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[[Shoot Your Mate]] and other techniques may be used to get their hands dirty, after which they will be less willing to rebel, because it would mean admitting wrongdoing.
== Anime and Manga ==
* In the first [[Filler]] arc in the ''[[Bleach]]'' anime, one of the Bount is reluctant to {{spoiler|try their [[Soylent Green]] [[Super Serum]]}}. Then he [[Ignored Epiphany|tries it anyway]] and [[Face Heel Turn|turns into a massive prick]].
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== Literature ==
* In Gav Thorpe's [[Warhammer 40,000]] story "Renegades", after Gessert killed some [[Rebellious Rebel]]s and saw another one flee his ship (to [[Bring News Back]]), he demanded that the rest paint over their chapter insignia to show they knew they were renegades. Some falter, but it is clear that he will kill anyone who fails.
* In [[Terry Pratchett]]'s ''[[Discworld/Making Money|Making Money]]'', a professor must cajole students into a necromantic rite. He starts with [[What Is Evil?]]—and then promises all As. Whereupon one student realizes that this [[Above Good and Evil|transcends mundane rules about good and evil]].
* In [[Ben Counter]]'s [[Warhammer 40,000]] story "Words of Blood", Athellenas orders his Black Templar [[Space Marine]]s repeated retreats. When Valerian objects to the dishonor, preferring a [[Last Stand]], Athellenas threatens him with not only execution, but [[Due to the Dead|depriving him of honors due the dead]] and not fighting in the final battle at the end of the universe. After his obedience, and the enemy's [[Enemy Civil War|falling upon each other]], Athellenas asserts that first, he, being captain, did not need to explain, and then explains that victory was the most important thing—and then learns that it had, indeed, been that crucial, because they were the only thing standing between this force and massacre.
* In both [[Lois McMaster Bujold]]'s ''The Warrior's Apprentice'' and ''The Vor Game'', [[Miles Vorkosigan]] uses a wide variety of these techniques to control a mercenary fleet.
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* In the first [[Honor Harrington]] book, Honor's crew blames her for their assignment to the worst post in the fleet, and she has to win them back through sheer force of will. She eventually brings everyone around except for her First Officer ([[Green-Eyed Monster|who's jealous of her being given the command he wanted]]) and the Chief Medical Officer (who's just lazy and doesn't like Honor making her do any work).
== [[Live -Action TV]] ==
* [[Buffy the Vampire Slayer]]:
{{quote|'''Xander:''' Got the address. I beat it out of Willy the snitch personally.
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