Brainwashing for the Greater Good: Difference between revisions

→‎Live Action TV: adding example
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** It is also hinted that the technology could be used in this way for some positive applications, such as curing mental illnesses. For example, Sierra was taken against her will as a "charity case" because she had schizophrenia (the Dollhouse staff not knowing/believing that she had schizophrenia because a man she rejected was drugging her). Unfortunately, these are vastly overshadowed by the much more dangerous negative applications, most of which fall under some variation of [[Brainwashed and Crazy]].
* In ''[[Angel]]'', Angel becomes the CEO of evil lawfirm Wolfram & Hart's L.A. branch in exchange for them altering reality to give his son Connor a well-adjusted past with a normal family, and wipe everyone else's memories.
* And then there's Angel himself. While a [[Breakout Character]] on ''[[Buffy the Vampire]]'' (the reason he starred in a [[Spin-Off]]) one must remember his soul (and thus his [[Heel Face Turn]]) was initially returned to him against his will as part of a curse. Of course, one could also say that the one who did [[Revenge|this didn't have the best of intentions to begin with.]]
== Tabletop Games ==