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** Craig also gets this, it's the whole reason they support his father beating him.
* [[Mood Whiplash]]: One letter written to Darcy's actress begins as a glowing praise of how she is the best actress ever seen on Degrassi, and it's truly fitting that she is moving on to other shows and becoming a real, serious actor. By the end of the letter it is bitterly insulting her and claiming she will end up going no where in life.
* [[WhatMundane Do You Mean It's NotMade Awesome?]]: Their recap of the episode where Emma gets her first period.
* [[The Nicknamer]]: Besides the aforementioned Candy Bandits, Counselor Sauve becomes "Salve," Coach Armstrong is Couch Armstrong, [[MuchMusic]] becomes "[[VH-1]] Canada," Dave and Wesley are "Mini-Connor" and "White Connor" and you can count the times they refer to Mr. Simpson as anything other than [[Degrassi Junior High|Snake]] on one hand.
* [[N-Word Privileges]]: Parodied in the "Connors" back story with <s>Wesley</s> White-Connor after he starts hanging out with Connor and Mini-Connor:
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** Spinner is also this. They mention that Terri's witchcraft can't hurt Spinner because he is the Son of God.
* [[Title Drop]]: Episode reviews typically title drop the episode. And it usually [[Completely Missing the Point|has nothing to do with what it originally referred to]]. [[Hilarity Ensues]].
* [[What Could Have Been]]: The duo has come up with alota lot of good ideas for the show, to the point where Johnny comes up with two that are actually better than the episode he's recapping:
** Spinner running the Dot with his long lost daughter and sassy waitress Holly J.
** Jay tutoring the miscreants of Degrassi (Johnny, KC, an extra who was dubbed "Reese," and Wario) to become the new candy bandits, Yoda style.
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** Shep coming back every year, just like Sideshow Bob, to try and kill Connor.
** The robots rebelling in the middle of [[Battlebots]] Canada.
* [[What Do You Mean It's Not Awesome?]]: Their recap of the episode where Emma gets her first period.
* [[X Meets Y]]: A comparison to ''[[X-Men]]''.