Borderlands/Characters: Difference between revisions

Moved the YMMV trope to its respectable page.
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(Moved the YMMV trope to its respectable page.)
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== Vault Hunters ==
== Mordecai ==
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{{quote|''As "The Hunter"''}}
* [[The Beast Master]]: Mordecai, barring its cooldown, has a skill which allows him to sic a bird on his enemies.
* [[Badass Longcoat]]: His original model used this, and the influence can still be seen in the vest combo he sports.
* [[The Beast Master]]: Mordecai, barring its cooldown, has a skill which allows him to sic a bird on his enemies.
* [[Cool Mask]]
* [[Big No]]: Whenever Mordecai dies. ''"NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! I '''NEVER''' DIE!!!"''
* [[Cool Mask]]
* [[Evil Laugh]]: Mordecai employs this trope quite often when he scores a kill.
** [[Friendly Sniper]]: His victory dialogue against elite mooks ("Nothin' like a challengin' kill!"; "Yeah, not bad! Not bad."; "Heh; another trophy for my wall.") seem to imply that he regards his enemies as sport, as challenges that he is excited to meet. As opposed to, y'know, people.
* [[Friendly Sniper]]
** His victory dialogue against elite mooks ("Nothin' like a challengin' kill!"; "Yeah, not bad! Not bad."; "Heh; another trophy for my wall.") seem to imply that he regards his enemies as sport, as challenges that he is excited to meet. As opposed to, y'know, people.
* [[The Gunslinger]]: Every playable character can use guns and has skill trees relating to them, but Mordecai actually gets a skill tree that's called this, specifically with pistols.
* [[The Lancer]]
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* [[Action Girl]]
* [[Badass Boast]]: After scoring a critical hit, she sometimes says: "[laugh] I'm really good at this!"
* [[The Chick]]
* [[Flash Step]]: Her special ability allows her to step into an alternate dimension (causing an explosion that helps discourage her enemies from attacking), run quickly to her target, pop out with an energetic shockwave that stuns her foes, and then proceed to mow them all down.
* [[Incendiary Exponent]]:
* [[Incendiary Exponent]]:* Her Phoenix skill sets her on fire (with only beneficial effects). It also allows her shots to cause fire damage, acquainting their targets with the [[Man On Fire]] trope [[Captain Obvious|(with harmful effects)]].
** She is also an expert with elemental guns and can crank the elemental damage done by them [[Up to Eleven]]. A Maliwan Hellfire submachinegun turns Lilith into a firebreathing goddess of pure destruction.
* [[The Smurfette Principle]]: Out of the playable characters.
* [[Touched by Vorlons]]: The source of her powers, although she insists it's because she's crossed the "Hotness Threshold.".
== Roland ==
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{{quote|''As "The Soldier"''}}
* {{spoiler|[[Badass in Distress]]: In ''Borderlands 2.''}}.
* [[Combat Medic]]: Roland has a skill tree called 'Medic' that helps him heal his allies, but that doesn't mean he's any less capable of shooting you. The tree has other abilities that specifically make him hardier, increases his weaponry's magazine size. and actually has an ability that requires him to kill an enemy to activate it. And one of the ways he can heal allies is by ''[[Healing Shiv|shooting]]'' them, giving the term new meaning. Plus he can upgrade his turret to heal allies while unhealing everyone else. There is an insane medic 'build' which is perfect for arena fighting. Getting healed by your turret and a healing boost from killing enemies... Hitting level 45 pretty much allows you to run around in the thick of battle without a shield running from enemy to enemy and shoot them point blank (who cares about weapon accuracy?) for continued ownage. Question is: are you able to reach level 45 in your first playthrough?
** ...and one of the ways he can heal allies is by ''[[Healing Shiv|shooting]]'' them, giving the term new meaning.
*** Plus he can upgrade his turret to heal allies while unhealing everyone else
*** There is an insane medic 'build' which is perfect for arena fighting. Getting healed by your turret and a healing boost from killing enemies... Hitting level 45 pretty much allows you to run around in the thick of battle without a shield running from enemy to enemy and shoot them point blank (who cares about weapon accuracy?) for continued ownage. Question is: are you able to reach level 45 in your first playthrough?
* [[Defector From Decadence]]: A former member of the Crimson Lance.
* [[The Engineer]]
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* [[The Medic]]
* [[Still Wearing the Old Colors]]
* [[This Is for Emphasis, Bitch]]: Roland is known to say "[[Fourth Wall Observer|Critical,]], ''[[Fourth Wall Observer|Bitch!]]!''".
