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** The problem with the teenager repellent is that babies are even more sensitive to it, and are unable to communicate the problem to their parents. On high settings, the "repellents" can cause excruciating pain and ''permanent hearing loss''.
** Anyone who can hear their television set or those [[Sickly Green Glow|compact fluorescent bulbs]] can probably hear the "teen repellent".
* Also applies to very loud sound. The relevant tropes being [[Steel Ear Drums]] and [[Shell-Shock Silence]].
* In the late 1940s, the U.S. Air Force and U.S. Navy were still not convinced that pure jet propulsion was the way to go. This led to a number of rather surreal aircraft that didn't work very well, but the king of these was the XF-84H, a turbo-prop version of the swept-wing F-84F Thunderstreak that was known to its pilots as the "Thunderscreech." The XF-84H more than lived up to its name: Its propellors spun so fast that they generated sonic booms, deafening and injuring crewmen working on the plane. Loosened bowels were in fact reported by crewmen.
** Note that the blade tips of propeller-driven fighter aircraft (and helicopters) will go supersonic at top speed, causing a sharp, crackling noise. In some models the blade tips are shorn off to prevent this. The XF-84H's propeller achieved this even in ''idle running''.