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In most media, [[Good People Have Good Sex]]. Thus, one of the easiest (and quickest) ways to show a character is evil is to have them engaging in a lifestyle that can easily be made to look deviant. In this case, have the character practice [[BDSM]] or similar. Sometimes, but far from always, [[Rule of Creepy|portrayed]] as [[Unsexy Sadist|creepy and unsexy]] as well as deviant.
More and more often, modern shows and movies allow a character (often a [[Brains and Bondage|smart one]]) to [[Casual Kink|be into BDSM]] and still be a [[Safe, Sane, and Consensual|decent character]]. However, the old prejudices are still common, and [[Double Standard|Double Standards]]s apply: If it's a woman who is into the practice, she might be portrayed in a somewhat respectful (if didactic) fashion. If it's a man, however, he's usually ridiculed (if he's the one being tied up) or else is portrayed as a dangerous lunatic one step away from becoming a serial killer/rapist.
And heaven help ''anyone'' who gets [[Chained to a Bed]].
It should be noted that some media dress their villains up in "S&M gear" in order to make them [[Stripperific]] (because they're [[Evil Is Sexy|villains]], after all), and don't actually have them engage in BDSM-related activities. It should also be noted that [[Evil Is Sexy]] is often the reason why [['''Bondage Is Bad]]''' comes into play in the first place: Compare with [[Romanticized Abuse]] and its subtropes [[Bastard Boyfriend]] and [[Bastard Girlfriend]]. According to [[Dan Savage]], this trope is mostly about letting mainstream people have their cake and eat it too: Getting turned on by kinky stuff while patting themselves on the back for being better than kinky people.
Depending on context, [[Bondage Is Bad]] is often a subtrope of [[Sex Is Evil]], [[Evil Is Sexy]], or both. When it follows the [[Evil Is Sexy]] path, it still often portrays BDSM as a mentally unhealthy perversion (just like [[Real Life]] psychiatry did until 1990), thus combining the two tropes into an angsty form of [[Sex Is Evil and I Am Horny]].
The "how", "why" and "if" of why this trope is played is highly dependent on ''when'' the work is made. In the eighties, BDSM was highly socially unpopular: Major feminist organizations hated it, while psychiatry still believed even [[Safe, Sane, and Consensual|SSC]] BDSM to be abnormal. These views have gradually been abandoned. Since 1990, psychiatry acknowledge that [[SSC]] BDSM<ref> note that when this trope is used, SSC is invariably NOT used</ref> is often done between mentally healthy individuals, and more and more organizations who have already stopped spreading prejudice are now instead starting to fight it. Thus, the trope becomes subverted more and more often, and when it's played straight it's often reinforced with hints of [[Putting on the Reich|nazism]] or whatever.
Contrast [[Safe, Sane, and Consensual]], [[Brains and Bondage]], [[Casual Kink]] and the [[Obligatory Bondage Song]]. Compare [[Too Kinky to Torture]], where someone is so tough that torture gets them off. Compare [[Depraved Homosexual]] for similar prejudice. Compare [[Moral Guardians]] and [[Heteronormative Crusader]] for sources of such prejudice.
{{noreallife|this is All The Tropes, not Tropes After Dark.}}
== Anime & Manga ==
== [[Anime]] &and [[Manga]] ==
* Gauron from ''[[Full Metal Panic!]]'' is into BDSM. He's shown in the novels to have a thing for erotic asphyxiation (as he strangles the female scientist in Khanka, and they [[Too Kinky to Torture|both enjoy it]]). And numerous times, he's described to get off when he makes others "submit" to him and "break their will." The author even jokingly [[Lampshade Hanging|lampshades]] how Gauron is into S&M - in an episode of ''[[Lucky Star]]'' (that the author had a hand in), there's a doujinshi for ''Full Metal Panic'' shown, with Gauron molesting a [[Chains of Love|chained up]] and [[Bound and Gagged]] Sousuke. To further follow this trope, seeing how he's the domineering aggressive one, he's a [[Ax Crazy|dangerous serial killer lunatic]] that should be feared.
