Boomerang Bigot: Difference between revisions

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"I hate Whoopi Goldberg's lips." <br />
"I hate my gums, 'cause THEY black." }}
* ''The Believer'' is about an Orthodox Jew who becomes a neo-Nazi. Based loosely on [http://en.[ Burros|Dan Burros]].
* In ''[[Who Framed Roger Rabbit]]'', {{spoiler|Judge Doom turns out to be a Toon in a human mask.}} Possibly justified in that he was motivated by greed, not bigotry, although he makes several anti-Toon statements prior to [[The Reveal]] as well (claiming, for example, that Toons are naturally lawless and deserve the most brutal punishments imaginable). It's probable that he's saying those things not because he believes {{spoiler|other}} toons are like that, but because he knows that {{spoiler|HE is like that.}}
* The seventh member of ''[[The Magnificent Seven]]'' really hates farmers, though is himself a farmer.
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== Live Action TV ==
* ''[[Chappelles Show]]'' had a skit called "Black White Supremacist" set in the [[Deep South]]. Clayton Bigsby is a blind black man who grows up under the impression that he is white; he becomes a prominent [[You Are What You Hate|white supremacist writer and Klan leader]]. His fellow Klan members never see him out of his robes (and those that do know he's black don't tell him in fear he would kill himself so there will be one less black person in the world), and when he finally finds out he's black, he leaves his wife, [[Crosses the Line Twice|accusing her of being a "nigger lover"]].
** [http://en.[ Felton|Leo Felton]] is a [[Real Life]] version of the character.
* {{spoiler|Saul Tigh}} on ''[[Battlestar Galactica Reimagined (TV)|Battlestar Galactica]]'' ''really'' hates the Cylons -- {{spoiler|he has them tortured and executed, and even orders suicide bombings to strike back on New Caprica.}} But as we find out in the season three finale, he's one of the <s>final</s> <s>first</s> [[Fridge Brilliance|final]] five Cylons, along with {{spoiler|the wife he killed for conspiring with the Cylons}}. {{spoiler|Saul}} qualifies for this trope in that he doesn't treat Cylons any better upon finding this out.
** {{spoiler|Chief Tyrol}} counts in a way as well; his own Cylon revelation only deepened his [[Misanthropy]] - particularly towards himself. For him it's justified though, given everything that happened with {{spoiler|Boomer}}.
* In the new ''[[Flash Gordon (TV)|Flash Gordon]]'' series, Ming was extremely tough on [[Mutants|Deviants]] and was of course himself a Deviant. He did his best to keep this fact hidden, though.
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== Western Animation ==
* [http://en.[ Ruckus|Uncle Ruckus]] from ''[[The Boondocks]]'' can be basically described as a black Klansman-wannabe.
* Played for laughs on ''[[The Simpsons]]'':
{{quote| '''Groundskeeper Willie:''' "Damn Scots! They ruined Scotland!"}}
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== Real Life ==
* As the George Carlin example above illustrates, white stand-up comedians who want to do insult humor are usually forced into this by a combination of [[N-Word Privileges]] and [[Acceptable Targets]].
* Ernst Röhm, co-founder of the Nazi SA (Hitler's private guard in the early years), was gay. As fascist movements are generally homophobic, he, along with other early members of the party, were killed in an intra-party purge called the "Night of the Long Knives", which consolidated Hitler's power by eliminating most of the people who could challenge his power (or were now an embarrassment). There are [http://en.[ Pink Swastika|conspiracy theories]] that the Nazis were somehow a gay organization, but they don't really hold water.
** Although prior to The Night of Long Knives, Hitler and the Nazi Party had not adopted an aggressive stance towards homosexuality, and for some early anti-Nazis, e.g. among Catholics and the military, the Nazis' pre-1935 "acceptance" of homosexuals and in particular Röhm's prominent and high position in the party hierarchy were important or at least contributory reasons why they opposed Nazism. And for many in the military who started out distrusting Hitler, the Night of the Long Knives proved that he was okay after all. This included Stauffenberg, who eventually changed his mind again and in 1944 would attempt to blow Hitler up.
* It could be said Hitler himself was also a [[Boomerang Bigot]], because he did not fit his own definition of the "Aryan race" he deemed superior to all other men -- and to this day recent DNA results say that he had some "Non-Aryan" ancestry (though others insist it's opposition propaganda). It has also been seriously suggested that he may have been in a relationship with Albert Speer, his chief architect.
** Heinrich Himmler did not meet the SS entry requirements for "racial hygene" and phsyical fitness. He also talked of how the SS must "harden their hearts" and grin and bear the moral and mental consequences of murdering millions, but the only time he ever watched an ''Einsatzgruppe'' in action, he was so appalled by the sight of blood that he became hysterical.
