for him, there’s a pipe he can climb to the top, where the stupid guards have left the grate open. ''Unfortunately'', the pipe breaks when he tries it. ''Fortunately'', he can then use the broken pipe like climbing spikes to scale the wall, and find that the gate in front of the pit has also been left wide open. ''Unfortunately'', there’s a [[Killer Robot|nasty-looking robot]] patrolling the area. ''Fortunately'', all B.J. has to do to “defeat” it is throw a switch on a generator that shuts it off. Then the game truly begins, and he can start busting Nazi heads.
* ''[[The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker]]''. Link’s attempt to rescue his sister from the Forsaken Fortress doesn’t start out very well. (He’s catapulted there, only to miss his target and collide with a wall with a loud splat, then tumbles into the water below, losing his sword in the process. ). A brief cutscene later, this ends with the guards throwing Link into a cell. Fortunately for Link, all he has to do to escape and continue his mission is break the vase on the shelf above the cot (and any Zelda fan knows that this is something Link does all the time) to reveal a hole in the wall he can crawl through. Even worse, for the remainder of the level, if the guards catch him, ''they throw him in the same cell''.
* In ''[[Fallout New Vegas]]'', this is Zigzagged with Benny, who double-crosses the protagonist at the beginning of the story and ''tries'' to dispose of them with a bullet to the head. Unfotunately for him, he has bad aim and is not smart enough to take a pulse, so your character survives - with revenge on their mind later.
== Webcomics[[Web Comics]] ==
* [[Lampshade]]d and [[Inverted Trope|inverted]] in [ this] ''[[Bob and George]]'' strip. {{spoiler|Don't worry, he got better.}}
* Averted in the vampire vs. zombie webcomic ''Last Blood'', during the final battle, the vampires are captured by zombies who chain them up with the intent to torture them. However, for the past 20 pages, there have been allusions to the idea that the leader of the vampires, Addison Payne, has a brilliant scheme to defeat the zombies at some point, even once captured. So instead of letting him live and risking utter victory just for the sake of torture, the lead zombie simply stakes him through the heart, no suggestion necessary. Despite this stroke of brilliance, he still winds up losing it all when he decides to keep one of the human women as his presumed concubine, and goes to embrace her, at which point she promptly stakes him in the heart, killing him and turning his zombies loose.
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'''Torg:''' If you were a ''real'' villain, [[Just Between You and Me|you'd tell me your master plan before killing me]]. }}
== [[Western Animation]] ==
== Western Animation ==
* [[Double Subverted]] in ''[[Batman: The Animated Series]]'' with Roland Daggett when he had Batgirl and Catwoman at his mercy. When Batgirl taunted him with the suggestion that he leave them trussed up over one of his vats of deadly chemicals with acid burning through the rope, he pointed out how often this method had failed him before, and announced he was just going to [[Stating the Simple Solution|have his men shoot them and toss their bodies into those vats instead.]] In the end, however, his stopping to tell them this gave them just enough time to get loose and take him down anyway.
* In ''[[Kim Possible]]'', this trope is literally part of the Tradition, at least according to Senior Senior Sr. Truth be told, this is only one of many villainous flaws he has that he insists are "tradition".
** Averted and lampshaded in the episode "Best In Show".
{{quote|'''Kim Possible:''' "Um... Aren't you going to leave now?"
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* In a similar example to the above Sherlock Holmes example, ''[[The Great Mouse Detective]]'' has [[Big Bad|Ratigan]] set up an ''incredibly'' elaborate deathtrap for Basil and Dawson instead of just killing them outright. However, the movie does at least give reasons for why he made it so elaborate (he couldn't decide on just one killing method) and why he left rather than stay to watch their deaths (Basil arrived at Ratigan's hideout later than expected, forcing him to leave early to carry out his [[Evil Plan]]). Ultimately [[Justified]] in that Ratigan probably didn't expect {{spoiler|that Dawson would taunt the defeated Basil into creating a plan that set off the trap early and started a chain reaction that freed them rather than killed them.}}
* ''[[Futurama]]'' pulls this with the Slurm Queen during the 'Fry and the Slurm Factory' episode.
* Used and [[Lampshaded]] in the ''[[Phineas and Ferb]]'' episode "Nerdy Dancin'": Dr. Doofenshmirtz leaves Perry the Platypus shackled to a table with a slowly approaching laser beam, claiming, "I saw this in a movie once. I didn't catch the ending, 'cause I had other things to do, but [[Genre Blindness|it seemed pretty foolproof]]." Perry escapes as soon as Doof leaves, simply by slipping his small hands and feet out of the shackles.
* ''[[Street Fighter II: The Animated Movie]]''; shown [ in this clip], Vega could have done Chun-Li in - as Bison told him too - had he not stopped for his asinine gloating routine.
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