* Many villains in ''[[Violence Jack]]'' wear S&M gear as regular clothes and like to capture, tie up, and sexually torture any female character they can get their hands on. This is especially prevalent in the Harlem Bomber arc, where the villains have their own S&M dungeon to make captured girls into sex slaves. Plus, the woman who runs it, Rose, is a [[Whip It Good]] [[Psycho Lesbian]] dominatrix who rapes a girl's friend in front of her as a way to desensitize her to sex. The [[Big Bad]] of the series, Slum King, also has two quadruple amputee sex slaves that he keeps on leashes and treats like dogs.
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* ''[[Legend of the Blue Wolves]]'': [[Depraved Homosexual|Captain Continental]] uses bondage on Jonathan, beats him up, and whips him, when attempting to force him to sexually submit to him. Jonathan refuses so the Continental simply ties him up again and rapes him. In the beginning of the movie he also whips a subordinate for not addressing him as "sir" before engaging in sexual activities with him.
* ''[[Monochrome Factor]]'': Kou, in the anime adaptation, is implied to have a bit of a bondage fetish, present for no other reason than to creep Aya out after she beats him up and he begs for more.
* In ''[[Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt|Panty and Stocking With Garterbelt]]'', this is played straight with [[Big Bad]] Corset, who [[Exactly What It Says on the Tin|has a corset]] he tightens up and is a [[Combat Sadomasochist]]. Subverted with [[Badass Preacher|Garterbelt]], who explicitly practices self-flagellation and is Corset's rival of sorts. Likely played straight with Stocking, who throughout the series [[Too Kinky to Torture|likes it kinky]] and at the ass-end of the series {{spoiler|becomes a villain.}}
* Many of the phantoms in ''[[Tokko]]'' are shown wearing bondage gear like ball gags and leather masks.
* Sadi-Chan from the Inpel Down Arc of ''[[One Piece]]'' is a jailer dressed in a [[Dominatrix]] outfit who uses BDSM methods to torture inmates - often killing them in the process.
== [[Comic Books]] ==
* Anyone in ''[[Preacher (Comic Book)|Preacher]]'' who has a fetish of some type is going to be a villain.
* In ''[[Zatanna]]'' where an S&M club is shown to be frequented by demons, supernatural serial killers, and psychotic mob boss who trades in human souls. However [[Paul Dini]], the writer, included a bondage club in an issue of ''Detective Comics'' that was portrayed in a much more positive and tolerant light and [[Batman]] was even shown to be a friend (Asas much as Batman is ''anyone's'' friend) of the owner, having helped her out during a riot at the club weeks before. So the club in ''Zatanna'' is probably less [[Bondage Is Bad]] and more [[Author Appeal]] and possibly a homage to the kinky Cenobites of ''Hellraiser''.
* The [[Red Skull]]'s daughter, Sin and her boyfriend Crossbones are really into the extreme kind. To the point of getting off on torture.
* Averted with the Whip, a dominatrix-themed heroine from the ''[[Seven Soldiers]]''. Unfortunately she doesn't survive her debut story.
* Blue Eyes from ''[[Sin City]]'' is apparently into bondage (or at least thinks it's a common enough kink amongst men) and is an evil assassin. On the other hand, Gail is a [[Hooker with a Heart of Gold]] who has a pair of handcuffs.
* In the first album of ''[[Lucifer (comics)|Lucifer]]'', [[Casual Kink]] and [[Bondage Is Bad]] are both expressed as attitudes held by characters: Jill has a speech about how she's not into BDSM herself but doesn't mind it as long as it's [[SSC|consensual]] - while Elaine writes a [[Show Within a Show|story within the story]] where her way of establishing the bad guy as bad is to state that he fantasizes about three creepy things, one of them being tied up women. (The other two are money and selling drugs. It should be noted that since this is in the first issue, Elaine is still an immature and inexperienced 12-year-old psychic.) See page quote.
