Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Recap/S2/E01 When She Was Bad: Difference between revisions

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With vampire activity on the decline, Xander and Willow must content themselves with the perils of movie trivia. Xander whines that the summer has been extremely boring; But since Buffy has spent summer break in L.A. with her father, the lack of demonic activity is a huge plus. A tender moment ensues when Xander playfully puts ice cream on Willow's nose, but just as he is about to kiss her, a vampire appears behind Willow. Xander intervenes and is barely holding out when, suddenly, a blonde tornado shows up and kicks the vampire into a proturuding tree branch. The Slayer is back in town.
"[[Leaning Onon the Fourth Wall|Miss me?]]"
Back at the ranch, Buffy's parents are unpacking her suitcases. Joyce is shocked at how many clothes and shoes her daughter managed to accumulate over the summer. Dad admits he felt guilty when Buffy appeared distant, and overcompensated a little with gifts.
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{{quote| '''Xander:''' No, Will, they're going to be clog dancing.<br />
'''Willow:''' ''(amazement)'' Cibo Matto can clog dance?! ''([[Beat]])'' ...[[Does Not Understand Sarcasm|oh, sarcasm, right]]. }}
* [[Benevolent Architecture]]: Buffy side-kicking the cemetery vamp into a nearby tree, where he's [[Impaled Withwith Extreme Prejudice|dusted on a sharp protrusion]].
* [[Blood Magic]] / [[Human Sacrifice]]: The revivification ritual requires the blood of those who were physically closest to the Master -- Giles, Willow, Cordelia, and Ms. Calender -- when he crashed into the library and was impaled. This proviso is obviously meant for the person responsible for slaying the Master; unluckily for the Scoobies, Buffy kicked him into a skylight beforehand.
* [[Breaking the Fellowship]] / [[Putting the Band Back Together]]
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'''Buffy''': Cordelia, your mouth is open and sound is coming from it. This is never good. }}
* [[Cannot Spit It Out]]: Buffy rudely dismissing Angel and snuggling back under the covers, determinedly silent.
* [[Censorship Byby Spelling]]: Willow asking why Buffy is acting like such a "B-I-T-C-H." Giles thinks they're too old to be spelling out words.
{{quote| '''Xander''': A "[[Book Dumb|Bitcah]]"?}}
* [[Comically Missing the Point]]: Buffy reads the note regarding Cordelia's abduction.
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'''Xander''': [[Faux Horrific|They're gonna cook her dinner?!]] ''(gets looks from everyone)'' [[Can't Believe I Said That|I'll pretend I didn't say that]]. }}
* [[Cooldown Hug]] / [[Cry Into Chest]]: Buffy burying her face in Angel's chest, sobbing, following her very thorough job on the bones.
* [[Cut His Heart Out Withwith a Spoon]]: "Your day is done, girl. I'll grind you into a sticky paste, and hear you beg, before I smash in your face."
{{quote| '''Buffy:''' ...So, are you gonna kill me, or are we just making small talk?}}
* [[Dance of Romance]]: [[Played for Drama]] during Buffy's intimate dance with Xander, showing what kind of person she could be without her moral code.
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* [[Failed a Spot Check]]: Cordy calls after Buffy that maybe she'll ask Angel to play rebound with her, but a [[Putting a Hand Over Her Mouth|hand grabs her over the mouth]]. Two vamps drag her away as Buffy obliviously stomps off.
* [[Feet First Introduction]]: Bitch!Buffy at the Bronze.
* [[Finger in Thethe Mail]]: The blackmail note is held in place by a bracelet, which Buffy identifies as Cordelia's.
* [[Foreshadowing]]: Xander and Willow going on about how the most excitement they had was burying the Master ("We got to wear robes").
** Principal Snyder crowing to Giles that Buffy has a certain smell about her. "I smell trouble. [[Buffy the Vampire Slayer (TV)/Recap/S2 E22 Becoming Part 2|I smell expulsion. And just the faintest aroma of jail]]."
** [[Tempting Fate]]: Joyce saying she'd settle for Buffy making it through the school year without getting kicked out.
* [[Freudian Slip]]: As Buffy sits and broods, Xander asks what she was thinking about, assuring her she can tell them, because they're "bosom friends! The friends of [[Male Gaze|your bosom!]]"
* [[Grave Robbing]]: The unearthing of the Master's skeleton.
* [[Groin Kick]]
* [[Hijacked Byby Ganon]]: The Master returning, while [[Subverted Trope|subverted]], has been preying on Buffy's mind.
* [[I Don't Like You and You Don't Like Me]]: Cordelia to Buffy in the alley outside The Bronze.
{{quote| "You know, we've never really been close, which is nice because I don't really like you that much, but you have on occasion [[Valley Girl|saved the world and stuff]], so I'm gonna do you a favor." }}
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'''Buffy''': As defending champion, you nervous?<br />
'''Cordelia''': I can hold my own. }}
** Inverted with Cordy accosting the Scoobies in the hall, calling them "[[The Three Musketeers (Literaturenovel)|The Three Musketeers]]". The other three are left wondering out loud if they've been insulted or not.
{{quote| '''Xander:''' I woulda gone with [[The Three Stooges|Stooges]].}}
* [[Ironic Echo]]: Buffy tries to help up the wounded Xander, but he shrugs her off. "Vampires," he reports. "The ones you could handle yourself."
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* [[Nice Job Breaking It, Hero]]: "I don't know what your problem is, what your issues are. But as of now, I officially don't care. If you'd worked with us for five seconds, you could have stopped this."
* [[Not Herself]]: The clincher is Buffy leading Xander on, right in front of Willow and Angel. Even Xander, who's getting his fantasy fulfilled, seems caught between arousal and a nagging feeling that something's not quite right.
* [[Not Listening to Me, Are You?]]: Principal Snyder accompanying Giles down the hallway, likening the students to locusts. Giles and Jenny decide to head off to the faculty room together, leaving the oblivious Snyder behind.
{{quote| "I try and tell 'em about the important things in life. Discipline, responsibility, punctuality. Might as well be talking to myself." }}
* [[Not So Different]]: It's left to Cordelia to point out to Buffy that she's alienated everyone close to her. In playing the bitch here, one could imagine Gellar playing the Cordelia role fairly well.