Boring but Practical: Difference between revisions

(→‎Board Games: moved from Video Games to Tabletop Games)
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* A lot of the stuff in ''[[Traveller]]'' is like this. Three thousand years in the future and they are [[Kinetic Weapons Are Just Better|'still'' fighting with rifles]]. Most commerce is carried, not on [[Cool Starship]] s but on great big hulking Megacorperate abominations that fly unadventurously on scheduled routes. The Imperium is ruled, not by a mysterious [[Ancient Conspiracy]] but by a caste of the decendants of successful industrialists and soldiers. And so on.
* In ''[[Mage: The Ascension]]'', the core rulebook highlights how every single tradition has developed a simple "heal my injuries" technique. Some magi blast foes with arcane bolts, some call forth ancient spirits, some invent sapient computers, but ''everybody'' finds some way to close their wounds quickly.
==== Board Games ====
* In [[chess]], most people will try to learn the flashy openings and glitzy combo attacks, but the tactics of piece exchange should come in second place to the logistic considerations of controlling board space. It sounds boring, but it pays to know when to crack open the defense of a turtling player or to suffocate an aggressive attacker with a locked pawn center.
* In [[go]], there are dozens of standard sequences called ''joseki'', i.e. "best move". Playing them out according to the standard may seem boring to a junior player, but the reason they became standard in the first place is that they provide both sides with usable structures and "fair share" of the area where it is played.
=== [[Web Comics]] ===