* DC attempted to introduce a new [[Superman]] villain named "the Masochist," a young woman clad in a leather outfit with the phrase "Hurt Me!" written on the chest. Some [[Internet Backdraft]] lead to DC changing the character's name to "Anguish" and removing all of the bondage and S&M imagery from her costume.
* [[Harley Quinn]] seems to be a fan of S&M in the ''[[New 52]]'', both as the dominant and the submissive. To give an obvious example, one issue starts with her waking up in her rather messy apartment with last night's date behind her, duct-taped to the wall; two pages later, she sees a patient dressed in a gimp outfit; her treatment consists of "integral psychotherapy" through "introspection and dissection", a fancy way of saying she hogties him. Unfortunately, this leads to a horrific nightmare where she's in bed with her current boyfriend Mason, who turns into "Mistuh Jay" mid-embrace.
== [[Film]] ==
* The Cenobites from the ''[[Hellraiser]]'' films. This was made during the height of the '80's disapproval of bondage, and writer/director Clive Barker is very interested in the transgressive.
* In the [[Cheech and Chong]] film ''The Corsican Brothers'', The Evil Fuckaire (yes, that really is the name of the villain in this movie) is not only flamboyantly gay, he's also into whips and chains.
* [[James Bond (film)|Xenia Onatopp]] from ''[[GoldeneyeGoldenEye (film)|GoldenEye]]'' was really into S&M. [[Out with a Bang|And crushing men's chests with her thighs.]]
** And gets a Meaningful Name along with it.
* In ''[[The Man Who Knew Too Little]]'', Wallace Ritchie encounters a septuagenarian dominatrix and immediately assumes she's Dr. Ludmilla Kropotkin, the "evil lady torturer". Subverted though in that she isn't. The actual Dr. Kropotkin is completely normal looking and unassuming.
* In ''[[The General's Daughter (film)|The Generals Daughter]]'', Campbell's sexual practices are quickly used to establish that she had become mentally unhinged before her death. Brenner can't even stand to look at the tapes she shot, stating that it couldn't be the same women he met a few days ago.
* ''[[Little Shop of Horrors]]'' has Orin Scrivello, Audrey's abusive boyfriend and a psychopathic sadist. It is heavily implied that he acts as a dominant in a BDSM relationship with her. There's also a silly masochist played by [[Bill Murray]], used as a humorous foil to Orin.
* In ''[[Ichi the Killer]]'', Kakihara is a masochist with a dominating personality, while Ichi is a sadist with a submissive personality. Both are batshit crazy murderers.
* [[All There Is to Know About "The Crying Game"|The rapist pawn shop owner and police officer]] in ''[[Pulp Fiction]]''
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* One of Sol's high ranking henchmen in ''[[Doomsday]]'' is a gimp.
* ''[[The Pet]]'', an [[Author Tract]] about human trafficking, depicts modern day slavers as closely connected to the BDSM community.
* ''[[Batman Forever]]''; Two-Face has two [[Perky Female Minion]]s, [[Drew Barrymore| Sugar]] and Spice, who wear [[Dominatrix]] outfits.
== [[Literature]] ==
== Literature ==
* Doctor Hong from ''[[Island in The Sea of Time]]'' by S.M. Stirling. After Nantucket is transported into the Bronze Age she is just a doctor with an S&M fetish (admittedly one that has been declared ''persona non grata'' at every pain club on the East Coast) that becomes the chief physician of [[Big Bad|William Walker's]] renegade empire-building islanders. Once Walker has used his twentieth century know-how to obtain power for himself she begins to torture people for fun. She eventually claims to be an avatar of the goddess Hecate and begins a cult dedicated to mass torture as a form of sacrifice to the gods (although it also teaches useful medical knowledge). In addition to torture for religious and recreational purposes she also has some practical uses for her skills, such as castrating slaves to make them more docile.