* [[The Turret Master]]
* [[This Is for Emphasis, Bitch]]: Roland is known to say "[[Fourth Wall Observer|Critical,]] ''[[Fourth Wall Observer|Bitch!]]''"
* [[Token Minority]]
* [[The Turret Master]]
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* [[Tragic Keepsake]]: The paw necklace he has used to belong to a dog he had when he was young.
== Friendly NPCs ==
== CL4P-TP (Claptrap) ==
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== The Guardian Angel ==
* [[Mission Control]]
* [[Eerie Pale-Skinned Brunette]]
* [[Mission Control]]
* [[Voice with an Internet Connection]]
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== Patricia Tannis ==
* [[Apocalyptic Log]]
* [[Alpha Bitch]]
* [[Apocalyptic Log]]
* [[Ax Crazy]]
* [[Bitch in Sheep's Clothing]]
* [[Companion Cube]]: Her data recorder.
* [[Cloudcuckoolander]]
* [[Companion Cube]]: Her data recorder.
* [[Goggles Do Nothing]]
* [[Go Mad From the Isolation]]
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* [[Insufferable Genius]]
* [[It's All About Me]]: She was overjoyed when her colleague died so she could take his chair, tells you whatever else you are doing is pointless and to drop what your doing to help her, and is all around selfish.
* [[Psychopathic Manchild|Psychopathic Woman-child]]: A female, Type C version.
== Scooter ==
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== TK Baha ==
* {{spoiler|[[Came Back Wrong]]: In the "Zombie Island of Dr. Ned" DLC, he has become a zombie. He doesn't attack the player, though, he just sits in his shack rambling about brains.}}
* [[Handicapped Badass]]: Implied to be one. {{spoiler|Doesn't save him.}}
** {{spoiler|Doesn't save him.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Killed Off for Real]]}}
* [[Sdrawkcab Name]]
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''Also, he has three balls.''
* [[Badass Boast]]: "You woke the wrong dog."
** "You woke the wrong dog."
** "I'm gonna' rip your arm off and beat your baby with it!"
* [[The Dragon]]: To Sledge.
* [[Too Much Information]]: Just read his title!
* [[King Mook]]
* [[Spikes of Villainy]]
* [[Too Much Information]]: Just read his title!
== Sledge ==
''P.S.: You guys aren't friends.''
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== Taylor and Jaynis Cobb ==
* [[Cain and Abel]]: {{spoiler|Subverted as Taylor is just as bad if not worse than his brother, as it would turn out.}}
* [[Crazy Prepared]]: Taylor apparently puts armed midgets in storage containers (complete with beds and toilets) in case he has a sudden need to betray someone.
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== Mr. Shank ==
* {{spoiler|[[Flying Under the Gaydar]]}}
* {{spoiler|[[Manly Gay]]}}: {{spoiler|Has shades of this, although he tries his best to cover it up.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Flying Under the Gaydar]]}}
* [[Meaningful Name]]: Shank is a term for a prison stabbing, or a weapon used for stabbing someone in prison. Mr. Shank runs a prison.
* [[Suspiciously Specific Denial]]: {{spoiler|Concerning is love affair with Chaz}}.
* {{spoiler|[[Transparent Closet]]}}
== Crimson Lance ==
== Commandant Steele ==
* [[The Baroness]]
* [[Evil Albino]]
* {{spoiler|[[Impaled with Extreme Prejudice]]: How the Destroyer kills her.}}
** [[The Unfought]]: {{spoiler|Inverted in the Robot Revolution DLC. She comes back under the control of the Claptraps and fights the player characters twice.}}
* [[The Unfought]]
** {{spoiler|Inverted in the Robot Revolution DLC. She comes back under the control of the Claptraps and fights the player characters twice.}}
== General Knoxx ==
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== Other ==
== Dr. Ned ==
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* [[Early-Bird Cameo]]: Appears at the end of the main game.
* [[Fantastic Racism]]: Really doesn't like humans, referring to them as "[[Fantastic Slur|fleshbags]]."
* [[Final Boss]], [[Flunky Boss]].
* [[Flunky Boss]]
* [[Gatling Good]]: His [[Humongous Mecha]] form has [[More Dakka|NINE]] gatling turrets mounted on it.
* [[Humongous Mecha]]: Fights the Vault Hunters in one.
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* [[Catch Phrase]]: "[ Heyoo!]"
* [[Cool Gun]]
* [[Ensemble Darkhorse]]
* [[Memetic Badass]]
* [[Series Mascot]]: The second of two. The first being [[Robot Buddy|Claptrap]].