* Tomás de Torquemada certainly had Jewish ancestry, and [[Richard Wagner]] reputedly did as well. (Torquemada may not quite count. He was theoretically persecuting a belief not an ancestry and ancestry would presumably be irrelevant to that. Of course he was primarily persecuting Jewish converts for allegedly lying about their conversions based on the "evidence" that they were born Jews. So whatever.)
** Torquemada was strongly influenced in his heresy-hunting by the concept of ''[http://en.[ de sangre|limpieza de sangre]],'' which held (perhaps not entirely unreasonably, but with disastrous results) that crypto-Judaizing and Islamizing was more likely among those with more Jewish or Arab ancestors. It has been theorized that the doctrine of ''limpieza de sangre'' is what shifted the emphasis of anti-Semitism away from religion and toward race, and so that this was the root of the Holocaust.
* The French answer to Torquemada was [http://en.[ de Lancre|Pierre de Lancre]], a 17th century judge of Bordeaux and despiser supreme of everything Basque, who was well aware nonetheless that he was Basque himself.
* Legendary chess player Bobby Fischer was very anti-Semitic, even though his mother was Jewish, and thus was Jewish under Jewish law.
* Anyone [[Cultural Cringe|cynical enough about their own country]] (countrymen, specifically) will probably start becoming this. c.f. page quote.
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* It's been said that nobody hates [[Furry Fandom|furries]] more than other furries. (This may be due in part to [[Stop Being Stereotypical]] attitudes toward the [[Vocal Minority]] of genuinely disturbing individuals within the fandom.)
* In Hawai'i ''haoles'' (pronounced "howlies"), or white people, are often subjected to harassment, name calling and (in a few cases) even outright violence by ''local'' people. Local usual means Asians and Native Hawaiians, though oddly enough it also includes the rather large Portuguese community for some reason (perhaps they see themselves as Hispanic, which effectively gives them white [[N-Word Privileges]]). [[You Are What You Hate|Also many Native Hawaiian activists could probably spend the better part of the afternoon talking about how "the ''haoles'' stole our land". This seems almost odd when you consider that nearly 60% of all people in Hawai'i (and about 99% of all Native Hawaiians) are of mixed race and nearly all of them have at least ''some'' Caucasian ancestry.]]
* In the early 20th century, it was common for light-skinned African Americans to hold "[http://en.[ Bag Party|paper bag parties]]" in which only those with skin lighter than a brown paper bag would be allowed in. The goal was to exclude darker-skinned African Americans and is considered an example of "[http[wikipedia:// |colorism]]".
** A related phenomenon was the [http://en.[ Tom|Uncle Tom]] stereotype, also known as the 'House Negro' by [[Malcolm X]].
* The Filipinos have a long history of having this kind of bigot, with [[Cultural Cringe|their cynical views toward their own country]] and strong exposure to foreign influences. It has been known in the Spanish era that some Filipinos strove to look like Spaniards. (There was an old joke that may have been truer than it seems that some Filipinos pinched their noses with clothes hangers to try to make their noses sharp, like those of Spanish blood.) Similar cases followed after the Americans' arrival and when the Chinese-Filipinos came into prominence. Early Filipino films promoted Filipinized modern American lives, Western movies, and even Medieval stories, preferring the latter two over actual Philippine historical settings. Up to now certain Filipinos define their worth by their ability to speak fluent English or Chinese (with foreign accents), embrace Western or Chinese culture, being able to visit Western countries (namely the USA), or to have Western or Chinese physical features (skin whitening soaps are very popular up to this writing), coupled with how much they have renounced their Philippine heritage with abhorrence. Any person of this type who gets even a small taste of any of these "privileges" would act like he never had Filipino blood at all and would be quick to openly show scorn for other Filipinos.
* Hipsters who hate other Hipsters for being Hipsters.
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* Russian politician Vladimir Volfovich Zhirinovsky leads the fanatical, anti-Semitic, anti-Western, Slavic-nationalist Liberal Democratic Party of Russia. He is half-Jewish. When asked about this, he emphasizes it was only his father who was Jewish, not his mother, who was a Russian Slav.
{{quote| "Why should I reject Russian blood, Russian culture, Russian land, and fall in love with the Jewish people only because of that single drop of blood that my father left in my mother's body?"}}
* [http://en.[ Burros|Dan Burros]] was a Jewish member of the American Nazi Party. His colleagues knew about his heritage.
* [http://en.[ Ausonius|John Ausonius]] born as Wolfgang Alexander Zaugg was the son of a Swiss father and a German mother who had both emmigrated to Sweden. As a kid he was bullied for not being Swedish. This had a profound impact on him, he changed his name, several times, to seem more Swedish, dyed his hair blond and wore blue contacts. It also gave him an intense hatred of foreigners and immigrants, and eventually he went on a shooting spree, killing one person and wounding ten. He was dubbed the Lasermannen because his gun had a laser sight on it.
* [[HP Lovecraft]] was anti-Semitic and anti-miscegenation. However, he knowingly married a Jewish woman.
* Most leaders of communist governments came from wealthy, or at least middle-class, backgrounds.
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