* Inverted in the ''[[Night Huntress]]'' series. The hero Bones blindfolds the heroine Cat and ties her wrists to the headboard. She has multiple [[Immodest Orgasm|Immodest Orgasms]]s and makes him promise to do everything again next time before she falls asleep.
* In the ''[[Outlander (novel)|Outlander]]'' series, Captain John Randall ''definitely'' fits this trope to a "T." A [[Depraved Bisexual]] (who leans more towards the [[Depraved Homosexual]] side), he apparently can't get excited unless he's beating up or torturing the person he's trying to rape. Or unless he's having [[Foe Yay]] with Jamie. According to Dougal, he appears to be in sheer bliss and acts like a guy who's crushing on a girl when he finds the possibility of being able to whip Jamie.
* There's some hints of this in [[The Culture]]. In ''[[The Culture/The Player of Games|The Player of Games]]'', the protagonist reacts to porn involving bondage with surprise/unfamiliarity, seemingly implying it doesn't exist in the [[Fetish Fuel Future]] Culture, and sees it as indicating cruelty and inequality. Note that the culture producing this porn also has scenes of rape and torture televised (although like the bondage porn, it's on censored tv only available to the country's leaders).
* A lot of Alasdair Gray's work involves deeply flawed and often unsympathetic protagonists who are also sado-masochists. The flaw and the kink may or may not be related, but they're usually both there. One novel features a character who claims to be a "rational sadist", which apparently means his ideal partner is not a masochist but a weaker sadist - someone who wants to hurt him but can't. The word "consensual" never comes up.
* Repeatedly in the ''[[The Otherworld|Women of the Otherworld]]'' series by Kelly Armstrong. In No Humans Involved, one of the earlier suspects is the leader of a BDSM cult thingy, and the main character admits that she believes sadists indulge in BDSM as a substitute for rape. Though she isn't proven right, she isn't proven wrong either. In Personal Demon, Carlos Cortez, is established as a nasty piece of work by his interest in BDSM.
* Run -- relentlesslyRun—relentlessly, inexorably -- intoinexorably—into the ground in the oeuvre of [[Mercedes Lackey]]. Any faint taste for a manner of lovemaking that involves physical restraint, power, or trust leads inevitably to sorcerous torture and blood sacrifice, usually of children.
* In [[John Steinbeck]]'s ''[[East of Eden]]'', Kate, who works at a whorehouse, starts using chains and whips and razors on her "customers." This is coming from the same lady who killed both of her parents, shot her husband, and left her twin babies after telling her husband that he should throw them in a well.
* In ''[[Dragonriders of Pern|Dragonquest]]'', [[Old Retainer|Rannelly]] is horrified to find bondage marks on Kylara's wrist, courtesy of Meron. Kylara herself thinks about their respective tastes. As anyone who's read this book knows, these are two of the more villainous characters in the book.
* In William Gibson's ''[[Neuromancer]]'', the [[Complete Monster]] Peter Riviera can't get off sexually unless he's betraying his partners. So he dates girls in oppressive regimes, makes sure they turn political, then turns them in to the secret police and watches as they are tortured. The book makes it sound like he's evil because of his sexual preferences, no mention made of perhaps roleplaying betrayal ethically instead. Also, Molly's experience killing someone as a meat puppet prostitute.
== [[Live-Action TV]] ==
== Live-Action TV ==
* Played straight in ''[[Angel]]'', where several of the employees of the demonic law firm Wolfram and Hart are into BSDM. Of course, the lawyers at Wolfram and Hart are evil for a lot of reasons, but not their interest in BSDM.
** In the DVD commentary of the episode "Conviction", [[Joss Whedon]] actually notes his use of this trope, and states for the record that he does not believe bondage practitioners are actually evil.
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* In ''[[Wire in The Blood]]'' season six, in the episode "Unnatural Vices", the story logic is that if you get into BDSM you are a serial killer or in very dangerous company. A character gets "outed" as being into BDSM and it means the end of their job as a teacher. A cop is also outed and it not only damages their career, they too end up the victim of a sadistic killer. It is suggested that BDSM is part and parcel of the policeman's relationship being loveless and destructive. To cap it off, this relationship ends up driving his ex-girlfriend into the arms of the killer.
* Mackenzie Crook's psychotic gangster character in ''[[Skins]]'' is depicted as a bondage freak.
* ''[[Law and& Order: Special Victims Unit]]'' played this quite straight in the first season episode "Stocks and Bondage". The [[Victim of the Week]] had it coming for being into BDSM. Her own mother just keepkeeps spitting on her grave (with the protagonists comforting her for the burden of having such a perverted daughter). And each individual who accepted her kinky side without moralizing over it turn out to be a horrible person. It seems they got some quote harsh feedback for that episode: In later episodes, that have nothing to do with BDSM, the Captain just keepkeeps reminding the protagonists that [[Safe, Sane, and Consensual|SSC]] BDSM isn't a bad thing, so they should be careful to not do an [[Abuse Mistake]].
** Also subverted sometimes, with the detectives or their captain making references to the existence of SSC (Safe, Sane & Consensual) BDSM play and the importance of not mistaking such play for abuse.
** There was also a first season episode of the original ''[[Law & Order|Law and Order]]'' called "Prisoner Of Love". Its portrayal of BDSM and its practitioners was not very flattering at all.
* S&M appears a few times on ''[[Sex and the City]]'', but it is almost always to mock the participants.
* In ''Uh-oh'', a [[Getting Crap Past the Radar|children's game show]], the character who dumps slime on incorrect contestants is known as The Punisher, and is released from a cage every episode. He, however wears something similar to a gimp mask and other non-dominant apparel. Whether this is [[Did Not Do the Research]] or [[Getting Crap Past the Radar]] is up for debate.
* The writers of ''[[Bones]]'' [[Author On Board|seem to have a thing about this]]. One episode declared that bondage and kink were for people who were unsatisfied and bored with "real" sex, with implications that the activity indicated emotional imbalance. In another, featuring pony play in the murder of the week, Booth gives an impassioned speech about how fetishism cannot lead to a fulfilling emotional experience. Both times, Bones (who is ''very'' sexually open-minded otherwise) agrees with him.
** Making this both bigoted and a case of [[Did Not Do the Research]] as there are literally hundreds if not more people involved in emotionally fulfilling relationships who are into fetishism of one kind or another. As far as the lead characters are concerned, these fetishes serve only to as a way for the participants to objectify one another instead of engaging another person emotionally.
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* [[Darkseid]], while possessing the body of [[Smallville/Characters/Apokiliptians|Gordon Godfrey]], feeds on the dark energy in the souls of dominatrix club goers in ''[[Smallville]]''.
== [[Tabletop Games]] ==
* Dark Eldar in ''[[Warhammer 4000040,000]]'' show this with Mandrakes and Hagashîn. Then again, they're evil for lots and lots of different reasons. BDSM simply comes with their general gig as sadomasochists who literally feed on pain and suffering.
== Tabletop Games ==
* ''[[Dungeons and& Dragons]]'' had the ''Book of Vile Darkness'' supplement, with rules covering all sorts of evil activities like [[Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking|mass sacrifice, trafficking with fiends, devouring souls and BDSM]].
* Dark Eldar in ''[[Warhammer 40000]]'' show this with Mandrakes and Hagashîn. Then again, they're evil for lots and lots of different reasons. BDSM simply comes with their general gig as sadomasochists who literally feed on pain and suffering.
* ''[[Dungeons and Dragons]]'' had the ''Book of Vile Darkness'' supplement, with rules covering all sorts of evil activities like [[Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking|mass sacrifice, trafficking with fiends, devouring souls and BDSM]].
** Loviatar, the goddess of pain in the ''[[Forgotten Realms]]'' setting, is literally the GOD of this trope.
** Zon-kuthon from ''[[Pathfinder]]'' would dispute that claim.
== [[Theatre]] ==
== Theatre ==
* ''Iron Curtain'' has Miss Hildret, a stage director from East Berlin who carries around a crop and gets turned on by torture. She is open to inserting a few more gags into the play, [[A Worldwide Punomenon|having quite the collection herself]].
== [[Video Games]] ==
== Videogames ==
* You wouldn't think this would come up in a parody game based around raising slaves, but ''[[Slave Maker]]'' has bondage being a sex act frowned upon by both major religions, hits your slave's Morality stat when practiced and requires a high Obedience score to do. To be fair, the game's creator isn't big on the harder sex acts, so this is probably a matter of personal preference than anything else.
* One of the many reasons ''[[No More Heroes]]''' Travis considers [[Dark Action Girl|Bad Girl]] a "perverted killer" is her extensive use of gimps. For batting practice.
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* ''[[Fable II]]'' has a touch of this. If your character is evil, then the off-screen sex scenes include lines such as "Do as you're told!"
* In ''[[Phantasmagoria: A Puzzle of Flesh|Phantasmagoria 2]]'' Therese coerces Curtis into coming to a BDSM club with her and then repeatedly has kinky sex with him. While Curtis enjoys it (albeit with a small [[Freudian Excuse]]), Therese herself is a totally psycho stalker.
* ''[[Brütal Legend|Brutal Legend]]'' has demons that are decked head to toe in bondage gear. Their mouths are usually covered by zippers, and they have hooks embedded into their skin.
* ''[[Prince of Persia]]|Prince of Persia: The Warrior Within]]'' has female enemies that say things like "Hit me harder prince" and "There's so much pleasure in pain" during combat.
* Bondage Queen is one of the possible Evil endings in the [[Raising Sim]] game, ''[[Princess Maker]] 2''. Achieving this one is heavily frowned upon, although it doesn't stop people from doing it, of course. It is in the same vein as [[Big Bad|Crime Boss]], [[High-Class Call Girl|High Class Prostitute]], and [[Hot as Hell|Princess of Darkness]].
* About three quarters of the enemies in ''[[Blood RayneBloodRayne]] 2'' (turned vampires are decked out in bondage gear, the [[Mooks|minions]] in the first level are masochists according to combat dialogue, most other minions practice body modification, etc.), the last quarter being [[Eldritch Abominations]].
* Cain in ''[[Galerians]]'' fits the "villain who dresses in S&M wear, but doesn't actually engage in it" bill. Probably because he [[Squick|looks fourteen]]... and is technically even ''younger'' than that.
* ''[[Watchmen: (comics)The End Is Nigh|Watchmen: The End Is Nigh Part 2]]'' has the entire last level take place in Twilight Lady's mansion turned S&M dungeon.
* ''[[Leisure Suit Larry]]''{{'}}s "bad" characters tend to be into BDSM (Mama Bimbo being a particularly chilling example), although in ''Magna Cum Laude'', one of the three endings has the young Larry Lovage get such a relationship.
* The most visible antagonist of ''[[Castlevania: Curse of Darkness]]'' is Isaac, a bondage and self-mutilation obsessed demon.
* The Dark Mistresses in ''[[Dungeon Keeper]]'', but [[Tagline|"Evil Is Good"]].
* ''[[Duke Nukem: Manhattan Project]]'' has killer robot dominatrices as enemies with regular or [[Shock and Awe|electric]] [[Whip It Good|whips]]. Also averted by the fact that Duke Nukem himself is into BDSM.
* In ''[[Max Payne (series)|Max Payne]]'', we have the nightclub ''Ragnarok'': where we have, among other things, BDSM, animal sacrifice, and other violent occult activities.
* Ivy of ''[[Soul Series|Soulcalibur]]'' fame is a subversion: She is introduced into the series as a cackling bitch who wears a damn-near bondage harness to fights and wields a whip sword, and all of her voice clips are dripping with innuendo, but in her storyline, she's a [[Chaotic Neutral]] redeemer who is trying to destroy Soul Edge so that it can't destroy the world.
** Not to mention that she's also a [[Chaste Hero]] because Soul Edge is in her blood and she does not want to pass this on.
* ''[[Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater|]]'': Colonol Volgin]] is into BDSM, torture and electrocution. Also an example of [[Depraved Bisexual]].
** Although where Volgin's interests lie are not really true BDSM, but more that Volgin simply gets off on causing pain and suffering.
* Silver Mantis from ''[[City of Heroes]]'' turned to villainy to support her piercing habit, and very clearly gets off on ''being attacked and defeated by heroes''.
* Catalina in ''[[Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas]]'' is [[Sociopathic Hero|technically on the protagonist's side]], but she's also one of the craziest characters in the game. When she drags him into her cabin, he winds up screaming for her to stop (with no success.) (This is [[Played for Laughs]], and [[Video Game Cruelty Potential|he probably had it coming after all the stuff you've been having him do]].)
* Games in the ''[[Mortal Kombat]]'' franchise with pre-fight dialogue often have Kombatants making [[Double Entendre]] remarks (or blatant flirting) but [[God Save Us From the Queen|Sindel]] has a few that suggest BDSM, which does match her character...
* In the original ''[[Battletoads]]'', the [[Big Bad| Dark Queen's]] outfit is unmistakenly [[Dominatrix]]-themed. She switches to far-less suggestive [[Evil Sorceress]] robes in the later relaunch.
== [[Web Comics]] ==
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* ''[[Collar 6]]'' more or less averts this as a whole due to [[Conveniently-Common Kink|the nature of]] [[Planet of Hats|the entire planet]]; however, an example still exists with Mistress Butterfly, who takes the kink and rams it [[Up to Eleven]]. She's not called the [[Names to Run Away From Really Fast|sadist from hell]] for nothing.
* ''[[Shiniez]]'' averts this completely.
* ''Our Home Planet'' has [ Queen], an evil mercenary clearly supposed to evoke the dominatrix figure.
== [[Web Originals]] ==
== Web Originals ==
* Riley of ''[[The Guild]]'' is an over-the-top stereotype of an FPS Gamer suffering from [[Testosterone Poisoning]] (despite being a woman). This extends to being an abusive dominant in her relationship with Zaboo.
* Averted with [[Image Boards|4chan's]] [ Ardarvia], the Iron Maiden, a homebrew deity of BDSM and love. She is [[Lawful Good]], and her followers tie themselves up, or even [[It Makes Sense in Context|amputate their own limbs, as a sacrifice for her.]]
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* Subverted and inverted in the ''[[Chakona Space]]'' stories, foxtaur society generally disapproves of male-on-female bondage, since vixens are supposed to be the stronger sex (no word on how other sex combinations are treated). But after Garrek is pheromonally raped by his sister he finds it very therapeutic to tie up a four-breasted vixen and mount her repeatedly, consensually of course.
== [[Western Animation]] ==
== Western Animation ==
* ''[[ReBoot]]'': When Megabyte rebuilds Hexadecimal, he gives her what looks like a black leather corset and other dominant clothes. He then keeps her as a tightly restrained prisoner, and it's revealed that she could have escaped whenever she wanted to but "likes being tied up". The characters are both villains, of course. [[Brother-Sister Incest|And siblings.]]
* ''[[Fern Gully]]'': In the the [[Villain Song]] "Toxic Love", the villain Hexxus alludes to S&M with the lyrics "Hit me one time / Hit me twice / Oh! Ah! Ohhh! / Well, that's rather nice..."
* Played with in a ''[[Family Guy]]'' episode. Peter and Lois have a serious, completely ordinary discussion about the impressionability of their children in a world filled with drugs... while suiting up for a BDSM session.
* Inverted with Mr. Slave on ''[[South Park]]''. He's a gimp (always dressing like one) and dangerously promisculous, but a decent sort otherwise.
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